Induction of Immunity Against Measles in Pediatric Liver Transplant Recipients
MeaslesMeasles is a vaccine-preventable disease, which can be life-threatening in immunosuppressed children. Currently, measles vaccine is not recommended in pediatric orthotopic liver transplant recipients, because it is a live-attenuated vaccine. We want to assess the influence of immunosuppression on immunity against measles in previously vaccinated children and to evaluate the induction of B cell and T cell response against measles elicited by vaccination in children at least 12 months after transplantation.

A Study on the Immune Response and Safety of a Combined Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Chickenpox Vaccine...
Measles; Mumps; Rubella; ChickenpoxThe main purpose of this study is to assess immune response and safety of various potencies of a measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella (MMRVNS) vaccines given to healthy children of 4 to 6 years of age.

Measles and BCG Vaccines for Mother and Child
Vaccine Preventable DiseaseMeasles2 moreIn Africa, the mortality from infectious diseases remains high. The investigators have discovered that live vaccines such as the BCG vaccine against tuberculosis and the measles vaccine can strengthen resistance to other infections: they have beneficial "non-specific effects". The investigators have now seen signs that these non-specific effects for children are stronger if their mother has been given the same vaccines. In Africa, BCG vaccine is recommended at birth and measles vaccine at 9 months of age. They are not used beyond childhood. The investigators will randomize 2400 women to BCG vaccine, measles vaccine, or placebo. The investigators will further randomize their children to an extra early measles vaccine or placebo. The investigators will assess which of the resulting six vaccination schedules are best for women's and children's protection against measles, for the child's immune system, and for general health. The project will be the first in the world to investigate the importance of vaccinating women with live vaccines.

Monitoring of Measles-specific Immune Status in Adult Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant...
TransplantationHematopoietic Stem CellMeasles, a highly contagious disease, is potentially serious in adult allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (allo-HSCT) recipients. Because of the loss of immunity to vaccine preventable diseases after allo-HSCT, French Health Authorities (Haut Conseil de Santé Publique, HCSP) recommend (re)vaccination of all allo-HSCT recipients against measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) from 24 months post-transplant onwards, in the absence of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and at least 3 months after cessation of all immunosuppressive treatments, irrespective of measles serostatus. Nevertheless, some French experts argue that systematic assessment of measles antibody titre is justified after allo-HSCT, prior to revaccination, in order to avoid "unnecessary" revaccination of allo-HSCT recipients who are still seropositive. At the international level, recommendations also vary: the ECIL group and IDSA advocate revaccination of measles seronegative patients only, while some American Hematology experts recommend not to base the decision of revaccination on the serological status, given the inevitable loss of antibodies and specific long-term immune memory in the absence of revaccination. Several obstacles to the application of the recommendations can therefore be identified: (i) the risk of vaccine-transmitted disease due to the live-attenuated nature of MMR, (ii) the lack of robust data on the immunogenicity and tolerability of the MMR vaccine in this particular population, and (iii) conflicting recommendations to guide the decision of revaccination. This study aims at answering the question of whether some allo-HSCT recipients may retain a measles-specific cellular immune memory at distance from their allo-HSCT.

Measles Vaccination at Health System Contacts
Measles VaccineHospital Admission2 moreIn addition to protecting against measles infection, measles vaccine (MV) strengthens the individual's ability to combat infections in general - MV has beneficial non-specific effects (NSE) lowering the risk of death and admissions by around 30%. In Guinea-Bissau 30% of children do not receive a routine MV scheduled at 9 months of age, putting both the individual child's health and measles eradication at risk. WHO recommends vaccination at health system contacts, including those for curative services. At the paediatric ward of the national hospital in Guinea-Bissau, there are more than 2600 yearly contacts with measles-unvaccinated children aged 9-59 months, but no vaccines are given. In a randomised controlled trial, we will assess the effect of providing MV vs placebo to 5400 children at hospital contacts (at discharge or after an out-patient consultation) to test the hypothesis that MV reduces the risk of admission or death (composite outcome) by 25% over the subsequent 6 months.

The Immunogenicity and Safety of the Vaccination of Human Papillomavirus Vaccine and Measles-Mumps-Rubella...
Human Papilloma Virus Infection Type 16Human Papilloma Virus Infection Type 183 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the immunogenicity and safety of Recombinant Human Papillomavirus Bivalent (Types 16,18) Vaccine (Escherichia coli) (HPV)and Measles Mumps and Rubella Combined Vaccine, Live(MMR)

Immunity in Persons Fully Vaccinated Against Measles, Mumps and Rubella and Responses to Booster...
MumpsMeasles1 moreThe purpose of this study is to investigate the immunity of persons fully vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella and to examine the course of immunity after booster vaccination.

Immunogenicity and Safety of an Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Coadministered With Two Attenuated...
SARS-CoV-2 InfectionVaricella3 moreEligible participants were randomly assigned (1:1:1), using block randomization stratified, to either 3 groups. Group 1 will be immunized inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine and varicella vaccine in day 0 followed by measles-mumps-rubella vaccine(MMR) in day 28. Group 2 will be immunized varicella vaccine in day 0 followed by SARS-CoV-2 vaccine and MMR in day 28. Group 3 will be immunized inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in day 0 followed by MMR and varicella vaccine in day 28. Vaccines were administered 28 days apart, with blood samples taken on day 0 and day 28 before vaccination, and on day 56. Local and systemic symptoms and serious adverse events following immunzation were collected.

Co-administration Study of OCV, TCV and MR
TyphoidCholera2 moreAn open-label, randomized controlled, non-inferiority study of co-administration of OCV, TCV and MR vaccines among children 12 to 59 months of age in Dhaka, Bangladesh will be conducted. Children who did not receive any of the aforementioned vaccines will be included in the study. This study will be conducted among 2117 children of 12-59 months of age residing in Mirpur area (wards 4, and 6-16) of Dhaka north and Kamrangirchar, Hazaribag and Rayerbazar areas (wards 14, 22, 56, 57, and 58) of Dhaka south to enroll the required number of participants. Only children who have not previously received the vaccines will be enrolled. The findings of this study are likely to have a significant impact on vaccine co-administration strategies for campaign and routine immunization programs. The participants will be randomly assigned to one of the six arms. The numbers are defined for each arm based on the sample size calculation. A list of children who did not receive MR, OCV and TCV will be prepared before enrollment by trained study staff (TSS). The TSSs will visit households in the defined study area and ask if the parents/guardians of children aged 12-59 months are willing to participate in the study. If they show willingness to participate, the TSSs will check their vaccination cards (if available) and prepare the list of potentially eligible children who have not received OCV, TCV and MR based on their vaccination card status and verbal statement (if vaccination card is not available). The investigators will enroll the participants after obtaining informed written consent and collect around 2-3 ml blood from each participant at different time points.

Participant Centered Active Surveillance for Adverse Event Following Measles Immunization in Gedeo...
MeaslesIntroduction Participant centered active adverse event following immunization (AEFI) surveillance can offer real time vaccine safety data and help in signal detection. Evidence showed that it is still difficult to get AEFI from passive reporting in Ethiopia. Vast novel method of enhanced AEFI surveillance has been practiced globally. However, those methods had serious limitations including the requirement of high resource and expertise. Hence, there is a need to find the most flexible low cost and integrated AEFI surveillance system. To the best of our knowledge, there has no published research in Ethiopia which compare Participant diary, SMS, and telephone interview for the purpose of active AEFI surveillance. Objective: To assess participant centered active adverse event surveillance following measles immunization at Gedeo Zone health facilities, Ethiopia. Method: An open randomized trial will be employed from October 1, 2022- December 1, 2023, at Gedio Zone health facilities. All parents, care givers/guardians whose child receive vaccine during the study period in the study site will be included in the study. A total of 391participants will be randomized to SMS, telephone interview or diary card group using random number generator on Excel. Every participant will be contacted on day seven to request them whether they experience any AEFI. Differences in proportions will compared using chi-square tests. A 0.05 level of significance will be used for all analyses. Independent sample t-tests will be used to compare the mean time (in days) required to collect complete AEFI data by SMS, telephone interview and diary card. Multinominal logistic regression analyses will be used assess the factors associated with effective use of tailored SMS, telephone interview and diary card for the AEFI active surveillance. To further investigate the association between the vaccine and the adverse events and factors associated with vaccine binary and multi variable logistic regression will be used.