Intensified Tuberculosis Treatment to Reduce the Mortality of Patients With Tuberculous Meningitis...
Tuberculous MeningitisINTENSE-TBM is randomized controlled, phase III, multicenter, 2 x 2 factorial plan superiority trial assessing the efficacity of two interventions to reduce mortality from tuberculous meningitis (TBM) in adolescents and adults with or without HIV-infection in sub-Saharan Africa: Intensified TBM treatment with high-dose rifampicin and linezolid, compared to WHO standard TBM treatment. Aspirin, compared to not receiving aspirin. The trial will be open-label for anti-TB treatment and placebo-controlled for aspirin treatment.

Leukotriene A4 Hydrolase Stratified Trial of Adjunctive Corticosteroids for HIV-uninfected Adults...
TuberculosisTuberculous Meningitis1 moreThe primary objective is to determine whether Leukotriene A4 hydrolase (LTA4H) genotype, defined at randomisation, determines dexamethasone's clinical effectiveness when added to the first 6-8 weeks of anti-tuberculosis treatment of TBM. The investigators will conduct a LTA4H genotype stratified, parallel group, randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled multi-centre Phase III non-inferiority trial evaluating dexamethasone versus placebo for 6-8 weeks in addition to standard anti-tuberculosis drugs. The investigators will take a hybrid trial-design approach which assumes a modest harm of dexamethasone and aims to prove non-inferiority of placebo first but also allows claiming superiority of placebo in case dexamethasone causes substantial harm. Moreover, as it is possible that harm of dexamethasone only applies to the LTA4H CC genotype, the trial will allow dropping the CT group at an interim analysis but continue randomization of the CC group. In making this assessment the investigators not only determine whether dexamethasone influences survival and the incidence of new neurological events (the primary endpoint), but also whether it influences disability assessed by the modified Rankin score 12 months after the start of treatment. The secondary objective is to investigate alternative management strategies in a subset of patients who develop drug-induced liver injury that will enable the safe continuation of rifampicin and isoniazid therapy whenever possible.

Adjunction of Daptomycin for the Treatment of Pneumococcal Meningitis
Pneumococcal MeningitisPneumococcal meningitis is an infection of the membrane that covers the brain. It is a serious infection which is currently treated with a combination of corticosteroids (dexamethasone) and 3rd generation cephalosporins. Nevertheless, complications associated with meningitis are relatively frequent and severe. Recent animal studies have shown that another antibiotic, daptomycin, can reduce the mortality and long-term effects of pneumococcal meningitis. Daptomycin is widely used worldwide in humans for other diseases, with few side effects. This study aims to evaluate the effect of daptomycin on the proliferation of the bacterial infection, and therefore on inflammation. Daptomycin will be added to the currently recommended treatment with the same dosage used for other diseases. Roughly 130 patients with suspected pneumococcal meningitis admitted to the emergency departments of hospitals throughout France will be asked to participate in this study. The participation period will last approximately 3 months.

Tnf Inhibitors to Reduce Mortality in HIV-1 Infected PAtients With Tuberculosis meNIngitis
Tuberculous MeningitisHIV I InfectionRandomized phase II clinical trial which aims to assess the impact on 3-month mortality and safety of adding adalimumab to standard treatment (anti-tuberculosis drugs and corticosteroids) in HIV patients with tuberculosis meningitis in 3 countries (Brazil, Mozambique, and Zambia).

Regulating Emotions and Behaviors After Brain Injury
Acquired Brain InjuryStroke/ Cerebrovascular Accident (Ischemic or Hemorrhagic)4 moreAfter acquired brain injury (ABI), persons can experience emotional and behavioral difficulties, that can be painful both for the person and his/her family. This clinical study aims at measuring the effectiveness of a third wave cognitive behavioral therapy called "dialectical behavior therapy" (DBT). DBT aims at teaching persons emotion regulation skills, interpersonal effectiveness skills, mindfulness and distress tolerance skills through group and individual sessions. The study's hypothesis is that DBT, in an adapted format for persons with ABI can lead to a better quality of life, emotional and behavioral regulation, and self-esteem decrease in problematic behaviors progress in life goals increase post traumatic growth and spirituality better family functioning and lesser burden for care givers experiencing more emotions and more free will 45 persons with an ABI sustained more than 18 month back, will follow a 3 phases, follow-up with care as usual for 5 months, followed by 5 months of DBT, followed by 5 months of care as usual + DBT monthly sessions. Self- and family-questionnaire will explore quality of life, emotional regulation, self-esteem, stress, anxiety, cognitive difficulties, family functioning and coping, post traumatic growth and spirituality and will be compared across the 3 phases. Results will be analyzed at a group level but also at an individual level (each patient separately) to test for decrease in unwanted behaviors and at a dyadic level (the person and his/her spouse) to test for the mutual effect of regulating emotions. Persons' memories will by analyzed at 3 time points by a linguistic analysis, and experience of free will after ABI will be analyzed by transcribed narratives of participants.

Phase IV Clinical Study of Immunogenicity of ACYW135 Group Meningococcal Polysaccharide Conjugate...
Epidemic MeningitisACYW135 group meningococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccine produced by Conchino Biologicals JSC is a covalent coupling conjugate of purified meningococcal podococcal polysaccharide of groups A, C, Y and W135 with CRM197 protein of diphtheria bacillus non-virulent mutant. The purpose of this clinical study is to evaluate the immunogenicity and immunopersistence of the ACYW135 meningococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccine (CRM197 vector).

Single Dose Liposomal Amphotericin for Asymptomatic Cryptococcal Antigenemia
Cryptococcal MeningitisThis will be a randomized controlled trial of asymptomatic (Cryptococcal Antigen test)CrAg positive persons in Uganda. Patients will be randomized to receive preemptive treatment with 1 dose of liposomal amphotericin (10mg/kg) in addition to standard of care fluconazole therapy. How the enhanced antifungal therapy prevents progression to meningitis in the first 24-weeks and overall survival in those who receive the intervention compared with participants receiving fluconazole per World Health Organisation (WHO) and national standard of care therapy will be evaluated.

Early Diagnosis of Native and Device-associated Meningitis
Bacterial MeningitisFungal Meningitis1 moreDevice-associated meningitis is a severe complication after implantation of various central nervous system (CNS) devices such as ventriculoperitoneal (VP) and ventriculoatrial (VA) shunts, external ventricular drains (EVD), lumbar drains (ELD) and intrathecal pumps. In contrast to native meningitis, these infections are hard to diagnose both clinically and on the laboratory basis due to (i) atypical clinical manifestation, (ii) overlapping inflammation following surgery, and (iii) common culture negativity due to previous antibiotic therapy and slow growth of low-virulent pathogens. Also, device-associated infections are difficult to differentiate from aseptic shunt failure (dysfunction) or "chemical meningitis" caused by underlying neurosurgical condition that prompted the placement of the CNS device (e.g. intracranial hemorrhage). Both native and device-associated meningitis carry substantial morbidity and mortality. Rapid and reliable diagnosis of meningitis is critical for initiating and choosing optimal treatment and minimizing the brain damage. Since treatment is different in septic than aseptic meningitis, it is paramount to diagnose or exclude septic meningitis as soon as possible. Several new diagnostic methods, such as cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) procalcitonin, interleukin-6 and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) have been proposed for rapid diagnosis of meningitis. However, insufficient sensitivity and/or specificity, long time until test result, and complexity in handling or interpretation of results limit their use in clinical routine. In previous studies CSF D-lactate test showed good specificity and sensitivity in patients with native meningitis. This biomarker is pathogen-specific - in contrast to other currently used host-specific biomarkers (leukocyte count, L-lactate, procalcitonin). However, no study on effectiveness of D-lactate test for the diagnosis of device-associated meningitis has been performed. Successful management of device-associated meningitis depends upon appropriate control of the infectious complications. To deal with such complications, adequate assessment and prediction of the clinical course are needed. Another use of D-lactate test could be his role as prognostic factor of the clinical course of device-associated meningitis.

Immunogenicity and Safety of Meningococcal ACYW135 Polysaccharide Conjugate Vaccine in Volunteers...
MeningitisMeningococcalThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the immunogenicity and safety of Meningococcal ACYW135 Polysaccharide Conjugate Vaccine in healthy volunteers aged from 3 to 5 months.

A Clinical Trial of ACYW135 Group Meningococcal Polysaccharide Conjugate Vaccine (CRM197 Vector)...
Epidemic MeningitisThe scientific name of meningococcus is Neisseria meningitidis (Nm), the causative agent of epidemic meningococcal meningitis (rheumatoid encephalitis), which colonizes the mucous membranes of the human nasopharynx or causes local infection and can cross the mucosal barrier to cause invasive bacteremia or epidemic meningococcal meningitis, meningococcus can often cause serious disease epidemics worldwide, the main clinical features of its infection are fever, rash and meningitis, the most common clinical manifestation is acute bacterial meningitis.