Super-Rehab: Can we Achieve Coronary Artery Disease Regression?
Coronary Artery DiseaseMetabolic SyndromeThe Super Rehab: Can we Achieve Coronary Artery Disease Regression? (a feasibility study) proposes to test the use of a novel lifestyle intervention (Super Rehab), in addition to standard care, for patients with both coronary artery disease and metabolic syndrome. This is a feasibility study that will test study processes, enable optimisation of the intervention and provide data for power calculations to enable design of pivotal trials of the clinical effectiveness of Super Rehab.

A Pilot Study of Metformin to Reduce Cerebrovascular Dysfunction in Participants With HIV and Metabolic...
Metabolic SyndromeHIV SeropositivityMetabolic syndrome is a constellation of risk factors for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus which frequently occur together. Data is emerging suggesting metabolic syndrome causes brain disease by contributing to blood vessel damage and inflammation. People living with HIV (PLWH) are at high risk and the investigators will perform a pilot study of the well-known type 2 diabetes drug metformin to treat this blood vessel damage and inflammation in PLWH.

A Study Comparing the Health Effects of Two Diets Following UK Dietary Guidance in People Living...
ObesityCardiometabolic Syndrome1 moreThere are two parts to this study: The investigators will study if the benefit from eating a healthy, balanced diet depends on the types of food processing in the diet. The investigators will do this by providing participants with two diets that follow the Eatwell Guide (referred to in this study as Diet A and Diet B to avoid unblinding), but containing foods with different types of food processing, for 8 weeks each. The investigators will collect data on blood pressure, body composition, physical activity and fitness, questions regarding quality of life, mental health and wellbeing, and blood samples at the start of each diet and at 4 and 8 weeks into each diet. The investigators will then study whether participants are able to switch from their usual unhealthy diet to a healthy, balanced diet, and the benefits of doing so. The investigators will do this by providing participants with 6 months of personal support. The investigators will also look at what helps participants to maintain a healthy diet, and what makes it difficult. The investigators will also support participants to be more physically active.

Impact of 60 Days Powdered Tart Cherry Supplementation on Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic SyndromeMetabolic syndrome (MetSyn) is a growing health concern, with up to 25% of the worlds population having the syndrome. MetSyn is a primary risk factor for cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes development, and is independently associated with all-cause mortality, making it an important disease target. The primary treatment for MetSyn is exercise and weight loss, along with medically necessary treatment. Exercise, along with dietary changes such as increased fiber and polyphenol intake can positively impact many of the metabolic abnormalities seen with MetSyn. For example, polyphenols have been shown to decrease lipid concentration and improved glucose clearance as well as decreased oxidative stress and inflammation. Powdered tart cherry capsules, which contain the skin of the fruit, provides polysaccharides (fiber) that would likely act as a substrate for gut bacteria degradation, providing energy substrates and barrier integrity to the colonocytes and increasing the bioavailability of the polyphenols to other cells in the body. However there have been no long-term investigations into the use of powdered tart cherry supplements in MetSyn, therefore we aim to determine if 60 days tart cherry supplementation modify criteria for MetSyn in currently diagnosed individuals including body mass, waist circumference, blood pressure, blood lipid levels and blood glucose control.

Study of INV-202 in Patients With Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome
ObesityMetabolic SyndromeThe study is designed to assess the efficacy, safety, tolerability, and transformation within the human body of INV-202 investigational drug in the treatment of adult participants with obesity and metabolic syndrome.

Liver Resection and Simultaneous Sleeve Gastrectomy for MS-HCC (LIRESS)
CarcinomaHepatocellular1 moreHepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) related to metabolic syndrome (MS) as unique risk factor is gradually overpassing the more common viral and alcohol etiology, becoming a global health issue. Liver surgery for metabolic syndrome-related HCC in this frail subset of patients constitute a challenge, due to high morbidity and mortality rate reported in literature, and contrasting results in term of oncologic outcome. The present multicentric prospective study aims to ascertain if the combination of sleeve gastrectomy and liver surgery in the same surgical procedure may have benefit in terms of reduced perioperative morbidity and prolonged Overall Survival and Recurrence Free Survival. Secondary outcome will be the evaluation of the consequences induced by sleeve gastrectomy on liver disease, in particular liver fibrosis evaluated in term of NFS score (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Fibrosis score), FIB-4 (Fibrosis-4 Index for Liver Fibrosis) score and Fibroscan transient elastography.

Effect of Celery Seed on the Components of Metabolic Syndrome, Insulin Sensitivity and Insulin Secretion...
Metabolic SyndromeThe Metabolic Syndrome (MS) is a cluster of cardiometabolic risk factors, which include abdominal obesity, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, and high blood pressure. MS is a global health problem, it represents a risk factor for the progression of cardiovascular disease, entitie that constitute the main cause of mortality in the world and in Mexico. The current treatment involves lifestyle changes and pharmacological treatment for each of the components of MS, however, there is no single approved treatment to control all components. Celery seed (Apium graveolens L.) from the Apiaceae family contains the flavonoids apigenin and luteolin; essential oils such as d-limonene, selinene and phthalides such as 3-n-butylphthalide. Thanks to its bioactive components, celery seed has proven to be effective in treating individual MS disorders; however, most studies are in animal models and there are no clinical studies that evaluate its effectiveness on all components of the system. MS, insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion so it could appear as a new, safe and effective complementary therapy for the treatment of MS. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of celery seed on the components of metabolic syndrome, insulin sensitivity, and insulin secretion.

Interactions of Medicine and Exercise With Meal Timing
Metabolic SyndromeProtection Against7 moreTo analyze the effects of altering the time of ingestion of participants' habitual medication (i.e., metformin, statins, ARAII/IACE) and meals around the time of exercise training (exercise fasted or fed) on the improvement of metabolic syndrome factors (hypertension, insulin sensitivity, dyslipidemia, and obesity). There will be a preliminary study of the effects of training "time-of-day" on the primary study outcomes.

Comparison of Berberine and Metformin for the Treatment for MS in Schizophrenia Patients
SchizophreniaMetabolic Syndrome2 moreBerberine is an isoquinoline alkaloid extracted from medicinal herbs, has been demonstrated to produce beneficial effects on diabetes and hyperlipidemia, fewer study reported its modification on lipid metabolism in schizophrenia. Metformin, have been used for metabolic abnormalities in schizophrenia, findings from these studies indicated that they did have some effect,which are still in experimental stage.This study is aim to compare the efficacy and safety of berberine and metformin for preventing metabolic dysfunction in schizophrenia patients.

Effects of Pitavastatin or Combination of Pitavastatin and Ezetimibe on Glucose Metabolism Compared...
DyslipidemiasAtherosclerotic Cardiovascular DiseaseThe purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of pitavastatin or pitavastatin and ezetimibe combination therapy on glucose metabolism compared to atorvastatin in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease with metabolic syndrome.