Rifampin in CYP24A1-related Hypercalcemia and Hypercalciuria
Idiopathic Infantile Hypercalcaemia - Severe FormGenetic Disease6 moreThis study evaluates the efficacy of rifampin in the treatment of hypercalcemia and/or hypercalciuria in participants with at least one inactivating mutation of the CYP24A1 gene. Eligible subjects will receive rifampin for a total of 16 weeks during this study.

Expanded Access Protocol Using CD3+/CD19+ Depleted PBSC
LeukemiaInborn Errors of Metabolism3 moreThe goal of this protocol is to expand access for patients who lack a fully HLA (Human leukocyte antigen) matched sibling donor and who are candidates for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT). These patients have a serious or immediately life-threatening disease for which HSCT is indicated. These patients are not eligible for other Children's Hospital of Philadelphia IRB approved protocols that utilize CliniMACs technology for T depletion.

Diesel Exhaust Induces Glucocorticoid Resistance
Exposure to PollutionGlucocorticoid ResistanceThe investigators are studying the effects of exposure to diesel exhaust on lung inflammation in the presence and absence of an inhaled corticosteroid. Although data is mixed, studies show that asthmatics have increased lung inflammation and worse symptoms during periods of higher air pollution despite taking their anti-inflammatory corticosteroid medication. One possible reason is that air pollution exposure may decrease the ability of corticosteroids to combat inflammation. To test this volunteers will inhale either a placebo or a corticosteroid, before sitting in an exposure booth for 2 hours breathing either filtered air or diluted diesel exhaust. Samples will be collected before and after exposure to analyze the effects of budesonide and diesel exhaust exposure.

Evaluate the Effect of Obicetrapib in Patients With HeFH on Top of Maximum Tolerated Lipid-Modifying...
DyslipidemiasHigh Cholesterol9 moreThis study will be a placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized, phase 3 study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Obicetrapib in Participants with a History of Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia (HeFH).

Treosulfan-based Versus Busulfan-based Conditioning in Paediatric Patients With Non-malignant Diseases...
Primary ImmunodeficienciesInborn Errors of Metabolism2 moreThe aim of the trial is to describe the safety and efficacy of intravenous (i.v.) Treosulfan compared to the conventional (myeloablative) dose of i.v. Busulfan, each administered as part of a standardised Fludarabine-containing conditioning regimen and to contribute to a PK model which permits - in conjunction with data comparing Treosulfan and Busulfan in adults with malignant diseases - to extend the use of Treosulfan in the paediatric population by extrapolating efficacy.

Multicentric Prospective Study to Screen Inborn Errors of Metabolism in Non-immune Hydrops (NIH)...
Non-Immune Hydrops FetalisA fetal hydrops, also called a fetal anasarca, is the buildup of fluid in the serosa and / or fetal subcutaneous tissue. The diagnosis is made by ultrasound, possibly from the first trimester of pregnancy. The etiologies of hydrops can be immune or non-immune. The historically classic immune causes are linked to fetal-maternal alloimmunizations in erythrocyte blood groups. The implementation of systematic prevention of these anti rhesus immunizations since the 1970s has significantly reduced the incidence of immune hydrops Non-immune hydrops (NIH) now represent 90% of fetal hydrops. Known causes of NIH can be classified in several ways depending on the mechanism or organ involved. The prognosis for NIH is closely linked to the cause. Fetal anemia due to maternal-fetal infections can heal spontaneously or give rise to in utero transfusions. Cardiac rhythm abnormalities are accessible to medical treatment. Chylothorax compressions may benefit from in utero drainage, but chromosomal or metabolic causes cannot benefit from antenatal care. The term of pregnancy in which the hydrops is discovered also has an impact on survival, which however remains poor. In France, certain pathologies can be considered as particularly serious without the possibility of treatment and give rise to a request for medical termination of pregnancy. This possibility is subject to acceptance by two practitioners who are members of a multidisciplinary prenatal diagnostic center (CPDPN). This preliminary multidisciplinary reflection participates in the development of prenatal counseling with the greatest precision in diagnostic hypotheses. This prenatal advice is essential for a couple on the decision to make a pregnancy in progress but also for future pregnancies, given the 25% risk of recurrence due to the autosomal recessive mode of transmission. Thus the current screening strategy for inherited metabolic diseases on amniotic fluid is fragmented. The resulting subdiagnosis explains the objective of the study of using the new high throughput sequencing techniques (NGS) in this indication. This approach should make it possible to reduce the number of cases classified as idiopathic, to allow the parents concerned to receive suitable genetic counseling with a view to new pregnancies, and to refine the knowledge of the prenatal epidemiology of these pathologies.

Longitudinal Study of Urea Cycle Disorders
Brain DiseasesMetabolic4 moreUrea cycle disorders (UCD) are a group of rare inherited metabolism disorders. Infants and children with UCD commonly experience episodes of vomiting, lethargy, and coma. The purpose of this study is to perform a long-term analysis of a large group of individuals with various UCDs. The study will focus on the natural history, disease progression, treatment, and outcome of individuals with UCD.

North Carolina Genomic Evaluation by Next-generation Exome Sequencing, 2
Epilepsy; SeizureNeuromuscular Diseases15 moreThe "North Carolina Clinical Genomic Evaluation by Next-gen Exome Sequencing, 2 (NCGENES 2)" study is part of a larger consortium project investigating the clinical utility, or net benefit of an intervention on patient and family well-being as well as diagnostic efficacy, management planning, and medical outcomes. A clinical trial will be implemented to compare (1) first-line exome sequencing to usual care and (2) participant pre-visit preparation to no pre-visit preparation. The study will use a randomized controlled design, with 2x2 factorial design, coupled with patient-reported outcomes and comprehensive clinical data collection addressing key outcomes, to determine the net impact of diagnostic results and secondary findings.

Orphan Drugs for Inherited Metabolic Diseases
Inborn Errors of MetabolismThe aim of this study is to report and describe all the patients with confirmed diagnosis of inherited metabolic disease (IMD) treated with orphan medicinal products (OMPs) in a cohort of adult patients followed in a reference center for rare diseases (Lausanne University Hospital, CHUV) from 2017-2022.

COVID-19 and Hereditary Metabolic Diseases
Covid19Metabolism1 moreNo additional risk factors have been identified in patients with Inherited Metabolic Diseases (IMD) for contracting or presenting complications of COVID-19 compared to the general population. Yet, IMD patients have cell/tissue alterations that could constitute a potential direct or indirect target for the virus. We do not know the impact of this infection on patients suffering from MHM, nor the possible effect of specific treatment of MHM on the evolution of COVID-19. This study will collect French IMD patients having or having had COVID-19 infection. The main objective is to estimate among IMD patients contracting COVID-19 the frequency of disease aggravation or metabolic decompensation. The secondary objectives will be : a. to evaluate the incidence of COVID-19 diagnosed in a given group of IMD when the number of patients with this IMD is known (Urea Cycle Deficiency, Gaucher Disease). b. to evaluate the impact of IMD on the and severity of COVID-19 infection