AIMSPRO in the Treatment of Bladder Dysfunction in Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis
Secondary Progressive Multiple SclerosisPatients with marked bladder dysfunction as a result of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis are being recruited to receive AIMSPRO or placebo by subcutaneous injection, in this double-blind crossover study.

Treatment Outcomes of Hepatic Metastasis After FOLFOX-4 Therapy
Colorectal CancerThe role of surgical resection in the subset of patients with resectable hepatic metastases converted from initially non-resectable liver metastasis was still not clearly established. To further explore the oncologic results of surgical versus non-surgical methods for the treatment of this subset of patients, we designed and conducted the present randomized prospective study beginning in 2002. The present study was based on the following arguments against the predominant survival benefits of surgical resection in previous reported series: (1) The initially non-resectable liver metastasis was basically a disseminated disease, even though some metastases were highly responsive to chemotherapy and become resectable; (2) Since the evaluation of resectability was based on the imaging studies, it was difficult to consider the surgical resection as "curative" for the resectable hepatic metastases converted from non-resectable ones, given the limitation of the current imaging stools of high-technology; (3) The resectable hepatic metastases after neoadjuvant chemotherapy might represent a subset of hepatic metastases biologically highly responsive to chemotherapy and the time-to-progression for these metastases might be fairly long after a response. Additionally, these metastases might be also biologically responsive to other cytotoxic or targeted therapies that justified the patients' continuous adoption of non-surgical treatment.

Phase II Study of Irinotecan,Oxaliplatin Plus TS-1 in Untreated Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
Colorecal NeoplasmsSecondaryPatients will be treated with irinotecan (150 mg/m2) followed by oxaliplatin (85 mg/m2) on day 1 and S-1 (80 mg/m2/day) from day 1 to 14 every 3 weeks. Patients will receive up to a planned treatment of maximum 12 cycles of chemotherapy. Response assessment will be performed every 2 cycles of chemotherapy.

Impact of Positron Emission Tomography Imaging Prior to Liver Resection for Colorectal Adenocarcinoma...
Colorectal CancerLiver MetastasesThe purpose of this trial is to improve the management of patients with potentially surgically curable colorectal cancer liver metastases. The primary objective is to determine the impact of pre-operative positron emission tomography (PET) on patients who have been assessed as having resectable colorectal cancer liver metastases by conventional imaging (computed tomography (CT) abdomen/thorax, colonoscopy), by determining the proportion of patients who have a change in management resulting from PET.

Concurrent Xeloda and Radiotherapy for Bone Metastases
Solid TumorsBone MetastasesHypothesis: Radiosensitization using Xeloda should improve the rate of complete pain relief. Primary Objective: To determine the frequency of pain relief for the proposed regimen. Secondary Objective(s): To determine the duration of pain relief and narcotic relief for the proposed regimen. To determine the frequency of narcotic relief for the proposed regimen. To determine the toxicity of concurrent UFT and radiotherapy in patients with bone metastases.

A Study to See Whether Stereotactic Body RadioTherapy (SBRT) Can Shrink Tumours Within the Liver...
Colonic NeoplasmsNeoplasm MetastasisThe proposed study will evaluate if "curative intent" SBRT can provide high response rates and clinically meaningful cancer control with acceptable toxicity specifically in patient with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) who do not have surgical options and are no longer responding to systemic therapy

Comparison of NaF PET-CT and Diffusion MRI in the Diagnosis of Bone Metastases (IMMETAOS)
CancerBone MetastasisProspective, monocentric, comparative, non randomised Primary objective : - to compare the diagnostic accuracy of sodium fluoride PET-CT and MRI using the conventional block and diffusion sequence in the search for bone metastases Secondary objectives : compare accuracy of MRI diffusion and conventional MRI explore the evolution of the results of the different types of imaging over time or under treatment for patients with repeated examinations at 6 months

Mediastinal Lymph Node Dissection in Conjunction With Pulmonary Metastasectomy From Colorectal Cancer...
Lung NeoplasmsNeoplasm Metastasis1 moreTo study whether or not total mediastinal lymph node dissection in conjunction with pulmonary metastasectomy from colorectal cancer is associated with improved survival compared to pulmonary metastasectomy only.

Circulating Tumor Cells and Cytology in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Patients Clinically Suspected for...
Meningeal CarcinomatosisThe purpose of this study is to determine whether the quantitative detection of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in patients with Epcam expressing tumors can be used compared to standard qualitative method - cytology both in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients, clinically suspected for leptomeningeal metastases.

Image-guided and Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy Versus External Beam Radiotherapy for Patients...
Vertebral Bony MetastasesThe aim of this explorative trial is to verify the comparability of a fractionated intensity modulated radiotherapy with a conventional radiotherapy related to quality of life on the one hand and to evaluate toxicity, re-calcification and stability of vertebral body as well as pain relief and local response for palliative patients with painful spinal bone metastases on the other hand. This is a single-center, prospective randomized controlled trial with parallel-group design to determine the quality of life after RT in patients with spinal bone metastases. Two different techniques were evaluated: intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and fractionated conventional external beam RT with 10×3 Gy each. Experimental intervention: IMRT 10 x 3 Gy Control intervention: 3D-RT 10 x 3 Gy