68Ga-BNU-PSMA PET/CT in Patients With Various Types of Cancer
TumorPositron-Emission Tomography1 moreTo evaluate the potential usefulness of 68Ga-BNU-PSMA positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) for the diagnosis of primary and metastatic lesions in various types of cancer.

CNS and Extracranial Tumor Tissues, CSF, and Blood From Patients With Melanoma Brain Metastases...
MelanomaBrain MetastasesThe purpose of this study is to collect and bank samples of blood and tissues (such as brain tissue or lymph nodes), as well as cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which is the fluid that bathes and cushions the spinal cord. The investigator will analyze DNA biomarkers in the samples. The investigator hopes that by studying the biomarkers, he can develop tests in the future that can detect central nervous system (CNS) metastasis in blood samples before they show up on x-ray and develop medicines that can specifically target CNS metastasis.

Survey of XGEVA® Presrcibers in Europe to Evaluate Their Knowledge of the Summary of Product Characteristics...
Solid TumoursBone MetastasisOsteonecrosis of the Jaw (ONJ) is an adverse effect of antiresorptive therapy that is well-recognized in patients with advanced cancer. Detailed information regarding this risk is specified in the Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC). The statements in the SPC are the most important mechanism for minimizing the risk for ONJ. The study objective is to measure the knowledge of oncology practitioners prescribing XGEVA® regarding the content pertaining to ONJ in the SPC after commercial availability.

Neuropsychological Changes in Patients Receiving Radiation Therapy for Brain Metastases
Brain MetastasisCancerBackground: There are no standardized sets of tests to measure changes in neuropsychological functioning in patients treated for brain metastasis (cancer that has spread beyond the original site to the brain). Neuropsychological function has an important effect on quality of life and should be included when determining treatment options. Objectives: To find out if there is a change in patients cognitive (thinking) and daily functioning after standard radiation treatment for brain metastasis that can be measured with tests. To see if any changes on these tests are related to patients response to radiation therapy. Eligibility: - Patients 18 years of age or older who have cancer that has spread to the brain. Design: Patients receive a 2-week course of radiation therapy to the brain, given daily 5 days a week. Some patients may require stereotactic radiosurgery (an additional boost of radiation therapy to specific sites of brain metastasis). Patients have the following evaluations before and after treatment to determine changes in cognition and functioning: Neuropsychological testing to measure cognitive (thinking) abilities like memory, attention, processing speed, and reading, and fine motor skills. Questionnaires to assess quality of life and daily living skills. Patients have MRI scans and blood and urine tests. At the completion of radiation treatment, patients return to the clinic for follow-up visits at 1, 2, 4, 6, 9 and 12 months for blood and urine tests, physical examination, MRI of the brain, neuropsychological testing and assessments of quality of life and daily living skills.

An Observational Study of Avastin (Bevacizumab) in Patients With Metastatic Cancer of the Colon...
Colorectal CancerThis prospective observational study will evaluate the safety and efficacy of first-line Avastin (bevacizumab) in combination with standard chemotherapy in routine clinical practice in patients with metastatic cancer of the colon and/or rectum. Patients will be followed for the duration of their treatment and a 30-day follow-up after the last dose of study drug.

Study of High-dose Chemotherapy (HDC) Combined With Adoptive Cellular Therapy With DC-CIK Cells...
Breast NeoplasmsNeoplasm MetastasisTo access the effectiveness of High-dose Cyclophosphamide Combined Chemotherapy combined with adoptive cellular therapy with dentritic and cytokine-induced killer cells in triple negative metastatic breast cancer patients

Measurement of Pro-angiogenic Markers in Patients With Hepatic Metastases Undergoing SIRT
Liver CancerThis study is being done to investigate the influence of giving radiation to the liver on tumors involving the liver. Investigator is specifically looking at this effect on the blood vessels within the tumor. This effect will be measured by studying substances in the blood that the tumors produce and that cause blood vessels to grow. The effects seen on these substances may help design other treatments to improve the results of the radiation used to treat these tumors.

Radiolabeled Glass Beads in Treating Patients With Metastatic Liver Cancer That Cannot Be Removed...
Liver CancerMetastatic CancerRATIONALE: Internal radiation therapy uses radioactive material placed directly into or near a tumor to kill tumor cells. Using radiolabeled glass beads to kill tumor cells may be effective treatment for liver cancer that cannot be removed by surgery. PURPOSE: This phase II trial is studying how well radiolabeled glass beads work in treating patients with metastatic liver cancer that cannot be removed by surgery.

Bone Response in Metastatic Breast Cancer Involving Bones
Breast CancerBone MetastasesPrimary Objectives: To estimate and compare the sensitivity and specificity of computed tomography (CT), plain radiography (XR), and skeletal scintigraphy (SS) with each other for the assessment of response of bone metastasis in patients with breast cancer. To estimate and compare the sensitivity and specificity of M. D. Anderson (MDACC) bone metastasis criteria with that of current criteria (UICC, WHO) in breast cancer patients for the assessment of the behavior of osseous metastasis in breast cancer patients. Secondary Objective: To evaluate the progression free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) of each response group (CR, PR, SD, PD) assessed by imaging and response criteria.

Quality of Life in Younger Leukemia and Lymphoma Survivors
Anxiety DisorderCancer Survivor8 moreRATIONALE: Collecting information about the effect of hematologic cancer and its treatment on quality of life may help doctors learn more about the disease and plan the best treatment. PURPOSE: This phase I trial is studying quality of life in younger leukemia and lymphoma survivors.