Direct Injection of Alcohol for the Treatment of Spinal Tumors
HemangiomaNeoplasm Metastasis1 moreTumors of the spine can be described as primary, meaning that the tumor originated from cells normally found in the spine, or metastatic, cells from another area of the body that have spread to the spine. Metastatic tumors are more common than primary tumors. Tumors of the spine can press against the spinal cord and interfere with information traveling down from the brain to the nerves of the spinal cord. As a result, patients with spinal tumors can suffer from loss of movement and sensation within areas of the body below the tumor. In addition, tumors of the spine are typically painful conditions. Presently, the treatment of choice for spinal tumors is radiation therapy. However, many tumors of the spine become resistant to radiation therapy. In addition, because the spinal cord is often so close to the tumor it can be damaged by the radiation. Absolute (100%) ethanol is commonly known as "alcohol". It is the same kind of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages. When pure alcohol is injected directly into a tumor it can destroy cells and blood vessels. Because of this feature, researchers would like to test the effectiveness of alcohol in treating patients with spinal tumors. Researchers believe that intratumoral ethanol injection is a treatment worth studying more closely because it is minimally invasive, has been proven to be an effective treatment for other types of metastatic tumors, can be used repeatedly, and does not interfere with other treatments such as surgery. In addition to testing the effectiveness of intratumoral ethanol injection, this study will attempt to determine the causes of pain associated with spinal tumors.

Chemotherapy for Resectable Colorectal Liver Metastases
Metastatic Colorectal CancerMetastatic Liver CancerThere is a degree of uncertainty regarding the role of perioperative chemotherapy (CTx) in the treatment of resectable colorectal liver metastases (CRLM). In the clinical practice, the combination of surgery and CTx is increasingly accepted as treatment for CRLM, especially in the context of patients with synchronous disease or metachronous disease with a high risk of recurrence. However, controversy exists whether all patients with resectable CRLM benefit from perioperative CTx. There is paucity of good quality studies on this topic. A pooled analysis of two phase III randomized clinical trial, closed prematurely because of slow accrual, showed a marginal statistical significance in favor of adjuvant CTx. Nevertheless, long term results of the EPOC trial founded benefit in disease free survival (DFS) with no difference in overall survival (OS) when perioperative CTx with FOLFOX4 was compared with surgery alone for resectable CRLM. Furthermore, a retrospective series from Ayez et al showed that patients with a high CRS benefit from neo-adjuvant CTx while in patients with a low risk profile did not. On the other side, another retrospective series from the MSKCC showed the timing of additional CTx for resectable CRLM was not associated with improved outcomes. The ongoing CHARISMA trial is currently comparing the outcomes of neo-adjuvant CTx followed by surgery versus surgery alone in high-risk patients with resectable CRLM. This uncertainty regarding CRLM management may partly be due to the fact that these studies are not well powered to detect minor differences in long term outcomes and they often involved a very heterogenous group of patients with both synchronous and metachronous CRLM, not stratified by clinical risk score (CRS) as described by Fong et al.

99m Tc-3PRGD2 SPECT/CT Imaging in the Diagnosis of Lymph Node Metastasis of Esophageal Carcinoma...
Esophageal CancerLymph Node Metastases1 moreThe esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) has high prevalence and mortality in China, which become a severe challenge for public health. The molecular imaging technology has been developed for visualization and precise diagnosis of the tumors. Integrin αvβ3 is a specific marker for tumor. Noninvasive visualization and quantitative analysis of integrin αvβ3 expression provide new opportunities for tumor diagnosis, identification and efficacy monitoring. The peptide containing Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) can specifically bind to integrin αvβ3 receptor with high selectivity and affinity to achieve the detecting tumor .The SPECT/CT with 99mTc-3PRGD2 has a high specificity in the diagnosis of mediastinal lymphnode metastasis and a greater value in the decision-making of lymphnode dissection. This study is a single-center self-controlled study, It is planned to enroll 30 patients with esophageal cancer , preliminarily confirmed by endoscopic biopsy, . After intravenous injection of 0.3 mCi/kg of 99mTC-3PRGD2, patients underwent single-photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT) examination.Subsequently, the patients received chest/abdomen enhanced CT and 18F fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) positron emission computed tomography /CT (PET/CT) for diagnosis. According to the determination of the researcher, patients who were suitable for surgery received surgery to obtain surgical pathology; For patients who were not suitable for surgery, ultrasound-guided lyphnode biop was performed .In this study, pathological specimens were obtained from gastroscopy, surgical pathology, or ultrasound-guided lymph node biopsy. The diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity , specificity and safety of SPECT/CT with 99mTc-3PRGD2 were evaluated and compared with PET-CT and enhanced CT.

Salvage Surgery for Patients With Metastatic GIST With Rego
Gastrointestinal Stromal TumorsMetastasis1 moreSome researches have shown surgery may acquire progression-free (PFS) benefit for selected patients with metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) who received first-line imatinib and second-line sunitinib. However, impact of salvage surgery on pre-treated GIST patients receiving third-line regorafenib facing progression is not yet reported. Investigators retrospectively reviewed patients with regorafenib treatment with salvage surgery.

Pulmonary Function, Voice and Swallowing Symptoms After Parathyroidectomy
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism Due to Renal CausesIn this study, investigators measure patient's voice frequency, swallowing function, and O2 desaturation of the 6 mins walking test before surgery and 4 months after surgery, to find the increase of voice frequency, and swallowing function and the decrease of O2 desaturation.

A Pilot Study of Oxalate Absorption in Secondary Hyperoxaluria
Secondary HyperoxaluriaNephrolithiasis2 moreIdentify individuals with greater absorption of oxalate based on increase in urinary oxalate excretion in response to a controlled oxalate-rich test meal.

Peritoneal Lavage for Early Detecting Gene Mutation of Peritoneal Metastasis of Gastric Cancer
Gastric CancerOur study aims to improve sensitivity and accuracy of detecting abdominal free cancer cells in patients with gastric cancer.

Perioperative Immunonutrition for Patients Undergoing CRS and HIPEC
Peritoneal MetastasesPatients with peritoneal disease commonly present with symptoms of abdominal distension and subacute intestinal obstruction. This results in poor oral intake leading to these patients often presenting in a malnourished state. CRS and HIPEC can potential provide improve survival for these patients, however can be a hazardous procedure, involving multi-organ resections. The risk is especially high in poorly nourished patients. The study investigators hypothesize that perioperative immunonutrition can reduce wound infections and length of hospital stay, and improve perioperative outcomes. To the investigators' knowledge, it has not been evaluated in patients undergoing CRS and HIPEC.

Medico-economic Evaluation Comparing the Impact of the New Fixed-dose Nivolumab Regimen With the...
Metastatic CancerNivolumab is a selective monoclonal antibody that binds to the Programmed cell Death 1 (PD-1) receptor and causes reduced tumor growth. It is currently approved in France in many indications. The firsts therapeutics indications validated by the French health authorities from 2015 - metastatic melanoma2, squamous and non-squamous NSCLC, Kidney cells carcinoma - were based on clinical trials demonstrating a clinical advantage over standard nivolumab treatment at a dose of 3mg/kg every two weeks. By comparing the results predicted by simulation based on a pharmacokinetic model with those obtained in clinical trials, the manufacturer of nivolumab concluded that a fixed dose of 240 mg was equivalent to that calculated based on the weight of the patients, and the European and then French health authorities have validated this change in clinical practice The objective of the IMEPOCA study is to assess in real life the economic and clinical impact of the dose modification of nivolumab that occurred in December 2018 in France. In order to assess the economic efficiency of the change in dose strategy at the national level, 2 cohorts of patients from the National Health Data System (SNDS), treated for metastatic cancer and followed up over 1 year will be compared: one having benefited from the weight-dependent dosage and the other having benefited from the fixed dosage

Holmium-166 Retrospective Collection of Real-World Data
Hepatocellular CarcinomaMetastatic CancerThe primary objective of the study is to further describe the general safety and clinical performance of QuiremSpheresTM Holmium-166 Microspheres and QuiremScoutTM Holmium-166 Microspheres in a real-world post-market setting, with specific attention to outcomes per tumor origin.