Alternative Surgical Policy for Central Liver Tumors
Colorectal Liver MetastasesHepatocellular CarcinomaMajor hepatectomies have not negligible morbidity and mortality. However, when tumors invade middle hepatic vein (MHV) at caval confluence major surgery is usually recommended. Ultrasound-guided hepatectomy might allow conservative approaches. We prospectively check its feasibility in a series of patients carriers of tumors invading the MHV at the caval confluence.

Diagnostic Imaging of Lymph Nodes in Gynaecologic Oncology
Cervix NeoplasmsOvarian Neoplasms3 moreThe purpose of the study is to determine the diagnostic accuracy of a new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique, the diffusion weighted imaging with body background signal suppression (DWIBS) in the detection of lymph node pathology in patients with gynaecologic malignancies.

Study of Lung Function in Children Who Have Undergone Bone Marrow Transplantation
Long-term Effects Secondary to Cancer Therapy in ChildrenPulmonary ComplicationsRATIONALE: Assessing the long-term effects of bone marrow transplant on lung function in patients may improve the ability to plan treatment. PURPOSE: This clinical trial studies lung function in pediatric patients who have undergone bone marrow transplant.

A Patient Navigation Program to Increase Access to Early Supportive Care in Patients With Stage...
Neoplasm MetastasisIn this randomized clinical trial, patients with Stage IV solid tumors will be enrolled in a patient navigator-led generalist palliative and supportive care intervention or in usual care led by their treating physician. The patient navigator will assess the patient's palliative and supportive care needs using standardized quality of life and symptoms questionnaires and present this assessment to a multidisciplinary team composed of oncologists and palliative care specialist. The multidisciplinary team will develop a personalized supportive care plan for the patient which will then be presented and discussed by the patient navigator. Those interventions which are accepted by the patient will be implemented by the patient navigator, who will also provide education and teaching. The patient navigator will also help eligible patients complete advanced directives according to local rules and regulations. The patient navigator will follow the patients both in person and by telephone to ensure that the recommended interventions have been implemented. Three months after enrollment the patients will undergo quality of life and symptom assessment once again, and the implementation of interventions will be recorded.

The Effect of Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin Gammanorm on the Distribution of IgG Subclasses and on...
Secondary Immune DeficiencyPatients with Myeloma or CLL with severe secondary hypogammaglobinemia and recurrent infections will be included in this study; for whom an IgSC treatment was prescribed. The IgSC prescription will be the decision of the treating physician. Patient care and follow up will be performed according to the current clinical practice and the recommendations of HAS.

A Study of Individualized Radiotherapy Based on a Prediction Model of Lymph Node Metastasis in Hepatocellular...
Lymph Node MetastasisHepatocellular Carcinoma1 moreObjectives: To further validate the predictive efficacy of our established microRNA prediction model of HCC lymph node metastasis. To establish a precise therapeutic mode of prophylactic radiation therapy in high-risk patients with HCC with lymph node metastasis under the guidance of a microRNA prediction model.

Investigation of the Timely-coordinated Therapy of Patients With Metastatic Cancer by Radiotherapy...
Metastatic CancerImmunotherapy for the treatment of several cancer entities steadily increased during the last years. The data from the finalized and ongoing studies show the tremendous impact of immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI) also for advanced metastatic patients. Especially the ICI with pembrolizumab and nivolumab have an increasing number of first line treatment approvals. However, in particular metastatic patients which receive ICI therapy are often irradiated for immediate palliation of several metastases. Preclinical work revealed that radiotherapy (RT) is capable to modulate the tumor phenotype, its microenvironment in a way that systemic anti-tumor immune responses are induced. However, radiation has also immune suppressive properties as e.g. the expression of immune checkpoint molecules is increased following radiotherapy. So the ICI therapy in combination with the RT has the potential to overcome the immunotolerance of the tumor and the metastases. More and more reports therefore describe a so-called systemic immune-modulating effect of radiotherapy (former and still often named as abscopal effect). However the timely application of ICI and RT is often randomly and depends on the clinical need for the palliative RT. The aim of this trial is therefore to standardize the chronology of RT in combination with ICI, to evaluate the effects of radio-immunotherapy with a stratified and comparable patient cohort. The ST-ICI study is a prospective and observational study not influencing the standard therapeutic scheme and will provide hints how the radio-immune therapy drives systemic anti tumor responses.

Registry of Treatment Outcomes of Symptomatic Metastasized Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer...
Prostate Cancer MetastaticBone MetastasesRadium-223 is the 5th treatment for metastasized castration resistant prostate cancer with a proven overall survival benefit. The improved survival of Radium-223 over placebo was demonstrated in the ALSYMPCA trial, which included a miscellaneous patient population both docetaxel pretreated and non-pretreated. This registry aims to describe non-study patients treated with Radium-223 and prospectively evaluate treatment outcomes of patients with and without docetaxel pretreatment. Analgesic use and patient reported pain scores, efficacy of the subsequent therapy and overall survival will be evaluated. Moreover, clinical and explorative serum and blood biomarkers of Radium-223 efficacy will be explored.

Comparing of the Pharmacokinetic, Pharmacodynamic, Safety and Immunogenicity of HS-20090 and Xgeva®...
Bone Metastasis From Solid TumorsA randomized, double-blind and parallel group study to compare the pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, safety and immunogenicity of HS-20090 120mg(1.7ml)and Xgeva® in healthy adults.

Ex Vivo Intraarterial Methylene Blue Injection Improve Nodal Staging Accuracy in Colorectal Cancer...
Lymph Node MetastasesColorectal CancerNodal staging holds both important prognostic and predictive value at colorectal cancer. Regional lymph nodes are located close to the primary tumor in the mesocolon / mesorectum. Current pathology and oncology standards require a separate examination of at least 12 lymph nodes each case to fulfill staging "accuracy" criteria. In order to reach this number of lymph nodes, a precise surgical technique (total mesorectal excision or complete mesocolic excision), as well as a thorough pathological specimen work-up is needed. The aim of the study is to investigate, if ex vivo intra-arterial methylene blue injection by the surgeon can help improving nodal harvesting effectivity of the pathologist, hence leading to a better staging and hopefully even to a better outcome in the long run. In 2014-2015 two surgical centers randomised resected colorectal specimens in 1:1 ratio to methylene-blue injection arm and control (no injection) arm in a total of 200 consecutive cases. Both pathologic and oncologic treatment were led regardless of the injection, reports were just routinely saved in the routine medical documentation. This retrospective study is designed to recall patient-related, surgery-related factors, as well as pathology reports including nodal staging from the medical databases. The investigators aim to find correlation between methylene blue "staining" and lymph node yield. In addition, the investigators plan to crossmatch methylene blue injection, as a process, with long term survival of the patients.