Microwave Ablation Versus Resection for Resectable Colorectal Liver Metastases
Neoplasm MetastasisThis study aims to prove that a strategy of first line local ablation of colorectal liver metastases with microwaves is not inferior to liver resections in terms of survival rates at three years with secondary endpoints being survival at five and ten years, interventional complication rates, length of stay, ablation precision measurements, need for further interventions and health-economic analysis. A cohort of 100 patients treated with CT guided microwave ablation of 1-5 metastases <31mm in size will be followed and compared with propensity scored matched controls from the Swedish liver surgery registry - Sweliv. The study is a multi-institutional effort by the Hepato Pancreatico Biliary (HPB) units in Stockholm Sweden, Bern Switzerland and Groningen in the Netherlands.

Next pErsonalized Cancer tX With mulTi-omics and Preclinical Model
Metastatic CancerThe next generation of personalized medical treatment according to the type of personal genetic information are evolving rapidly. The genome analysis needs systematic infra and database based on personal genetic information Therefore, a big data of genome-clinical information is important. To determine the feasibility of the use of tumor's molecular profiling and targeted therapies in the treatment of advanced cancer and to determine the clinical outcome(PFS, duration of response and overall survival) of patients with advanced cancer, the investigators are going to take a fresh tissue of patients and process molecular profiling and receive molecular profile directed treatments.

Prospective, Observational Study of Low-risk Criteria for Node Metastasis in Endometrial Cancer...
Endometrial CancerThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of low risk criteria for lymph node metastasis, that was determined by KGOG-2014 retrospective study, in women with endometrial cancer.

Study of Denosumab vs. Zoledronic Acid to Treat Bone Metastases in Men With Hormone-refractory Prostate...
Bone MetastasesThe purpose of this study is to determine if denosumab is non-inferior to zoledronic acid (Zometa®) in the treatment of bone metastases in men with hormone-refractory prostate cancer

Pulmonary Hypertension in Patients With Sickle Cell Disease in Nigeria
Secondary Pulmonary Arterial HypertensionSickle Cell Disease1 moreThis study will explore how people with sickle cell disease (SCD) develop a complication called pulmonary hypertension (PHTN), a serious disease in which blood pressure in the lungs is higher than normal. PHTN is also caused by HIV, hepatitis C and schistosomiasis. Patients who have both SCD and one of these other infections may develop more severe PHTN. The number of Nigerians with SCD who also have PHTN is not known, nor is the cause of PHTN in this population. This study will examine genetic material in people with and without SCD to determine whether certain genes will allow doctors to predict which patients with SCD are likely to develop PHTN. Nigerian males and females 10 years of age and older with or without SCD may be eligible for this study. Patients must have SS, SC, or SB thalassemia or other genotype; control subjects must have hemoglobin A or AS genotype. Participants undergo a complete medical history and physical examination, blood tests, electrocardiogram (EKG), ultrasound tests of the heart and abdomen, and a 6-minute walk (distance test) to determine exercise capacity. Blood tests include screening for HIV, hepatitis B and C, schistosomiasis, hookworm and malaria. Patients who test positive for HIV, hepatitis B or C, schistosomiasis, hookworm or malaria are referred for treatment at Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital in Zaria, Nigeria, and those who test negative for hepatitis B are referred for vaccination. Genetic tests focus on genes involved in SCD, PHTN, inflammation, blood vessel function and red blood cell function.

Computer Assisted Volumetric Analysis of CT-Identified Metastatic Pulmonary Or Hepatic Lesions
Metastatic CancerThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the ability of a new type of CT computer program(MeVis™)to accurately analyze and measure the size and changes in metastatic Liver and Lung tumors. This study will evaluate the data from current CT evaluation methods using the MeVis™ 3-D software.

Viewpoints on the Social Representations and Rationale Concerning the Choices of Patients, Doctors...
Non-resectable Metastatic Cancer of the LungNon-resectable Metastatic Cancer of the Colon6 moreReflexion on the therapeutic strategies to implement in patients at the end of life is advancing rapidly in France. However, beyond the choices presented to patients, sometimes even the decision to carry on, to limit or to stop treatments is also questioned. This decision is subjective; it is influenced by the patient's representation system (emotions, beliefs, values, practices, etc). In addition, even though he or she is the focus of the decision, the patient is not alone; other actors, accompanying the patient, play an important role in the final decision making. These actors, namely the doctors and close relatives, are also influenced in their decision making. This coexistence of representation systems may interfere with objective indicators that help in decision making (functional, clinical and biological) or with the knowledge acquired by doctors in their training and may complicate the decision-making process.

Efficacy of PET/MRI in Detecting Metastatic Disease in Endometrial Cancer
Endometrial CancerThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the ability of PET/MRI (Positron Emission Tomography/Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to give physicians preoperative information about specific sites in the body that the endometrial cancer may be present. If the PET/MRI is accurate and successful in providing this information, then women in the future may be able to have less extensive surgery for their endometrial cancer after evaluation with PET/MRI.

Analysis of Tokuhashi Score
CancerMetastases70% of all cancer patients develop some form of visceral (internal organs) or skeletal metastases (spread of disease). Approximately one third of cancer patients develop metastases to the spinal column. The prognosis once spinal metastases have been diagnosed and the most appropriate treatment still remains controversial. To date there is no one good diagnostic tool to predict survival and/or outcome after radiotherapy or surgical intervention. Tokuhashi, et al, formulated and presented a preoperative scoring system to evaluate indications for surgery and predict outcome in patients with metastases to the spinal column. Six variables are measured to calculate this score: general medical condition, number of extraspinal metastases, number of vertebral metastases, status of metastases to the major internal organs, primary tumor type, and presence of a neurologic deficit. This scoring system has been gaining acceptance in literature. In 1998, Tokuhashi, et al, modified this scoring system by diversifying the tumor types into six categories. After a retrospective analysis Tokuhashi reported that patients with scores less than or equal to 8 will die of their disease within 6 months and those with scores of 12 or greater will survive an average of 12 months or more. The purpose of this study is to determine 1) the Tokuhashi score's validity in predicting survival after developing spinal metastases, 2) the relationship of treatment on survival after detecting spinal metastases in relation to the Tokuhashi score. Patients will be enrolled into the study and followed prospectively for as long as possible regardless of intervention. There will be three groups based on their Tokuhashi score, each group will require approximately 163 subjects statistically.

Analyses of Exosomes in the Cerebrospinal Fluid for Breast Cancer Patients With Suspicion of Leptomeningeal...
Breast CancerLeptomeningeal MetastasisThis is a multicenter, interventional, prospective study among breast cancer patients with a suspicion of metastatic meningitis. The current study aims to assess the use of proteomic profile issued from cerebrospinal fluid microvesicles for diagnosis of leptomeningeal metastases.