FAB Programme for Parents of Children With NDD
Autism Spectrum DisorderAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder5 moreThe study aims to examine the effectiveness of a psychotherapy approach called Facilitator-guided Acceptance and Commitment Bibliotherapy (FAB) in improving the psychological health of parents of young children with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) and reducing the emotional and behavioral symptoms of NDD children. The study will involve 154 Cantonese-speaking parents of children aged 2-6 years diagnosed with NDD in Hong Kong. The study hopes to find that FAB can improve parent-child dyads' health outcomes by enhancing psychological flexibility, parental psychological health, and mindful parenting skills.

Pai.ACT - An Artifical Intellegience Driven Chatbot Assisted ACT
Autism Spectrum DisorderAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder5 moreLimited psychological support for parents of children with special needs in Hong Kong can profoundly impact the child rehabilitation process and the well-being of parent-child dyads. Leveraging previous evidence from our team's research, we have developed Pai.ACT, the first deep learning-based mental health advisory system for parents. Pai.ACT incorporates the counselling logic of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) through natural language processing, enabling parents to engage in human-like voice-to-text conversations and receive assessments and stepped-care mental health interventions, including guided self-help materials and real-time, individual-based counselling based on ACT. Following the research and development phases, we aim to kick off the utilisation of Pai.ACT by (1) pilot-testing its feasibility, acceptability, and potential efficacy in improving mental health outcomes for parents of children with special needs and (2) researching to determine the most optimal service model for parents by exploring their perceptions through focus group interviews. Pai.ACT offers accessible and comprehensive mental health services to all Chinese-speaking parents, addressing their psychological burden in caring for children with special needs. Pai.ACT could bring substantial and enduring societal benefits to Chinese-speaking families by integrating mental health support services for family caregivers with current child rehabilitation services and non-governmental organisations. Furthermore, this could contribute to reducing the public stigma attached to special needs children while increasing mental health awareness.

BCI-assisted MI Intervention in Subacute Stroke
StrokeMotor DisordersStroke is a leading cause of long-term disability. Cost-effective post-stroke rehabilitation programs are critically needed. Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) systems which enable the modulation of EEG sensorimotor rhythms are promising tools to promote early improvements of motor rehabilitation outcomes after stroke. This project intends to boost this BCI application beyond the state of art by providing: i) evidence for a short/long-term efficacy in enhancing post-stroke functional hand motor recovery; and ii) quantifiable indices (beyond clinical scales) sensitive to stroke participant's response to a Promotoer (BCI system compatible with clinical setting) -based intervention. To these aims, a longitudinal randomized controlled trial will be performed in which, subacute stroke participants will undergo a Promotoer- assisted hand motor imagery training.

Efficacy of INTORUS as a Therapeutic Tool in Motor Intervention in Patients at Aspace Centres in...
Cerebral PalsyMotor Disorders1 moreThe goal of this Clinical Trial is to verify the effectiveness of the use of the Intorus device in the motor intervention in patients with cerebral palsy and related syndromes. The main question it aims to answer is: Does the use of the Intorus tool manage to improve the mobility of upper limbs (MMSS) in patients with infantile cerebral palsy to increase their performance in activities of daily living? A total of approximately 50 users will participate in the study. Participants will be divided into two groups randomly. The control group will receive an intervention treatment at the motor level in the traditional way, following the protocols established in the center, and the intervention group will receive an intervention treatment at the motor level with the INTORUS device. Randomization will be carried out using the Oxford Minimization and Randomization software.

Neuromodulation and Neuroimaging in Older Children With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Brain ConcussionMild Traumatic Brain Injury2 moreMild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) often causes persistent motor and cognitive deficits in children resulting in functional limitations. We are testing a brain stimulation method along with evaluating objective tools to help record and restore communication among affected brain areas, which will facilitate recovery in youth after mTBI.

Clinical Validation of a Hybrid BCI-controlled FES for Upper Limb Rehabilitation After Stroke
Stroke SequelaeMotor DisordersThe RECOMMENCER project aims at developing and testing a novel hybrid Brain Computer Interface device based on cortico-muscular connectivity, that will be employed to activate Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) of upper limb muscles. After the technical implementation of the device and its preliminary testing on healthy subject, the investigators will evaluate the effects of a 1 month training with the device (RECOM) on post-stroke patients undergoing standard rehabilitation (add-on). The proposed intervention will be compared with an active physiotherapy training including FES (CTRL) which will be focused on upper limb with similar intensity as the target intervention (also delivered in add-on).

Telemedicine in Functional Motor Disorder
Functional Movement DisorderFunctional motor disorders (FMDs) are a broad spectrum of functional neurological disorders, referring to abnormal movements like dystonia, tremor, and gait/balance disorders. Patients with FMDs experience high degrees of disability and distress equivalent to those suffering from degenerative neurological diseases. Rehabilitation is essential in managing FMDs. However, the current systems of rehabilitation delivery face two main challenges. Patients are not receiving the amount and kind of evidence-based rehabilitation they need due to the lack of rehabilitation professionals' experts in the field. The rehabilitation setting is not adequate for the long-term management and monitoring of these patients. To date, no randomized controlled trials are evaluating the effectiveness of Telemedicine in the management of patients with FMD. This is a single-blind randomized-controlled trial (RCT) with 2-parallel arms to demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of a 5-day intensive rehabilitation treatment followed by a telemedicine program on the motor, non-motor symptoms (pain, fatigue, anxiety, and depression), the self-perception of clinical change and Health-Related Quality of Life, and health care costs in patients with FMDs.

DiSCIoser: Improving Arm Sensorimotor Functions After Spinal Cord Injury Via Brain-Computer Interface...
Spinal Cord InjuriesMotor DisordersThe goal of this clinical trial is to validate the efficacy of a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)-based intervention for hand motor recovery in subacute cervical spinal cord injured (SCI) patients during rehabilitation. The study will provide evidence for the clinical/neurophysiological efficacy of the BCI intervention as a means to promote cortical sensorimotor plasticity (remote plasticity) and thus maximize recovery of arm functions in subacute cervical SCI. Participants will undergo an extensive clinical, neurophysiological, neuropsychological and neuroimaging assessment before and after a BCI training based on motor Imagery (MI) of hands. The intervention will be delivered with a system that was originally validated for stroke patients and adapted to the aims of this study. Researchers will compare the BCI intervention with an active MI training without BCI support (active comparator).

Non-invasive BCI-controlled Assistive Devices
Motor DisordersHealthy6 moreA brain-computer interface (BCI) decodes users' behavioral intentions or mental states directly from their brain activity, thus allowing operation of devices without requiring any overt motor action. One major modality for BCI control is based on motor imagery (MI), which is the mental rehearsal of the kinesthetics of a movement without actually performing it. MI-based BCIs translate motor intents into control commands for external devices. A major challenge in such BCIs is differentiating MI patterns corresponding to fine hand movements of the same limb from non-invasive EEG recordings with low spatial resolution since the cortical sources responsible for these movements are overlapping. In this study, the investigators hypothesize that neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) applied contingent to the voluntary activation of the primary motor cortex through MI can help differentiate patterns of activity associated with different hand movements of the same limb by consistently recruiting the separate neural pathways associated with each of the movements within a closed-loop BCI setup. This is expected to be associated with neuroplastic changes at the cortical or corticospinal levels.

Immersive Virtual Reality in Functional Motor Disorders
Functional Motor DisordersThe study aims to demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of a 5-day immersive VR-rehabilitation treatment versus a 5-day conventional rehabilitation treatment in reducing FMDs symptoms severity, assessed by the Simplified Functional Movement Disorders Rating Scale (S- FMDRS).