Effectiveness of DMF and Its Impact on PROs in Suboptimal GA Responders With RMS
Relapsing Forms of Multiple SclerosisThe primary objective of the study is to estimate the annualized relapse rate (ARR) over a 12-month period in patients with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS) who are treated with dimethyl fumarate (DMF) after suboptimal response to glatiramer acetate (GA). The secondary objectives of this study in this study population are to assess the impact of DMF over a 12-month period on patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and health economic-related outcomes and to evaluate additional clinical outcomes at Month 12.

Biogen Multiple Sclerosis Pregnancy Exposure Registry
Multiple SclerosisExposure During PregnancyThe primary objective of the study is to prospectively evaluate pregnancy outcomes in women with multiple sclerosis who were exposed to a Registry-specified Biogen Multiple Sclerosis product during the eligibility window for that product. The Registry-specified Biogen MS products being studied are dimethyl fumarate, and Pegylated human interferon beta-1a. The secondary objective of the study is to prospectively evaluate pregnancy outcomes in women with MS who were unexposed to disease-modifying therapies (DMTs).

Prognosis Value of the Neuronal Damage in Early Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple SclerosisIn this study the investigators will use PET and 11C-Flumazenil to visualize and quantify neuronal injury in the cortex and the deep gray matter of Multiple Sclerosis patients at an early stage. The investigators will follow up patients to determine the prognostic value of this neuronal injury.

The Reliability, Validity, and Responsiveness of the Timed 360° Turn Test in Patients With Multiple...
Multiple SclerosisRelapsing-RemittingThe aim of the study is to investigate reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the timed 360° turn test in patients with Multiple Sclerosis.

Obstetric Anesthesia and Analgesia and Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple SclerosisAim of the retrospective study was to evaluate the influence of the labour on the clinical course of the parturients with MS in selected 6 month follow-up interval and to evaluate to possible influence of the different anesthesia/analgesia types on the course of MS.

Disability, MRI Lesions and Thickness of Retinal Fibers: Evaluation 15 Years After a First Episode...
Multiple SclerosisPathologic Processes4 moreKnowledge of the evolution of multiple sclerosis (MS) and its long-term prognostic factors is essential to guide the therapeutic management. However, it remains partial and concerns above all data collected during the first years of the disease. The evolution towards disability can only be assessed after a follow-up of more than 10 years and does not depend solely on the initial inflammatory activity of the disease. We propose to realize a standardized clinical assessment, an optical coherence tomography (OCT) and a cerebral MRI 15 years after the first clinical manifestation of the disease. Clinical and paraclinical assessment will consist in the realization of additional MRI sequences in order to obtain more precise information on cerebral lesions (unconventional parameters). Optical coherence tomography (new generation device) will also be performed on both eyes to describe the thickness of the different layers of the retina. A clinical evaluation will be performed with the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS). This study aims: to describe the current clinical situation of patients (e.g. percentage of patients with moderate or severe disability) to explore the associations between MRI parameters, those measured with OCT and clinical characteristics (disability) to explore clinical and paraclinical prognostic factors of pejorative evolution (disability, severe cerebral atrophy, etc.)

Study to Assess OCT: RNFL and GCL in MS Patients
Multiple SclerosisThe purpose of this study is to collect preliminary data on retinal nerve fiber layer and ganglion cell layer damage in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, using optical coherence tomography (OCT). For this study the Zeiss Cirrus OCT Imaging System will be used. The same system will be used consistently for the duration of the study.

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Trial in Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple SclerosisRRMSThis is a 3-year, pharmacologically non-interventional study to evaluate OCT as an outcome measure in patients with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). Approximately 350 RRMS patients, either untreated or treated with an approved MS disease-modifying therapy and approximately 70 reference subjects without ophthalmologic or neurologic disease are enrolled. No study medications are provided. Patients on disease-modifying therapy are treated according to the local prescribing information. For each MS patient and each reference subject, the study consists of Screening (up to 1 month), Baseline, and a 36-month longitudinal data collection phase. Eligibility will be confirmed during Screening.

Disability, Perceived Social Support and Quality of Life in Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple SclerosisThe World Health Organization International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health has shown that the environment can play a major role in patients' disability, and hence in their quality of life. This study considers social dimensions of quality of life, particularly family as well as social and professional networks.

Analysis of Neurodegenerative Process Within Visual Ways In Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple SclerosisThis study will interest in the pathophysiology of silent retinal axonal loss in multiple sclerosis. Recent studies have suggested that silent retinal axonal loss (no past history of optic neuritis [ON]) may be due to inflammatory lesions within the optic radiations and a transsynaptic degenerative process. The objective is to measure the exact role of silent optic nerve lesion in the occurrence of silent retinal axonal loss by performing OCT, brain and optic nerve MRI in a cohort of patients without recent disease activity.