Urinary Markers of Detrusor Overactivity in Spina Bifida Patients
Spina BifidaMultiple Sclerosis2 moreThe purpose of this study is to assess diagnostic performance of urinary markers of detrusor overactivity (Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), adenosine triphosphate (ATP), Prostaglandine E2) in detected high pressure bladder un spina bifida patients.

Emotional Processing in Multiple Sclerosis / Clinically Isolated Syndrome: A Neuropsychological...
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)Clinically Isolated Syndrome (CIS)The aim of this prospective non-interventional neuropsychological one visit study involving functional MRI (fMRI) is to ascertain emotional processing in patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) or Clinically Isolated Syndrome (CIS) compared to healthy control subjects. In different experiments, the modulation of cognitive and motor responses by visual emotional information and the ability to discriminate visual emotional stimuli will be tested using experimental behavioral paradigms. Furthermore, functional connectivity and - using fMRI - activations of brain regions known to be involved with emotional processing will be evaluated.

Post-COntrast 3D SE T1 Versus Coronal SE T1-WI MRI in Detecting Optic Neuritis (COCON)
Optic NeuritisMultiple Sclerosis3D FLAIR, 3D T1 FAT SAT, coronal T2 and coronal T1 dixon sequences were usually used to assess visual deficits in MRI. Optic nerve examination is preferably performed using a coronal T2 sequence in order to detect a hypersignal suggestive of inflammation whereas brain examination is preferably performed using a 3D T1 sequence to highlight signs of spatial dissemination and lesions suggestive of multiple slerosis (MS). No study has yet investigated the detection capabilities of 3D T1 for the detection of optic nerve inflammation. The objective of this retrospective study was to determine whether a single 3D T1 sequence allows simultaneous exploration of the optic nerve and the brain for the positive diagnosis of optic neuropathy and/or MS.

Quantifying Gait Alteration in Multiple Sclerosis Using a Wearable Device
Multiple SclerosisGait alteration is frequent in MS and limitation in walking ability is a major concern in MS patients. The development of wearable device offers the opportunity to collect data during daily activity including walking.

Eye Movements Recording Using a Smartphone: Comparison to Standard Video-oculography in Patients...
Multiple SclerosisThis study aims to compare measurements obtained through the e-VOG application (mobile application, usable on mobile phones or tablets, to measure eye movements) with measurements from the standard video-oculography device (Eye-Tracker®T2), in patient with Multiple Sclerosis.

Correlation Between Daily Physical Activity and Disability, Fatigue, Cognition and Quality of Life...
Relapsing Remitting Multiple SclerosisFatigue2 moreThe main purpose of the study is to assess the fatigue, cognition, quality of life and disability correlation to MS-patients daily physical activity.

Scan-Rescan Sub-Study of MS PATHS
Multiple SclerosisThe primary objective of this sub-study is to calculate the reproducibility and other technical performance measures of various magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) image analysis algorithms in order to assess their suitability for detecting changes due to multiple sclerosis (MS) in a real-world setting in participants with MS. The secondary objective of this sub-study is to use the primary endpoint results to calibrate measurements across scanners within each MS PATHS center.

Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Sub-Study of MS PATHS
Multiple SclerosisThe primary objective is to assess the performance of a new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) metrics software prototype when used in radiological practice in multiple sclerosis (MS).

Effects of A Dual-Task Intervention in Postural Control in Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Multiple SclerosisMultiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease affecting the central nervous system. It is the leading cause of severe non-traumatic disability in young adults (20-40 years). It affects more than 540,000 individuals in Europe and around 2.8 million people worldwide. The etiology of MS remains unknown to date, but probably results from a genetic predisposition associated with environmental factors (vitamin D deficiency, tobacco, vaccines, stress, diet, ...). MS is a neurological disease in which demyelination and axonal loss lead to many symptoms such as fatigue, spasticity, decreased sensitivity, muscle weakness, balance disorders, oculomotor visuals. The Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS), which is used to rate functional disorders in MS patients, tends to underestimate these neurological disorders, which are often present in the early stages of the disease and are an important issue. major in the management and evolution of the disease. Recently, it has been shown that motor and cognitive disorders appear in the early stages of the disease, yet these functions are not systematically evaluated in the early stages of the disease. These isolated or associated disorders often lead to real difficulties in realizing everyday activities. Since this disease affects young people who still have a professional activity, it is important not to underestimate the presence of these functional and cognitive disorders. It is therefore necessary to seek more precise means of evaluation to detect certain neurological disorders. Thus, the evaluation of these functions participates in the follow-up of the patient and makes it possible to better apprehend the evolution of these disorders in MS. The investigators will use the concept of double-task to measure and evaluate these functional and cognitive disorders. The dual task (DT) , is defined by the simultaneous completion of two tasks, one called "primary" and the other called "secondary", for which the performance changes are measured. The dual task paradigms are based on the assumption that two concurrently performed tasks interfere if they use identical functional and / or brain subsystems. In the case of a paradigm involving walking and another task, the interference is based on the assumption of the joint play of attention. The primary task is then the "attentional" task and the secondary task is represented by walking. Observed inferences are changes in the performance of one or both tasks that are measured by comparing single and dual task performance. The assessment of DT's capabilities would improve the early detection of motor disorders in MS patients. Early identification of postural instability would make it easier to target care and improve patient follow-up. Conducting work on the concept of DT would improve our knowledge of this paradigm in MS. Finally, a better understanding of double-stained mechanisms in MS could offer training programs

PTNS on Urinary and Global Quality of Life in MS Patients
Multiple SclerosisLower Urinary Tract Symptoms4 moreThis is a single-centered, prospective, longitudinal, observational cohort study of patients with MS who suffer from lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and are refractory to two prior treatment modalities who have elected to pursue PTNS therapy for LUTS.