MT2013-31: Allo HCT for Metabolic Disorders and Severe Osteopetrosis
Mucopolysaccharidosis DisordersHurler Syndrome27 moreThis single-institution, phase II study is designed to test the ability to achieve donor hematopoietic engraftment while maintaining low rates of transplant-related mortality (TRM) using busulfan- and fludarabine-based conditioning regimens with busulfan therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) for patients with various inherited metabolic disorders (IMD) and severe osteopetrosis (OP).

Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Adalimumab in MPS I, II, and VI
Mucopolysaccharidosis IMucopolysaccharidosis II1 moreRandomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, single-center study followed by open-label phase, to evaluate the effects of adalimumab compared to placebo on the change from baseline in joint and skeletal disease in children and adults with mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) I, II or VI.

Gene Therapy in Patients With Mucopolysaccharidosis Disease
Mucopolysaccharidosis Type VIThis study investigated the safety and efficacy of gene therapy approaches for Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI disease caused by the deficiency of arylsulfatase B (ARSB) enzyme. The aim of the study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the treatment.

Evaluation of Losartan on Cardiovascular Disease in Patients With Mucopolysaccharidoses IV A and...
Mucopolysaccharidosis IV AMucopolysaccharidosis VI7 moreMucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are multisystemic diseases with significant clinical overlap between their types, with cardiac problems being among the most commonly observed manifestations and are also among the main causes of mortality in these patients. For some of the cardiovascular manifestations, such as aortic root dilation and valve diseases, there is no effective treatment currently available. Losartan, on the other hand, has been shown to be an effective drug for dilation of the aortic root, at least in animal models. This study aims to evaluate the safety and efficacy of losartan in patients with MPS VI and other mucopolysaccharidoses.

Registry of Patients Diagnosed With Lysosomal Storage Diseases
Mucopolysaccharidosis IMucopolysaccharidosis II6 moreThis is an international prospective and retrospective registry of patients with Lysosomal Storage Diseases (LSDs) to understand the natural history of the disease and the outcomes of fetal therapies, with the overall goal of improving the prenatal management of patients with LSDs.

Baby Detect : Genomic Newborn Screening
Congenital Adrenal HyperplasiaFamilial Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia 1134 moreNewborn screening (NBS) is a global initiative of systematic testing at birth to identify babies with pre-defined severe but treatable conditions. With a simple blood test, rare genetic conditions can be easily detected, and the early start of transformative treatment will help avoid severe disabilities and increase the quality of life. Baby Detect Project is an innovative NBS program using a panel of target sequencing that aims to identify 126 treatable severe early onset genetic diseases at birth caused by 361 genes. The list of diseases has been established in close collaboration with the Paediatricians of the University Hospital in Liege. The investigators use dedicated dried blood spots collected between the first day and 28 days of life of babies, after a consent sign by parents.

ScreenPlus: A Comprehensive, Flexible, Multi-disorder Newborn Screening Program
Acid Sphingomyelinase DeficiencyCeroid Lipofuscinosis15 moreScreenPlus is a consented, multi-disorder pilot newborn screening program implemented in conjunction with the New York State Newborn Screening Program that provides families the option to have their newborn(s) screened for a panel of additional conditions. The study has three primary objectives: 1) define the analytic and clinical validity of multi-tiered screening assays for a flexible panel of disorders, 2) determine disease incidence in an ethnically diverse population, and 3) assess the impact of early diagnosis on health outcomes. Over a five-year period, ScreenPlus aims to screen 175,000 infants born in nine high birthrate, ethnically diverse pilot hospitals in New York for a flexible panel of 14 rare genetic disorders. This study will also involve an evaluation of the Ethical, Legal and Social issues pertaining to NBS for complex disorders, which will be done via online surveys that will be directed towards ScreenPlus parents who opt to participate and qualitative interviews with families of infants who are identified through ScreenPlus.

MPS (RaDiCo Cohort) (RaDiCo-MPS)
Mucopolysaccharidosis IMucopolysaccharidosis II6 moreThe goal of this observational study is to characterize the epidemiology and natural history of MPS diseases by building a retrospective and prospective collection of extensive phenotypic data from French MPS patients.

Clinical Trial of Growth Hormone in MPS I, II, and VI
Mucopolysaccharidosis IMucopolysaccharidosis II1 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine whether growth hormone is a safe and effective treatment for short stature in children with Mucopolysaccharidosis type I, II, and VI.

Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HCT) for Inborn Errors of Metabolism
Hurler's SyndromeMaroteaux-Lamy Syndrome10 moreThe primary objective of this clinical trial is to evaluate the ability to achieve and sustain donor engraftment in patients with lysosomal and peroxisomal inborn errors of metabolism undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HCT).