ErythroPOietin Alfa to Prevent Mortality and Reduce Severe Disability in Critically Ill TRAUMA Patients...
TraumaTraumatic Injury6 moreThe EPO-TRAUMA study is a prospective, multi-centre, double-blind, phase III, randomised controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of epoetin alfa compared to placebo in reducing mortality and severe disability at six months in critically ill trauma patients. 2500 mechanically ventilated ICU patients admitted with a primary trauma diagnosis presenting to the ICU will be recruited into the study from participating study centres in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and Saudi Arabia.

Whole Blood in Trauma Patients With Hemorrhagic Shock
TraumaTrauma Injury2 moreThis study aims to evaluate among trauma patients with hemorrhagic shock the clinical impact of hemostatic resuscitation between whole blood vs. blood components therapy in the following outcomes in a hierarchical analysis: mortality at 28 days and evolution of organ dysfunction.

Mid-point to Pleura Transverse Process Block Versus Costo-transverse Ligament Block
PainAcute2 moreThe analgesic effect of continuous mid-point to pleura transverse process block compared to the analgesic effect of continuous costo-transverse ligament block, in patients with multiple rib fractures.

Inhaled Dornase Alpha to Reduce Respiratory Failure After Severe Trauma
Multiple TraumaRespiratory Distress Syndrome1 moreSevere hypoxemia following trauma may happen in many circumstances (aspiration, ventilation-associated pneumonia, lung contusion...), most of which are not exclusively associated with a direct injury to the lungs. Severe trauma and associated musculoskeletal injuries result in the acute release of Damage-Associated Molecular Patterns (DAMPs) in plasma, many of which are made of nucleic acids. DAMPs then bind leukocytes and trigger NETosis (Neutrophil Extracellular Traps), the release of nuclear material coated with proteolytic enzymes, which ultimately promotes remote lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Considering that many DAMPs and all NETs are made of nucleic acids, we hypothesize that dornase alfa, a commercially available recombinant desoxyribonuclease (DNAse) could reduce DAMPs and NETs-induced lung injury in severe trauma patients under mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit (ICU). The primary objective is to demonstrate a reduction in the incidence of moderate to severe ARDS in severe trauma patients during the first seven ICU days from 45% to 30% by providing aerosolized dornase alfa once during the first two consecutive ICU days and compared to equivalent provision of placebo (NaCl 0,9%). The secondary objectives are to demonstrate, by using aerosolized dornase alfa compared to placebo: an improvement in static lung compliance a reduction in mechanical ventilation duration / an increase in ventilation-free ICU days a reduction in the length of ICU stay a reduction in the hospital length of stay a reduction in multi-organ failure a reduction in ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) a reduction in mortality at day 28

Conditioning & Open-Label Placebo (COLP) for Opioid Management in Intensive Inpatient Rehabilitation...
Spinal Cord InjuriesPolytrauma1 moreThe use of the conditioning open-label placebo (COLP) paradigm will be studied as a dose extension method to lower opioid dosage in patients with spinal cord injury, polytrauma, and burn injury. The goal is to provide the same level of pain relief with a reduced opioid intake to diminish side effects as well as the risk of addiction associated with opioid treatment.

Transfusion of Red Blood Cells, Tranexamic Acid and Fibrinogen Concentrate for Severe Trauma Hemorrhage...
PolytraumaTraumatic HemorrhageThis is a single-center, not-randomized, open-label, controlled pilot clinical trial. This study compares presence of Trauma Induced Coagulopathy (TIC) and acute traumatic hemorrhage treatment at pre-hospital phase of care with red blood cells (RBC), Tranexamic acid (TXA) and Fibrinogen Concentrate (FC) with the current treatment based on the administration of Crystalloids and TXA.

The Usefulness of Inflammatory Markers to Predict Poor Outcomes for Trauma Patients
Trauma InjuryTrauma1 more1) Research Hypothesis Trauma -> Inflammation -> Severe inflammation -> Poor prognosis If the degree of inflammation in the serum is precisely measurable, the prognosis of patients with trauma can be predicted. In addition, if inflammatory processes linked to serum mitochondrial DNA copy number (smtDNAcn) and delta neutrophil index (DNI) are demonstrated, early intervention to improve outcomes in patients with trauma and a poor prognosis may be possible. 2) Basis of Research Hypothesis The Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score is currently used as a measurement tool to evaluate the severity and prognosis of critically ill patients. Recently, some studies reported that the DNI, an inflammatory index, is useful as a prognostic index. Although DNI is a simple prognostic index, further studies are necessary to investigate its usefulness as a reliable prognostic index for severely injured patients. Therefore, this study aimed to: i. prospectively analyze the effectiveness of DNI by measuring the degree of inflammation in severely injured patients; ii. Measure serum mitochondrial DNA, which is suggested as a mechanism preceding DNI elevation, and identify the sequence of inflammatory steps leading to circulating mitochondrial DNA as a damage-associated molecular pattern (DAMP), DNI, neutrophils, and inflammatory cytokines; and iii. Establish the effectiveness of each indicator as a prognostic factor, construct a prediction model for poor prognosis, and prove the effectiveness of the final risk model.

Assessing Symptom and Mood Dynamics in Pain Using the Smartphone Application SOMA
Chronic PainAcute Pain24 moreThis study relies on the use of a smartphone application (SOMA) that the investigators developed for tracking daily mood, pain, and activity status in acute pain, chronic pain, and healthy controls over four months.The primary goal of the study is to use fluctuations in daily self-reported symptoms to identify computational predictors of acute-chronic pain transition, pain recovery, and/or chronic pain maintenance or flareups. The general study will include anyone with current acute or chronic pain, while a smaller sub-study will use a subset of patients from the chronic pain group who have been diagnosed with chronic low back pain, failed back surgery syndrome, or fibromyalgia. These sub-study participants will first take part in one in-person EEG testing session while completing simple interoception and reinforcement learning tasks and then begin daily use of the SOMA app. Electrophysiologic and behavioral data from the EEG testing session will be used to determine predictors of treatment response in the sub-study.

An Observational Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Humacyte's HAV for Arterial Replacement...
TraumaTrauma Injury3 moreHumacyte provided HAVs as humanitarian aid to Ukraine. This retrospective observational study is designed to collect data from patients in whom the HAVs have already been implanted on a humanitarian basis between June 2022 and May 2023.

Genderspecific Differences in Hormone Levels After Trauma
PolytraumaThe goal of this prospective study with the aim to establish a registry is to learn about the role of steroid hormones in severely injured patients. The main question it aims to answer is whether steroid hormones influence morbidity and mortality after severe trauma. This is a prospective study with the aim to establish a large registry for severely injured patients and their hormonal status. Hormone levels will be measured upon arrival in the emergency room and within the following few days after trauma. Furthermore a detailed questionnaire aims to answer any hormone-related health questions.