Sutureless Intrascleral Intraocular Lens Fixation and Modified Iris Cerclage Pupilloplasty
AphakiaMydriasisIn this study, patients with various causes of pupillary dilatation were recruited, and medical records and ophthalmology examinations, including slit-lamp examination, visual acuity, best corrected visual acuity, intraocular pressure, pupil diameter, corneal endothelial cell count, fundus examination, and photophobia score, were collected. Those who met the recruitment criteria underwent modified iris cerclage pupilloplasty. The modified iris cerclage pupilloplasty was performed by making four clear corneal incisions, suturing the iris 3-4 times consecutively between each two incisions, completing 360 degrees of iris suturing in sequence, and finally tying the knot intraocularly to complete the iris cerclage.

Stimulation and Validation of the Pupillary Dilation for the Detection of Pain in Analgosedated...
PainThis project has 2 phases. Phase 1: diagnostic test study, to evaluate the efficacy of the variation of pupillary size (PDR) to detect pain in ICU patients regarding to Behavioural Pain Scale (BPS) and ESCID (Conductual Scale Pain Index). Phase 2: controlled and aleatorized clinical trial to evaluate efficacy in PDR monitoring after painful assessed minimum stimulus with the best diagnostic efficiency on phase 1, as a need of analgesia indicator tool. The sample will be patients over 18 years, sedated and mechanically ventilated, with an initial BPS of 3, RASS between -1 and -4, not able not to communicate , with inform consent signed. Exclusion criteria will be: ophtalmologic pathology and administration of drugs interfering pupillary reflexes. Measurements before/during pain/non-pain situations, aspiration of secretions and calibrated intensity stimulus through the pupilometer Algiscan. The investigators will study association between pain according to BPS/ESCID and pupillary dilatation according to pupillometry and percentage of patients with pain and preanalgesia according to pupillometry and standard clinical practice.

Pupillary Dilation During Post-Auricular Vagal Nerve Stimulation
Hearing LossThe research team will evaluate pupillary dilation from vagal nerve stimulation of Arnold's Nerve, a branch of the vagus nerve, during routine cochlear implantation surgery.

Intracameral Mydriasis Versus Topical Mydriasis in Cataract Surgery
CataractPhacoemulsification2 moreThe purpose is to determine if an intracameral solution of 0.2% tropicamide and 2% phenylephrine can dilate the pupil for cataract surgery as well as pre-operative topical 1% tropicamide and 5% phenylephrine. We will be looking at two separate groups of patients, those with and those without pseudoexfoliation syndrome. We will be looking at how each method affects the size of the pupil at the beginning and at the end of cataract surgery. In addittion, we will look at what effect the two different methods have on blood pressure and heart rate in the pre-operative, peri-operative and post-operative periods.

Nyxol (0.75% Phentolamine Ophthalmic Solution) to Reverse Pharmacologically-Induced Mydriasis in...
MydriasisDilationThe objectives of this study are: To evaluate the safety of Nyxol in pediatric subjects To evaluate the efficacy of Nyxol to expedite the reversal of pharmacologically induced mydriasis in pediatric subjects The Sponsor intends to use this study to evaluate Nyxol in pediatric subjects aged 3 to 11 for the indication "the treatment of pharmacologically induced mydriasis produced by adrenergic (phenylephrine) or parasympatholytic (tropicamide) agents, or a combination thereof."

Study of the Safety, Efficacy and PK of EYN-1601 in Dilation of the Pupil
MydriasisThis is a Phase 2 study to investigate the safety, efficacy and pharmacokinetics of EYN-1601 for dilation of the pupil. A single microdose of EYN-1601 will be compared to single doses of commercially available phenylephrine hydrochloride 2.5% and 10% ophthalmic solutions.

Pupil Dilation for Treatment of IFIS
Intraoperative Floppy Iris SyndromeA novel intervention for targeting the treatment of Intraoperative Floppy Iris Syndrome.

Single Dose of 1% Tropicamide and 10% Phenylephrine for Pupillary Dilation
Eye DiseasesThe purpose of this study is to compare the efficacy on pupillary dilation between the single dose versus the three doses of 1% tropicamide with 10% phenylephrine for complete ocular examination.

Study to Assess the Influence of Three Different α-antagonists and Placebo on the Extent of Weekly...
HealthyThe study was aimed to evaluate the pharmacological effect of different α-antagonists on phenylephrine induced pupil size in healthy male volunteers as pharmacological basis for Intraoperative floppy iris syndrome (IFIS)

Comparison Mydriasis by Mydrane With Topical Drop Application
CataractThe primary aim of the study is to compare the effectiveness of the intracameral application of Mydrane® (standardized combination of Tropicamide 0.02%, Phenylephrine 0.31% and Lidocaine 1%) with the preoperative topical application (Tropicamide 0.5% and Phenylephrine 10%). To evaluate the steadiness of the dilating effect on the pupil, the ratio of eyes without necessity for further pupil dilating procedures to perform the capsulorhexis is assessed.