Prevalence, Clinical Features and Risk Factors of Cirrhotic Cardiomyopathy Assessed by Two-dimensional...
Liver CirrhosisCirrhotic CardiomyopathyThe purpose of this study is to assess the prevalence of cirrhotic cardiomyopathy in patients with cirrhosis, and to analyze the correlation between the severity of cirrhosis and cardiac dysfunction. To investigate the risk factors for cirrhotic cardiomyopathy, and raise clinicians' awareness of cirrhotic cardiomyopathy, early assessment and intervention to improve long-term outcomes in patients with cirrhosis.

Autonomic Evaluation of Patients With Hereditary Amyloidotic Cardiomyopathy: Hereditary Amyloidotic...
Autonomic Nervous System DiseaseAmyloid NeuropathiesTransthyretin amyloidosis exhibits a variety of possible phenotypes, the hereditary neurological form being the most commonly found and studied (familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy or FAP), which can present from oligosymptomatic patients to patients with peripheral sensorimotor polyneuropathy of varying degrees and dysautonomia. Although a specific mutation usually causes a specific phenotype, that is, with a predominantly cardiac or preferential neurological profile, with the increase in the number of diagnosed cases, an overlapping of clinical presentations has been observed. The assessment of the autonomic profile in individuals with familial amyloidotic cardiomyopathy (FAC) has not been well studied, and it is not known whether patients with an exclusively cardiac profile of the disease may present dysautonomia or whether even mutation carriers without cardiac involvement may exhibit it. In this study, the autonomic profiles of patients with familial amyloidotic heart disease will be compared with the profiles of patients who have mutations but without established heart disease and healthy individuals (control group).

Ventricular Remodelling and Metabolomics in Pediatric Cardiomyopathies (PROGRESS-OMICS)
CardiomyopathiesPediatric ALLThe pathogenesis of cardiomyopathies is complex and a simple approach cannot describe the whole picture. Different etiologies are reported in pediatric age and heart failure onset can lead to poor prognosis in term of need of heart transplantation and ventricular assist device implantation. Based on hypothesis that heart failure development is related to heart inability to meet metabolic demands of the body, our study will focus to evaluate cardiac metabolism as one of the most critical factors and the accompanying changes of metabolic and echocardiographic profiles at different stages of heart failure. The heart is a unique organ working continuously as a pump supplying blood to the body. To meet this requirement, the myocardium utilizes fatty acids to generate 70-90% of the adenosine triphospate, with the rest being produced by oxidation of glucose, lactate, ketone bodies, aminoacids. Utilization of fatty acids is reduced in the failing heart and there is a metabolic shift to generation of adenosine triphospate from glucose. In patients with advanced cardiomyopathies, the heart is unable to utilize either metabolite and thus "runs out of fuel". It is reported that the adenosine triphospate level is approximately 30% lower in failing human hearts compared with non-failing hearts. In addition to this premise about the metabolic profile of the failing heart, recent advances in the field of metabolomics have indicated that several metabolites and/or metabolic pathways have a role in heart failure. Metabolism of lipids, glycolysis, fructolysis, aminoacids, and ketone oxidation have been found to be altered in non-ischemic cardiomyopathy in adult population. Also in adult heart failure patients some metabolic profiles resulted pronounced perturbated. Taking advantage of the high throughput, metabolomics is a platform for identifying metabolic signatures in children at each stages of heart failure (from pre clinical heart failure to end stage forms). We also will determine whether metabolomic analysis provides sensitive evaluation of heart failure in terms of remodelling at different stages and in disease regression after therapeutic interventions. Study desing is conceived in two parts. The first part is retrospective and we will analyze all echocardiograms in all children affected by cardiomyopathies. The second part is a cross sectional study in which will evaluate untargeted metabolomics in children at any stage of heart failure (A,B, C, D) and in control group. We will evaluate the clinical applicability and significance of plasma metabolomic analysis in the diagnosis and prognosis of heart failure in pediatric ages.

Metabolomics and Microbiomics in Cardiovascular Diseases
Acute Heart FailureNSTEMI - Non-ST Segment Elevation MI7 more"MEtabolomics and MicrObiomics in caRdIovAscular diseases Mannheim (MEMORIAM) " is a single-center, prospective and observational study investigating to identify disease-specific metabolic, respectively microbiomic, patterns of patients with high-risk cardiovascular diseases. High-risk cardiovascular diseases comprise patients suffering from acute heart failure (AHF), ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), sepsis, septic shock, ischemic and non-ischemic cardiomyopathy.

Registry and Survey of Women With Pregnancy Related Cardiomyopathy
CardiomyopathyPregnancy-Associated Cardiomyopathy1 moreThe goal of this study is to better characterize peripartum cardiomyoapthy or pregnancy-related cardiomyopathy by enrolling as many PPCM survivors as possible using both direct and web-based methods of recritment. Patients will anser a questionnaire regarding the onset, progression, treatment and follow-up of their diagnosis as well as the psychosocial aspects of PPCM.

Serial Echocardiography After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Subarachnoid HemorrhageMyocardial Stunning1 moreThere is increasing interest in myocardial abnormalities following central nervous system events, such as subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). These cardiac abnormalities include ECG changes, decreased cardiac output, decreased blood pressure, specific cardiac enzyme elevations, and segmental wall motion abnormalities (SWMA). Interestingly, wall motion abnormalities and ECG changes have shown to be reversible, and therefore the dysfunction has been described as neurogenic myocardial stunning. The pathophysiology of cardiac dysfunction following SAH has not yet been fully elucidated. Many reports (mainly case reports) have been published, but so far no study has investigated the frequency of these abnormalities in a prospective manner, have correlated the occurrence of the different cardiac abnormalities, and have assessed which clinical variables can predict cardiac dysfunction. And only a limited number of studies have related neurological outcome with cardiac dysfunction.

Diabetic Cardiomyopathy
Diabetic CardiomyopathiesDiabetes represents one of the 10 leading causes of death in the world and concerns 5% of the French population (> 3.3 million patients). About 30% of diabetic patients will develop heart failure. The specific and early identification of diabetic cardiomyopathy at a subclinical stage (asymptomatic patients with normal LVEF) will thus make it possible to predict the risk of the onset of heart failure and to strengthen their monitoring and further adapt their treatment.

Stress Cardiac MRI in Ischemic Patients
Ischemic CardiomyopathyThe aim of this study is to assess the diagnostic accuracy of CMR feature-tracking (FT) at rest & during stress with low dose dobutamine (LDD) in the evaluation of viability in ischemic cardiomyopathy (ICM) patients and compare it with delayed gadolinium enhancement (DGE).

Recurrent Acute Myocarditis Registry
MyocarditisCardiomyopathyThe association between myocardial inflammation (clinically represented by acute myocarditis episodes) and the later development of an arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy is widely elusive.

Occurrence, Trends, Management and Outcomes of Patients Hospitalized With Myocarditis
MyocarditisSudden Cardiac Death3 moreThe epidemiology of myocarditis is largely unknown and based mainly on small single-center studies. The study aim to evaluate the current incidence, clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients hospitalized due to myocarditis in a general population.