Patient's Experience and Choice Between Investigations for Endometrial Cancer in Postmenopausal...
Endometrial CancerPostmenopausal BleedingEndometrial cancer is the most common malignancy of the female genital tract in Hong Kong. The aim in the evaluation of PMB is to exclude underlying malignancy. Endometrial thickness (ET) measured by transvaginal ultrasound scanning (TVS) and endometrial biopsy or sampling (ES) has been recommended as the first-line investigation. From a study between 2002-2013 in the One-stop PMB clinic, investigators found that ET was able to identify women with endometrial cancer with the sensitivity at 3mm, 4mm, and 5mm, the current levels recommended in professional guidelines, being 97.0%, 94.1%, and 93.5% respectively. However, little is known about the level of patient's acceptance of the false negative rate and how patient would trade residual risk with more invasive test. There is also a lack of study on the experience of women during the management pathway especially the level of anxiety before and after investigations and the pain experienced from the investigations offered. The current study aim to study the level of false negative rate accepted by women for the investigation of PMB and the level of anxiety and pain experienced during the investigation pathway.

Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping In Endometrial Cancer
Endometrial NeoplasmsLymph node assessment provides the crucial information about the prognosis of endometrial cancer. Sentinel lymph node stands in the first station on the lymph node metastasis pathways. While traditional systemically lymph node resection would bring a lot of complications, sentinel node mapping and biopsy is a feasible way with less damage to evaluate whether lymph node metastasis occurs in endometrial cancer patients, due to less lymph nodes resected. However, the process of this technology in endometrial cancer isn't well established. The investigators intend to conduct a prospective and multicentric study to evaluate the effectiveness of different mapping methods to achieve a reliable lymph node assessment. Endometrial cancer patients in each center will be recruited in the investigators' study with inclusion and exclusion criteria. After the patients signing the informed consent form, the surgery process will be performed, including sentinel lymph node mapping with Carbon Nanoparticles (CNP) or CNP combining Indocyanine Green(ICG), hysterectomy with or without bilateral adnexectomy, pelvic and para-aortic lymph node resection, sequentially. All resected nodes will be pathologically exanimated. Then the data obtained will be analyzed and discussed deeply and finally lead to a conclusion.

SLNM in Endometrial Cancer Combined With OSNA
Endometrial CancerThe aim of the study is to compare one-step nucleic acid amplification method (OSNA) with histological ultrastaging examination in the sentinel lymph node assessment in patients with endometrial cancer. The molecular biologic method OSNA is a modern way of metastatic spread detection in lymphatic nodes using quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Cytokeratin 19 (CK 19) was selected based on previous studies as the optimal mRNA marker (detected by OSNA). The intraoperative identification and rapid assessment of sentinel lymph nodes by OSNA could help to improve the standards of care in endometrial cancer patients.

Sentinel Node Mapping in Women With Cervical and Endometrial Cancer
Uterine Cervical NeoplasmsUterine NeoplasmsThis study aims to evaluate the effect of SLN mapping on the incidence and severity of lymphedema in women with early stage cervical and endometrial cancer.

Progesterone Induced Blocking Factor Expression Levels in Endometrial Cancer Cells.
Progesterone Induced Blocking Factor in Endometrial CancerImmune system suppression effect of Progesterone Induced Blocking Factor(PIBF), it could be questionable whether tumor cells express PIBF for escape of immune system. There are some studies in the literature that evaluate PIBF expression of different malign cells (e.g. glioblastoma multiforme as a malign central nerve system, leukemia, astrocytoma as a primary brain tumor, lung cancer and chorionic carcinoma). According to previous studies PIBF has been used as an anti-tumor immune suppressor by tumor cells. There is no data about the PIBF expression of endometrial tumor cells. Therefore, the investigators aim to determine the PIBF expression levels in the endometrial cancer cells.

Effectiveness of Care in Certified Cancer Centres in Germany
Colorectal CancerBreast Cancer8 moreAssessment of the effectiveness of care in certified cancer centres for eight cancer entities via a retrospective cohort study based on secondary data from statutory health insurance funds and population-based clinical cancer registries.

The Effect of Anesthesia on Systemic Inflammatory Immune Index in Major Abdominal Cancer Surgeries...
Systemic Immune ActivationCancer Gi1 moreThe effects of different anesthesia methods on the immune system are variable. In this study, we investigated the effect of inhalation anesthesia and total intravenous anesthesia on the SII value in major abdominal cancer surgeries.

Pilot Study Using a PET Gamma Probe to Evaluate Lymph Nodes in Endometrial Cancer
Endometrial CancerThe surgical management of high-risk endometrial cancer often involves an extensive operation to remove lymph nodes as sites of possible cancer spread. 18F-FDG PET/CT imaging is increasingly being used to identify sites of cancer spread and recently groups have used an intra-operative gamma probe to better localize metastatic disease. In this pilot study, patients with newly diagnosed early stage, high-risk endometrial cancer undergoing primary surgery will have a pre-operative PET scan and intra-operative localization of metastatic lymph nodes with the use of a gamma probe. A complete lymphadenectomy will follow and ability to detect positive lymph nodes of both PET scan and the intra-operative probe will be calculated. This study addresses the feasibility of an FDG detection gamma probe in addition to a pre-operative PET/CT for lymphatic mapping in women with clinical early stage high risk endometrial cancer. The study will also evaluate the role of identifying metastatic lymph nodes intraoperatively that would otherwise be clinically negative.

Bone Mineral Density and Subsequent Cancer Risk
Endometrial CancerBreast CancerRecent cohort studies demonstrated reduced breast cancer risks among women with a history of fractures or low bone mineral density (BMD). In the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures, each standard deviation increase in distal radius BMD was associated with a 50% increased risk over three years of follow-up, while in the Framingham study, women in the highest quartile of metacarpal bone mass had a 3.5-fold higher risk than women in the lowest quartile. The impact of the severity and timing of bone loss on risk has not yet been investigated, and the extent to which other risk factors (family history, anthropometric factors, physical activity, and exogenous hormones) modify the relationship with BMD is unknown. To elaborate on these research questions, we are conducting a follow-up study of 22,695 postmenopausal women who volunteered for the Fracture Intervention Trial (FIT), a trial of the bone-enhancing drug alendronate. This large cohort includes extensive baseline information on major breast cancer risk factors, and thus is ideal for evaluating potential interactions with BMD and the effects of BMD on other cancer sites. Endometrial cancer has been reported to occur more frequently among women with a history of fracture, but no previous studies have specifically investigated its relationship to BMD. We are investigating whether BMD of the proximal femur predicts breast cancer risk; whether breast cancer risk factors among postmenopausal women modify the relationship with BMD; whether BMD predicts endometrial or other cancers; and whether measurable biomarkers offer further etiologic clues about BMD and cancer risk. We have contacted the surviving members of FIT to ascertain incident cancers. Risk factors and fracture history are being updated through a self-administered questionnaire. To supplement the serum samples collected at baseline, we are using a nested case-control study approach to collect buccal cell specimens, which may be useful for measuring a variety of biomarkers, including endogenous hormones and genetic polymorphisms involved in either bone growth (e.g., vitamin D receptor) or hormone metabolism (e.g., CYP17, COMT). Retrieval of operative and pathology reports is being used to validate self-reported cancers. The social security numbers and contacts names provided by FIT participants when they completed the baseline questionnaire are facilitating comprehensive follow-up and a National Death Index search for those who cannot be located. The baseline data, the established cooperation of this study population, and the collection of additional biospecimens should enable this study to answer important questions about BMD in breast and endometrial cancers.

Dosimetric Analysis of Vaginal Cuff Brachytherapy in Endometrial Carcinoma
Endometrial CarcinomaCervix Cancer1 moreThe purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of certain variables such as the fullness of the patients bladder and the position of the treatment applicator on the dose of radiation that other organs such as the bladder and the rectum receive during radiation treatment for endometrial carcinoma.