Endometrial Cancer and Fractalkine-receptor Axis of Fractalkine
Endometrial CancerThe endometrial cancers are among the most common malignancies in postmenopausal women with an incidence on the rise. It is most often a endometrioid adenocarcinoma (grade I, II, III). Other histological types are represented mainly by the clear cell carcinoma, papillary serous carcinoma, the carcinosarcoma. The main risk factors for endometrial cancer are age, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, hormone replacement therapy with estrogen and tamoxifen. Endometrial hyperplasia usually precedes endometrial cancer is classified by degree of cytologic atypia. Tumor grade quantifies the degree of differentiation and significantly influences the prognosis. Most research has been applied to define the role of estrogen in these cancers, however an accumulation of data indicate that the general process of tumorigenesis is closely related to immune and inflammatory microenvironment of the tumor. In fact, the microenvironment may be seen as a prognostic parameter of tumors or even predictive of therapeutic response. Recognized as the key molecules responsible for leukocyte recruitment into the tissues, the chemokine-receptor pairs are key players in the immune response, including the anti-tumor immune response but also the inflammatory response. The chemokine-receptor pairs are also involved in many other basic processes such as proliferation, survival or cell death. The objective of this study was to evaluate the prognostic value of the expression of the chemokine fractalkine (FKN) and its receptor CX3CR1 for the development of endometrioid adenocarcinomas. Chemokine FKN has the particularity to exist in two forms, a soluble (FKNs), like all chemokines and membrane form (FKNm). The FKNs, resulting from proteolytic cleavage of the FKNm, is provided with chémoattractantes properties. FKNm the present adhesion molecule properties. The role of FKN in cancer biology is complex. To date, the role of FKN in endometrial cancer has not been reported. Similarly, the precise role of FKN in the physiology of the endometrium is unknown. Nevertheless, fractalkine is one of the most expressed in endometrial chemokines. The expression of FKN and its CX3CR1 receptor is detected in the endometrium at all stages of the menstrual cycle. The respective levels of expression of each are fluctuating and largely dependent on the cycle of stage suggesting a possible control by estrogen and progesterone control described elsewhere ovarian level and endothelial. The cells of the endometrial glandular epithelium, macrophages, neutrophils and NK cells infiltrated in this tissue as well as the endothelial cells of blood vessels express FKN. Interestingly, all the cells mentioned above express CX3CR1, except for NK cells and unlike most tissues, the CD8 cells, present in the endometrium, do not express CX3CR1. In addition, the strongest expression of FKN and CX3CR1 cells by endometrial epithelial coincides with the maximum activity of the glandular epithelium suggesting a possible autocrine loop promoting cell proliferation of the endometrium. Concurrently with the peak of fractalkine, an accumulation of monocytes / macrophages and neutrophils is observed in the endometrium. It appears, moreover, that the balance between the soluble and membrane forms of FKN is important for positioning, infiltration and activity of immune cells within the endometrium. Current knowledge on the involvement of FKN / CX3CR1 axis in the physiology of the endometrium, although incomplete, point unequivocally the potential role of this ligand pair / receptor in the physiology of the tissue and also suggest that a malfunction of this axis could easily cause various diseases. Chronic inflammation of a tissue, largely dependent on macrophage infiltration rate, generally represents the tumor development. The endometrium is subjected to physiologically cyclic and regular inflammatory episodes, mirrors for the expression of chemokines and leukocyte infiltration. However, prolonged leukocyte infiltration establishing chronic or prolonged inflammation of the endometrium could help shape a favorable microenvironment in tumor development. Curiously, the axis FKN / CX3CR1 is involved in the development of several inflammatory diseases, including obesity and diabetes are also risk factors for endometrial cancer. A change in the expression of FKN and / or CX3CR1 is potentially capable of altering the inflammatory physiological cycle of the endometrium and therefore likely to be an element to consider in the evaluation of cancer risk factors of the endometrium. The assumption is that the FKN / CX3CR1 couple could intervene in the pathophysiology of endometrioid adenocarcinomas.

Preoperative Olaparib Endometrial Carcinoma Study (POLEN)
Endometrial CarcinomaThe primary objective of this study is to identify, in human tumour samples, biomarker changes associated to short exposure to AZD2281 as potential predictors of activity in Endometrial Carcinoma (EC). This is an exploratory study with a biological primary endpoint. Clinical efficacy or safety are not a primary objective of the study.

Follow-up of Gynecological Cancer Patients, Their Needs and Expectations, A Cooperation Project...
Endometrial CancerOvarian Cancer1 moreFollow-up of cancer patients accounts for a substantial part of outpatient activity, and alternative models of care are developing. In some countries, low-risk follow-up is already done in primary care, mainly in breast, and colorectal cancer. In this study the investigators will explore gynecological cancer patients about their expectations regarding their future follow-up plan. Further, the investigators will ask about the experience and satisfaction among patients who have already attended a follow-up programme for 2-3 years. In addition, the investigators will especially focus on the cooperation aspect between primary and secondary care. The investigators hypothesize that follow-up of selected gynecological cancer patients can be done by general practitioners.

Prospective, Observational Study of Low-risk Criteria for Node Metastasis in Endometrial Cancer...
Endometrial CancerThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of low risk criteria for lymph node metastasis, that was determined by KGOG-2014 retrospective study, in women with endometrial cancer.

Compare the Performance of Targeted Biopsy Versus Aspiration Biopsy With a Pipette for the Diagnosis...
Endometrial CancerEndometrial cancer is the most common pelvic gynecological cancer in so-called developed countries, with 320,000 new cases annually, including more than 1,500 in Belgium. It preferentially affects postmenopausal women. Overall survival at 5 years is 76% but is 95% for early forms, which represent more than 70% of diagnoses. The main risk factors are obesity, diabetes and tamoxifen intake for breast cancer, which explains the increasing incidence. Half a million new annual cases are expected in 2035. The main symptom is postmenopausal metrorrhagia.Among these women, the prevalence of the disease is estimated between 10 and 15%. Currently the recommendations are to make an evaluation by endovaginal ultrasound followed by an endometrial biopsy. The histological type is the main predictor of the severity of the disease and acts as guideline for the treatment.It is therefore essential to have precise biopsy results before starting therapeutic management. The most widely used technique is the blind biopsy by aspiration using a pipette because it is inexpensive, easy, without any specific equipment. However, recent studies showed that this technique has a poor sensitivity in the target population of postmenopausal women. Other studies have shown that targeted biopsies under hysteroscopic control could have a much higher sensitivity. The main objective of this study is thus to compare the performance of the targeted biopsy under hysteroscopy to the performance of the biopsy by aspiration with a pipette, for the diagnosis of endometrial cancer.

Photoacoustic Endoscopy in Endometrial Cancer
Endometrial CancerBenign Neoplasm of Body of UterusThe purpose of this research study is to evaluate whether a new technology called intrauterine photoacoustic endoscopy (PAE) can be used to evaluate the inner lining of the uterus.

Regional Anesthesia and Endometrial Cancer Recurrence
CancerThe purpose of this study is to determine whether recurrence of local and metastatic cancer after open hysterectomy for stage 1 or 2 endometrial cancer is reduced when patients receive epidural anesthesia/analgesia combined with propofol sedation rather than sevoflurane anesthesia and opioid analgesia.

Efficacy of PET/MRI in Detecting Metastatic Disease in Endometrial Cancer
Endometrial CancerThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the ability of PET/MRI (Positron Emission Tomography/Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to give physicians preoperative information about specific sites in the body that the endometrial cancer may be present. If the PET/MRI is accurate and successful in providing this information, then women in the future may be able to have less extensive surgery for their endometrial cancer after evaluation with PET/MRI.

ENdometrial Cancer SURvivors' Follow-up carE (ENSURE): Less is More?
Endometrial CancerBackground: It has often been hypothesized that the frequency of follow-up for patients with early-stage endometrial cancer could be decreased. However, studies evaluating effects of a reduced follow-up schedule among this patient group are lacking. Objective: Assess patient satisfaction and cost-effectiveness of a less frequent follow-up schedule compared to the schedule according to the Dutch guideline. Study design: Dutch multicentre randomized controlled trial with a 5 year follow-up. Patients (n=282) are randomized in an intervention group with 4 follow-up visits during 3 years, and a control group with 10-13 follow-up visits during 5 years, according to the Dutch guideline. Patients are asked to fill out a questionnaire at baseline, 6, 12, 36 and 60 months. Patient inclusion will take two years (if 60% of the patients participate). Outcomes: Primary: Patient satisfaction with follow-up care and cost-effectiveness. Secondary: health care use, adherence to schedule, health-related quality of life, fear of recurrence, anxiety and depression, information provision, recurrence, survival Patients: Stage 1A and 1B low-risk endometrial cancer patients, for whom adjuvant radiotherapy is not indicated Statistics: linear regression analyses to assess differences in patient satisfaction with follow-up care between intervention and control group adjusted for potential pre-defined confounders. Expected results: Patients in the intervention arm have a similar satisfaction with follow-up care and overall outcomes, but lower health care use and costs than patients in the control arm. No effects are expected on QALY differences (losses) and satisfaction, but the reduced schedule is expected to save 144.000 per year in the Netherlands.

Comparison of the Effects of Fentanyl, Oxycodone, Butorphanol on Gastrointestinal Function
Cervix NeoplasmsEndometrial Cancer2 morePostoperative ileus (POI) is a transient loss of coordinated peristalsis precipitated by surgery and exacerbated by opioid pain medication.So,how to provide patients with ideal analgesia without affecting the recovery of postoperative gastrointestinal function?This was a prospective randomized controlled study. A total of 105 patients who were scheduled for laparoscopic hysterectomy were randomly selected from The First Affiliated Hospital with Nanjing Medical University by random number table. These patients were randomly divided into three groups: fentanyl(F) group, oxycodone(O) group and butorphanol(B) group.