The Compatibility of Preoperative Endometrial Biopsies With Postoperative Final Pathology in Endometrial...
Endometrial Cancer StageGynecologic CancerAlthough there are many studies comparing preoperative and postoperative histological diagnoses in the literature, there are no studies evaluating the compatibility of preoperative histological diagnoses obtained from different centers with postoperative histological diagnoses.Therefore, in our study, we aimed to determine whether preoperative pathological specimens need to be re-evaluated in the referenced hospitals by comparing the compatibility of endometrial specimens in secondary care and tertiary centers with their final pathologies.In our study, we aimed to reveal the under and overdiagnosis rates of the preoperative histological diagnoses of our hospitals compared to the final pathology.

Vaginal Estradiol Tablets (Vagifem®) and Endometrial Cancer Risk in the Treatment of Postmenopausal...
Postmenopausal Vaginal AtrophyThe study will include data from a nationwide Danish cohort of postmenopausal women and the United States of America (US) cohort of postmenopausal women. The Danish nationwide cohort will be established through linkage of Danish national patient registries. The US cohort will be established based on data from US claims database, Truven. The aim of this study is to evaluate whether exposure to Vagifem® increases the rate of endometrial cancer in postmenopausal women.

Pre-operative Studies for Prediction of Lymph Nodes Involvement in Endometrial Cancer Patients
Endometrial CancerThe study evaluates pre-operative prediction of the risk for lymph nodes involvement in endometrial cancer patients. Patients will undergo ultrasound exam (bi and three dimensional) and biomarker test - Ca 125, in addition to routine physical and laboratory exams, before surgery. The sonographic evaluation will include endometrial characteristics and myometrial invasion, pelvic findings and enlarged lymph nodes.

PET-CT vs. Integrated MR-PET Scanning of GYN Cancers
Cervical CancerEndometrial Cancer1 moreThis research study is an imaging pilot study. Imaging pilot studies explore the potential benefit of one imaging approach compared to another clinically accepted approach. Such studies serve to understand how feasible an approach may be and whether it is worth pursuing in formal and larger clinical trials. Researchers of this study believe that simultaneous Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging will offer additional imaging information to improve cancer detection. MRI and PET are two tests that allow us to take pictures of the body and "look inside" the body without surgery. The MRI scanner uses a powerful magnet to make a picture of the body. The PET scanner makes pictures by using special dyes that "light up" inside the body. PET scans use radiation, similar to the radiation in a standard x-ray. We routinely use both tests to diagnose various types of cancer. As of now, the combination of PET and computed tomography (CT) has been considered a standard of care imaging approach for various cancers. Until recently, MRI and PET tests were done separately. Now there is a new type of test called MR-PET that combines both MRI and PET test results. This scanner uses both MRI and PET tests at the same time. We would like to find out if the MR-PET scanner can produce better and clearer images (pictures) of tumors and information about them inside of the body. This new MR-PET scanner is approved by the US FDA. However, some of the computer programs that tell the machine how to acquire and combine the test results are new and experimental. Experimental means that some of the computer programs are not approved by the FDA. This means that they can only be used in research studies. The MR-PET scanner has been previously used in a few human participants.

Combined Colon and Endometrial Cancer Screening in Women With HNPCC
Colon CancerPrimary Objectives: To test the feasibility of combined colon and endometrial cancer screening in women with increased risk for colon and endometrial cancer. To measure patient satisfaction for the combined procedure.

Preliminary Study of Endometrial Hyperplasia Groundwork for a Study to Define Precursors of Endometrial...
Endometrial HyperplasiaEndometrial Cancer2 moreThis study, conducted jointly by the National Cancer Institute and the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research Northwest (KPCHRN) in Portland, Oregon, will lay the groundwork for a future study to identify precursors of endometrial cancer; that is, conditions that precede development of cancer of the lining of the uterus. The diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia (a condition of abnormal proliferation of endometrial tissue) includes most precursors of endometrial cancer, as well as many benign conditions. Currently, three methods of classifying endometrial cancer precursors have been suggested based on endometrial hyperplasia findings, but it is not known which classification best predicts cancer risk. This study will examine surgical specimens of hyperplasia and cancer from women diagnosed with endometrial cancer at least 2 years after a diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia. Investigators will estimate the percentage of cases with different degrees of hyperplasia, and assess the subsequent cancers that developed. This will allow them to rank hyperplasia lesions according to cancer risk and identify lesions that represent the most immediate cancer precursors. They will also review patients medical charts for information related to cancer risk and treatment. Study participants will include women enrolled in the KPCHRN who are 40 years of age or older and who were diagnosed with endometrial cancer at least 2 years after being diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia.

Investigation Of Receptivity Markers For Endometrial Cancer Treatment Development
Endometrial Cancer StageHyaluronan is an extracellular matrix protein that is involved in cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. Hyaluronan performs this activity through hyaladherins, which are intracellular and extracellular receptors. The purpose of this study was to compare the distributions of Hyaluronan Synthetase 2 (HAS2) and CD44s in healthy endometrial tissue samples obtained during the proliferative phase endometrium (PPE) and secretory phase endometrium (SPE), as well as pathologic samples diagnosed with benign endometrial hyperplasia (EH), endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia (EIN), early stage of endometrial carcinoma (EC) (stage I/II) and advanced stage of endometrial carcinoma (stage III/IV) (n:5, each). By using the avidin-biotin-peroxidase method, tissue samples that had been fixed with formalin passed through a regular paraffin follow-up protocol, and subsequently embedded in paraffin were stained indirectly with anti-CD44s and anti-HAS2 primary antibodies. Immunostaining intensity was graded as 0: negative, 1: weak, 2: moderate, 3: strong, and 4: very strong using a semiquantitative technique. The ANOVA test was used to assess the statistical significance of the findings. Statistical significance was defined as (p) values less than 0.05. While weak HAS2 and weak/moderate CD44s immunoreactivity was observed on the surface epithelium (SE)/glandular epithelium (GE) and stroma of the tissue samples acquired during PPE; weak/moderate HAS2 and moderate CD44s immunoreactivity were observed in SPE and EH groups; moderate/strong HAS2, strong CD44s immunoreactivity was observed in EIN; strong/very strong HAS2 and very strong CD44s immunoreactivity were observed in early-stage EC and advanced stage EC. It was determined that the immunoreactivity intensity increased at a statistically significant level in both early and advanced stage EC. The fact that HAS2 and CD44s, two intracellular receptors, have increased in endometrial carcinoma leads us to believe that they are likely to play a role in tumor development, invasion, migration, metastasis and that they may be useful in developing future treatment protocols targeting hyaluronan receptors.

Endometrial Malignancy in Breast Cancer Patients With or Without AUB
Endometrial NeoplasmsIn order to assess the hysteroscopic, histopathologic, and ultrasonographic aspects of uterine monitoring in postmenopausal breast cancer patients with or without abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB), as well as to calculate the risk of endometrial cancer in women with or without AUB.

Effect of a Uterine Manipulator on the Incidence of Lymphovascular Propagation (LVSI) in Treatment...
Endometrial CancerLVSIWe retrospectively analyzed data and compared the impact of intrauterine manipulators on incidence of LVSI in endometrial cancer patients treated at our department.

OSCAR ENDO One Stop Assessment of Risk for Endometrial Hyperplasia and Cancer
Endometrial CancerAtypical HyperplasiaIt is to be achieved that in postmenopausal women through the combination of Hysteroscopy and intraoperative rapid section a positive predictive value (PPV) regarding the objective illness like endometrial cancer or adenomatous hyperplasia of 100% so as a negative predictive value (NPV) of 99%.