Aim 3, Optimizing CRC Screening in Patients With Diabetes in Safety-net Primary Care Settings
Colorectal Cancer ScreeningDiabetes Mellitus1 moreThis mixed methods study evaluates the effectiveness and feasibility of a multi-level (patient, team, organizations) intervention to optimize CRC screening for patients with diabetes in primary care safety-net settings.

Sex Differences in the effecTs of brEaking uP Sedentary Behavior on vascUlar Function in Type 2...
Type 2 DiabetesCardiovascular DiseasesType 2 diabetes (T2D) confers a high risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), particularly among older adults who tend to be physically inactive. Prolonged sedentary behavior (SB) has been shown to negatively influence markers of cardiovascular risk (e.g., blood glucose, blood pressure), even among individuals who are physically active. Most studies that have examined the effects of breaking up SB have focused on young healthy males and prioritized glycemic outcomes. Additionally, sex differences in these outcomes have not been adequately examined. The present study will address these gaps. This 3-arm crossover randomized controlled trial will compare the effects of 3 SB conditions on markers of vascular function. The 3 conditions are: 1) 4 hours of prolonged SB, 2) 4 hours of SB broken up by 5 minutes of self-paced walking every hour, and 3) 4 hours of SB with one 20-minute bout of self-paced walking. In addition to examining the overall effects of each condition, sex differences in physiological responses will be evaluated.

PROmoting Diabetes Education and Management Through Peer Support and Team Referral
Diabetes MellitusType 2A 3-step project is proposed. Step 1 will test which BPA time point(s) maximize referral rates to DSMES services in the real world clinic setting (Aim 1). Step 2 will utilize that approach within a pilot study of six sites, comparing the effectiveness of peer support to improve attendance to DSMES services (Aim 2). Step 3 will engage stakeholders in designing a future large scale DSMES services trial to improve referral and attendance to DSMES classes.

Diabetes Companion App for Adults With Diabetes and Their Carers
DiabetesDiabetes Mellitus3 moreDiabetes self-management support, education, and training are increasingly being delivered through digital technology such as mobile phones. This protocol aims to evaluate the effectiveness of GLOW, a diabetes companion app with a conversational agent.

QBSafe: a Randomized Trial of a Novel Intervention to Improve Care for People Living With Type 2...
Type2DiabetesDiabetesGlycemic control is often the main indicator of successful diabetes care, but a singular focus on glycemic control may lead to patients' overall health and wellbeing being overlooked or undervalued. The investigators have previously developed an intervention comprised of (a) a set of conversation cards designed to enable patients to identify aspects of life with diabetes important to them and to share them with their clinician to obtain their input; and (b) materials that help clinicians respond to patient concerns. The investigators will now conduct a randomized clinical trial to test the feasibility of the research procedures and efficacy of the intervention with respect to patient reported outcome measures.

Type 2 Diabetes Intervention by Gut Microbiota-directed Diet -a Open Labelled RCT
Type 2 DiabetesThis study is a randomized, open labelled, placebo-controlled clinical trial. The main purpose is to verify the superior effect of gut microbiota directed diet intervention over standard diet intervention by evaluating the changes of HbA1c relative to baseline at 16 weeks and 28 weeks of follow-up.

Evidence-based Text Messages to Target Diet and Physical Activity
Type 2 DiabetesThis research aims to develop a bank of text messages based on behaviour change techniques targeting specific diet and physical activity behaviours in people with type 2 diabetes

GODART Pilot and Feasibility
Diabetes MellitusType 2The purpose of this study is to pilot and assess the feasibility of implementing an artificial intelligence-assisted individualized lifestyle modification intervention for glycemic control in rural populations, which can be delivered even with regular landline phone service. This study will provide us with the knowledge to plan a well-powered optimization trial in the future to develop an optimal (low-cost) intervention package that can be delivered in a sustainable manner to the rural portions of America.

Nitrate Supplementation and Exercise Tolerance in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 DiabetesThe purpose of this study is to use a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study design to comprehensively investigate the impact of 8-weeks of dietary nitrate supplementation on skeletal muscle blood flow, mitochondrial function, and exercise capacity in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D).

A Phase 3 Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of XW003 Compared With Placebo in T2DM Patients
T2DMType 2 Diabetes MellitusThe main purpose of this study is to investigate the efficacy and safety of XW003 versus placebo in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) inadequately controlled by diet and exercise alone