Coronary Artery Calcium-guided Primary Prevention of Major Coronary Heart Disease in Asymptomatic...
Type2 DiabetesCoronary Heart DiseaseTo evaluate benefits of primary prevention of major coronary heart disease for asymptomatic coronary artery disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus based on the coronary artery calcium score Our proposal Based on CAC score, primary early prevention could reduce incidence of major coronary heart disease (CHD) including cardiac mortality, acute myocardial infarction, coronary revascularization based on CAC score, primary early prevention could reduce all cause mortality, cardiac mortality, cardiovascular disease, heart failure, ischemic stroke, heart failure associated hospitalization and chronic kidney disease and related clinical cost effect

IGNITE (Impact of Glucose moNitoring and nutrItion on Time in rangE)
Type 2 DiabetesThe purpose of this study is to learn whether there is a difference in the amount of time glucose (blood sugar) stays within a target range (glucose 70 - 180 mg/dl) when using either continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) or fingerstick blood glucose monitoring (BGM) in people with Type 2 diabetes who participate in the Virta Treatment program.

Fully Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery in Abdominal Surgery (CLAB)
Perioperative HyperglycaemiaInsulin Therapy9 moreThe purpose of the study is to assess the efficacy, safety and usability of perioperative fully-automated closed-loop insulin delivery versus standard insulin therapy in patients with diabetes other than type 1 diabetes undergoing elective major abdominal surgery.

A Research Study to Look Into How Well Semaglutide Medicine Works at Different Doses in People With...
Diabetes MellitusType 2This study compares how three doses of semaglutide work in participants with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and overweight who are taking metformin. The study will look mainly at how well participant's blood sugar and participant's body weight are controlled when they are taking the study medicine at different doses. Participants will either get semaglutide [2 milligrams (mg), 8 mg, or 16 mg] or semaglutide placebo (a dummy medicine). Participants will take the study medicine with an injection pen called NovoPen®4. The injection pen is a medical tool with a needle used to inject the study medicine under the skin. The study will last for about 52 weeks. Participants will have 13 clinic visits and 4 phone calls.

A Study of Insulin Efsitora Alfa (LY3209590) Compared With Insulin Degludec in Participants With...
Type 2 DiabetesThe reason for this study is to see if the study drug insulin efsitora alfa (LY3209590) is safe and effective in participants with Type 2 diabetes that have already been treated with basal insulin. The study consists of a 3-week screening/lead-in period, a 78-week treatment period and a 5-week safety follow-up period. The study will last up to 86 weeks.

Problem Solving Treatment for Diabetes in Individuals With Poor Diabetes Control
Diabetes MellitusType 2The goal of this randomised controlled trial is to test a cognitive-behavioural intervention, Problem Solving Treatment for Diabetes (PST-D) in patients with type 2 diabetes. The main questions it aims to answer are: To evaluate the clinical effectiveness of PST-D compared with the attention control group. To determine the impact of PST-D on patient-centred, behavioural, and psychosocial outcomes. To identify independent factors associated with an improvement in HbA1c and reductions in incidence and progression diabetic retinopathy, diabetic neuropathy, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and visual impairment at 18-month follow-up in both groups; and determine if these factors mediate the associations between the PST-D intervention with the above outcomes. To quantify the incremental cost-effectiveness of PST-D compared with the attention control group at 18-month follow-up. To understand participants' views, experiences, and opinions about PST-D; and the barriers and facilitators to program completion. Participants will complete blood tests, ocular examinations, and a series of questionnaires at baseline, 6-month, 12-month, and 18-month follow-up. Participants will also complete the intervention/ control group sessions conducted over the phone, video call, or face-to-face depending on the participant's preference. Researchers will compare the intervention group against the attention control group to determine the effectiveness of PST-D on improving clinical, patient-centred, behavioural, and psychosocial outcomes.

Canagliflozin-Mealtime Insulin Rescue
Diabetes MellitusType 224-week, randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate safety and efficacy of canagliflozin as compared with placebo in reducing the need for mealtime insulin in subjects with type 2 diabetes currently using a basal-bolus insulin regimen.

Technology Intensified Diabetes Education Study in African Americans
Diabetes MellitusType 28 moreThe purpose of this study is to test the usefulness of an intervention that combines technology with diabetes education and skills training. This study has been designed specifically for African Americans with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes.

A Study of Dulaglutide (LY2189265) in Participants With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in India
Diabetes MellitusType 2The main purpose of this study is to evaluate safety of dulaglutide in participants with type 2 diabetes mellitus in India.

The DR-EAM Type 2 Diabetes Study
Type 2 DiabetesThe goal of this 12-month interventional study is to analyse the clinical outcome benefits, scalability and cost-effectiveness of a digital Low-Calorie digital Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) remission program compared to usual National Health System (NHS) care.