Belgian Drug-utilization Study to Evaluate the Use of VIMPAT® as Adjunctive Treatment of Partial...
SeizuresObservational study at the request of the Belgian Institut National d'Assurance Maladie-Invalidité / Rijksinstituut voor Ziekte-en Invaliditeits Verzekering INAMI/RIZIV: type of patient treated with VIMPAT® VIMPAT® dose Effect of VIMPAT® on evolution of seizure control Persistence rate at 6 months in terms of treatment duration Discontinuation rate Description of any changes in other epilepsy therapies Safety and tolerability

An Observational Study of the Safety of Topiramate in Adults and Children With Epilepsy
SeizuresEpilepticThe purpose of this observational study is to evaluate the safety of topiramate in adults and children with epilepsy (or seizures) who have not received or have not responded to treatment with previous antiepileptic medication.

Role of Hormones in Susceptibility to Seizures in Women With Epilepsy
EpilepsyThis study will measure and compare hormone levels in women with catamenial epilepsy (epilepsy in which seizures are more frequent during menstrual periods), women with seizures not related to their menstrual cycle, and normal control subjects. It will determine whether there are differences among the three groups in their hormone levels or in how fast the levels change. It will also examine what relationship, if any, exists between hormone changes and seizures in women with catamenial epilepsy. The hormones under study include the gonadal hormones estrone, estradiol and progesterone, and the neuroactive steroids allopregnanolone, pregnenolone, and dehydroepiandrosterone. Women who meet the following criteria may be eligible for this 3-month study: Between 18 and 45 years of age, with catamenial epilepsy Between 18 and 45 years of age, with seizures, but not catamenial epilepsy Between 18 and 45 years of age, without seizures All participants will have a physical examination at the beginning of the study, at each clinic visit, and at completion or withdrawal from the study. In addition, they will undergo the following procedures: Baseline Monitoring For the first 2 months, all participants will keep a diary of their temperature and onset of menses. Women with epilepsy will also record their seizures. Electroencephalography (EEG) Healthy volunteers will have a 45-minute EEG (recording of the electrical activity of the brain) at the beginning of each menstrual cycle and each day during the menses. Women with epilepsy will have continuous EEG monitoring for 8 days, beginning 5 days before their menstrual period is expected. The continuous monitoring can be done on an outpatient basis, using a portable EEG recording device, or as an inpatient, with admission to the hospital for the 8 days of recording. Blood Sampling All participants will have a small blood sample (2 teaspoons) drawn once a day on days 10, 14, 17, 19 and 21 of their menstrual cycle and three times a day on day 6 and for a period of 8 days, starting 5 days before the expected menses and continuing for 3 days of the next cycle. For the days with three blood draws, a small needle that can stay in place for up to 72 hours will be placed in the arm to avoid the discomfort of multiple needle sticks.

Serotonin Receptors in Seizure Disorders
Partial EpilepsyPatients in this study will undergo PET scans (a type of nuclear imaging test) to look for abnormalities in certain brain proteins associated with seizures. Studies in animals have shown that serotonin-a chemical messenger produced by the body-attaches to proteins on brain cells called 5HT1A receptors and changes them in some way that may help control seizures. There is little information on these changes, however. A new compound that is highly sensitive to 5HT1A, will be used in PET imaging to measure the level of activity of these receptors and try to detect abnormalities. Changes in receptor activity may help determine where in the brain the seizures are originating. Additional PET scans will be done to measure the amount of blood flow to the brain and the rate at which the brain uses glucose-a sugar that is the brain's main fuel. Blood flow measurement is used to calculate the distribution of serotonin receptors, and glucose use helps determine how seizures affect brain function. The information gained from the study will be used to try to help guide the patient's therapy and determine if surgery might be beneficial in controlling the patient's seizures.

A Study to Investigate Dosage, Effectiveness, and Safety of Perampanel When Used as First Add-on...
Idiopathic Generalized EpilepsyPartial Onset Seizures1 moreThe primary purpose of this study is to assess the retention rate of perampanel as a reliable proxy for overall effectiveness and tolerability in participants aged at least 12 years who are prescribed perampanel (for partial onset seizures [POS] with or without secondary generalization [SG] or for primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures [PGTCS] associated with idiopathic generalized epilepsy [IGE] as first adjunctive to antiepileptic drug (AED) monotherapy as part of their routine clinical care.

A Safety Study For Prevenar 13 Among Chinese Children
SeizuresUrticaria and Angioedema2 moreThis is an observational study based on a population-based EHR database.

Creation, Implementation, and Analysis of a Seizure Action Plan
EpilepsyStatus EpilepticusData strongly suggests that aggressive and early treatment of status epilepticus (SE) is crucial for seizure abortion and prevention of long-term neurologic sequelae. We propose the creation of a seizure action plan, an intervention aimed to guide daily medication use, outline pre-hospital seizure first aid and rescue medication use, and direct emergency personnel in patients' individualized SE medication algorithm, with implementation through the electronic medical record. We hypothesize that the seizure action plan will promote daily medication adherence, increase use of home rescue mediation, and improve timeliness of AED (antiepileptic drug) delivery, length of hospital stay, and ICU admission rate in episodes of status epilepticus.

Study to Investigate Dosage, Efficacy, and Safety of Perampanel Given as Monotherapy in Patients...
EpilepsyPartial-Onset Seizures1 moreThe primary objective of this study is to assess the retention rate of perampanel when given as secondary monotherapy in routine clinical care.

Vagus Nerve Stimulation Titration Protocol to Improve Tolerance and Accelerate Adaptation
EpilepsySeizuresPost-market, on-label, double-blind, randomized, prospective, interventional, tolerability and clinical outcomes study to determine the number of patients achieving their final assigned VNS Therapy dose settings in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy who are being treated with adjunctive VNS Therapy using new titration protocols.

A Taste and Acceptance Study of FruitiVits in Children Aged 4-8 Years Following a Ketogenic Diet....
Seizure DisordersSubjects will be asked to substitute their usual vitamin and mineral supplement/s with FruitiVits for seven consecutive days.