Lactic Acidosis During and After Seizures
EpilepsyThis project looks at the time course of lactic acid rise (if any) after seizures. Salivary and capillary lactic acid are tested. This type of measurement may be useful in signalling the occurrence or recent history of a seizure.

Pharmacokinetics of Levetiracetam (Keppra) in Neonates
SeizuresEpilepsyThe primary objective of this study is to determine the pharmacokinetic profile of a loading dose of intravenous levetiracetam, given for clinical reasons, in term and late preterm infants with seizures. Secondary objectives are to evaluate the safety and efficacy of levetiracetam in term and preterm infants with seizures.

Physical Exercise in Subjects With Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy
EpilepsyEpilepsia2 moreEpilepsy is a chronic neurologic disorder characterized by seizures. Beside seizures people suffering from epilepsy experience several challenges related to education, work and everyday life such as learning-, problem-solving-, memory-, concentration-, attention difficulties and fatigue. It is generally approved that physical activity (PA) has a positive effect on physical as well as mental factors. However, people with epilepsy are found to be less active and PA is rarely offered or recommended as supplement to anti-epileptic medical treatment. Few studies have investigated the effect of PA in subjects with epilepsy and additional studies of high methodical quality are needed to enable evidence-based information and counselling. This study is carried through as a randomized controlled trial which investigates the effect of participation in a 10-week cardio exercise program in people with Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy aged 15-50. The study hypothesis is that participation in a 10-week cardio exercise program will induce a positive change in cognitive function (concentration and attention) and possibly in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). In addition it is expected that the intensity and duration of the 10-week cardio exercise program is sufficient to cause changes in physiological parameters related to a reduced risk of lifestyle diseases.

Non-Interventional Study With LYRICA (Pregabalin) In Patients With Epilepsy As Adjunctive Therapy...
EpilepsyThe primary efficacy parameter will be the responder rate, defined as the proportion of subjects who had at least a 50% reduction in 28 day seizure rate during the maintenance phase

Effect of Antiseizure Medication on Hormone Levels and Sexual Function in Men With Epilepsy
Seizure DisorderEpilepsyThe purpose of this study is to determine if antiseizure drugs affect hormone levels and sexual function in men with seizures.

Monitoring Patients With Uncontrolled Epilepsy
EpilepsySeizuresThis study is designed to evaluate patients with uncontrolled seizures. Seizures can be associated with and monitored by abnormal electrical activity in the brain. In this study researchers will use video-electroencephalography (EEG) to monitor patients with uncontrolled or suspected seizures. EEG works by measuring electrical activity in different areas of the brain. The video-EEG allows researchers to examine changes in the EEG along with the clinical features of seizures as they occur. In addition to monitoring electrical activity of the brain, researchers will take frequent antiepileptic drug blood levels. These measures will allow researchers to learn more about how each drug is absorbed and metabolized in the body. The information collected in the study will be used to place patients into other scientific studies testing new therapies for epilepsy.

Epileptic Seizure in Epilepsy Patients After SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination
Epileptic Seizures Related to DrugsSARS-CoV-2 Acute Respiratory Disease1 moreBackground and Objectives: Seizure attack is one of adverse effects of vaccination in epileptic patients, the risk of which after severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) inoculation was elucidated in the present study. Methods: A self-controlled case series study was designed to examine the association between vaccination and epileptic seizure. A total of 240 epilepsy patients were included who were vaccinated with inactive SARS-CoV-2 vaccines (Sinovac Life Sciences and Lanzhou Institute of Biological Products) and admitted to outpatient clinics from July 2021 to December 2021. Poisson analysis was performed to estimate the relative incidence rate of epileptic seizure in risk periods (day 1-7, 8-21 and 1-21 after first-dose vaccination) compared to basal level in control period.

Nonconvulsive Seizure Identification on Quantitative EEG by Neuro ICU Nurses
Nonconvulsive SeizuresThis research is being conducted to determine if Neuroscience intensive care unit (ICU) nurses are able to identify seizures by reviewing quantitative EEG (qEEG) that is running at the bedside. QEEG is the application of mathematical and analytical techniques to analyze EEG signals. Several hours of data can be displayed on a single screen in several graphical panels. Routine evaluation of EEG data consists of manual inspection of each page of EEG data by a trained neurophysiologist (a neuro ICU doctor) and can be quite time-consuming. In most cases, this data can only be reviewed intermittently and interpretation is almost always relayed to the primary clinical team after the seizures have occurred. Theoretically,qEEG graphical displays can provide a simplified view of complex EEG data that could possibly be used by non-neurophysiologists, such as Neuro ICU nurses. Our hypothesis is that Neuro ICU nurses are able to accurately identify recurrent seizures in real-time.

Lens Fitting Evaluation of CooperVision MyDay™ Compared With 1-DAY ACUVUE® TruEye® and DAILIES TOTAL1®...
MyopiaLens Fitting Evaluation of CooperVision MyDay™ Compared with 1-DAY ACUVUE® TruEye® and DAILIES TOTAL1®

Diagnostic Subdural EEG-electrode And Subdural hEmatoma (DISEASE)
SeizuresSubdural HematomaEpileptic seizures are one of the frequent complications in patients with traumatic brain injury; the incidence lies approximately at 20%. Particularly, acute subdural hematoma (aSDH) is one of the most important predictors for epileptic seizures, which is besides other parameters like age, preoperative Glasgow coma scale, cerebral herniation, hematoma volume and time to operation, associated with worse neurological outcome. In a recent systematic review, the mean incidence of epileptic seizures in aSDH was 28%, whereas one retrospective study focusing on EEG-diagnostic reported very high incidence of epileptiform abnormalities on surface EEG in 87% of patients with aSDH, wherefore the question rises, if the incidence of epileptic seizures is underestimated. Despite successful evacuation of subdural hematoma, approximately one third of patients show no clinical improvement without medical explanation. Routinely, surface spot EEG is performed to detect epileptic seizures; however the sensitivity is limited due to the skin-bone barrier and the short duration of recording. Furthermore, surface EEG is not always available, for example during the night or at weekends, which is an additional limitation for the loss of treatment timing as well. Spot surface EEG will record for only 20 to 30 minutes in contrast to continuous EEG recordings that are performed for hours or days. Due to the clinical relevance of epileptic seizures, several studies investigated the benefit of prophylactic antiepileptic treatment. To date, there is only one recommendation from the Brain Trauma Foundation at evidence class II to treat patients with severe traumatic brain injury with prophylactic antiepileptic treatment during the first week. Beyond the interval; there was no clinical benefit for patients selected. Still, there are some limitations´wherefore the clinical use of prophylactic antiepileptic treatment varies between clinicians and countries. At that time, the standard medication was phenytoin which has several side effects, but to date, there are several new intravenous antiepileptic drugs with comparable effect but better safety profile. On the other hand, there was no sifferentiation made between high-risked seizure prone patients, like patients with aSDH, and low-risked patients which is one of the limiting factors to support a general recommendation. Therefore the role of prophylactic antiepileptic treatment is still questionable. In the clinical routine, invasive EEG-electrodes are commonly used to detect epileptic focus. The benefit of those electrodes is the real time analysis in case of seizure occurrence compared to surface EEG. Moreover, therapeutic effect is directly visible through the monitoring. Therefore the idea of this study was to make a real time analysis possible for patient with TBI, particularly aSDH, to have diagnostic and therapeutic real time monitoring detecting subclinical seizures.