Expanded Access of Sotorasib
Non Small-cell Lung CancerLocally Advanced Unresectable NSCLC1 moreThe primary objective of this study is to provide expanded access to and characterize the safety profile of Sotorasib in participants with previously treated locally advanced/unresectable/metastatic non small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with KRAS p.G12C mutation in a real-world setting.

Description of Clinical Anatomical Features and Long Term Follow-up for Patients With ALK Rearrangements...
Non-small Cell Lung CancerAnaplastic Lymphoma Kinase Gene MutationDescription of clinical and anatomical features and long-term follow-up for patients with ALK rearrangement and treated by crizotinib

PDL-1 Expression on Circulating Tumor Cells in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
Lung CancerImmunotherapy is probably, since the development of therapies targeting EGFR mutations or ALK rearrangement, the most attractive therapeutic perspective in the management of metastatic lung cancer. Among the compounds tested, the inhibitors of the immune checkpoint PROGRAMME DEATH 1 / PROGRAMME DEATH LIGAND 1 (PD-1/PD-L1) have been tested in numerous clinical trials with recently published positive results leading to the approval of one drug in the USA and an expanded access program for two drugs in France. PROGRAMME DEATH LIGAND 1 (PD-L1) expression by tumor cells is strongly associated with the response to such molecules so that the participation in various clinical trials is currently reserved for patients expressing this biomarker and therefore justifies a new invasive biopsy (bronchoscopic or CT-guided) representing a considerable drag on the access to these treatments. Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) isolated by Isolation by Size of Tumor Cells (ISET) offer a direct and non-invasive access to the tumor. It has already been demonstrated that molecular characterization (EGFR, ALK) on these blood samples is possible. We propose to demonstrate the feasibility of the analysis PDL-1 expression in these cells by immunocytochemistry. Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells (MDSCs) are immature myeloid cells that inhibit T cell functions and thus promote tumor growth. These cells frequently express PD-L1. We propose to test whether MDSCs level and its evolution during treatment with PD1 inhibitor is correlated to the response to these drugs. The main objective of this study is to demonstrate the feasibility of the analysis of PD-L1 expression on CTC

Afatinib Expanded Access Program
CarcinomaNon-Small-Cell LungThis is an open-label, multi-center, single-arm trial, designed to provide early access to afatinib and to provide additional information on the safety and efficacy of afatinib in advanced NSCLC patients who harbor an EGFR mutation.

FDG-PET Scan Response Guided Chemotherapy Strategy for Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
Non-small Cell Lung CancerThe usual response to chemotherapy is decided through the image change by computed tomography (CT), which is taken at least 6-9 weeks. In order to predict the response to chemotherapy earlier, patients received FDG-PET scan at the first cycle of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy was guided by the metabolic response by FDG-PET scan.

Study in NSCLC: is Timely Analysis of EGFR-mutation Status Feasible in Region Antwerp, Belgium....
Non Small Cell Lung CancerThis is an observational study to evaluate the feasibility of the implementation of a personalized treatment strategy based on specific tumor marker (f.i. EGFR-mutation) in the routine clinical care setting in the Antwerp region (Belgium).

Elderly Dependent Patients With Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
Non Small Cell Lung CancerThe purpose of this study is in non small-cell lung cancer stage IV et IIIB (T4 with pleural effusion) in elderly dependent patients with evaluation of the sequence Gemcitabine first line followed by Erlotinib when progression versus Erlotinib first line followed by Gemcitabine when progression

Measurement of Pain and Other Symptoms of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Patients Following...
Lung CancerPrimary Objectives: To longitudinally assess the natural history of symptoms (prevalence, severity, patterns of symptoms, and the relationship of physical and psychological distress) among post-thoracic surgery for non-small cell lung cancer patients with early stage (stage I-IIIA) disease. To determine crisis events (when symptoms are most severe), their relationship with cancer therapy, surgical techniques and disease, and their relationship with function and quality of life; and to determine current practice patterns of symptom control throughout the six months of the post-surgical phase. To determine the utility of a weekly, telephone-administered interactive voice response symptom assessment (IVR-MDASI) for identifying emergent clinically significant symptoms in this population. To develop symptom severity critical values and critical treatment algorithms for post-operative symptom control for NSCLC patients.

Angiogenesis With Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Tracer Uptake
AngiogenesisNon-Small Cell Lung CancerPurpose: L-[3-18F]-α-methyltyrosine (18F-FMT) is an amino-acid tracer for PET. We have conducted a clinicopathologic study to elucidate the correlation of angiogenesis with 18F-FMT and 18F-FDG uptake in the patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Method: Thirty-seven NSCLC patients were enrolled in this study, and a pair of PET study with 18F-FMT and 18F-FDG was performed. Uptake of PET tracers was evaluated with standardized uptake value. VEGF, CD31, CD34, LAT1 and Ki-67 labeling index of the resected tumors were analyzed by immunohistochemical staining, and correlated with the clinicopathologic variables and the uptake of PET tracers.

Epidemiologic Study of KRAS Mutation in Brazilian Patients With Advanced or Metastatic Non Small...
Non Small Cell Lung CancerThe purpose of this study is to characterize the demographic and clinical aspects, and describe the frequency and type of KRAS mutation in a Brazilian population sample with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).