Epidemiologic Study of KRAS Mutation in Brazilian Patients With Advanced or Metastatic Non Small...
Non Small Cell Lung CancerThe purpose of this study is to characterize the demographic and clinical aspects, and describe the frequency and type of KRAS mutation in a Brazilian population sample with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

A Study of Prevalence of HER3 Expression in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Non-small Cell Lung CancerThere is currently a lack of published HER3 expression prevalence data among non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. The estimation of HER3 expression prevalence in this population using archival tissue samples and the assessment of associated patient characteristics in real world (RW) data will ultimately inform clinical strategy and increase awareness among health care providers (HCPs) and the greater medical community to improve patient care.

Evaluation of NSCLC Patients' Oxygen Uptake On-kinetics at Cycle-ergometer During Prehabilitation...
Non Small Cell Lung CancerIn developed countries cancer has become the second leading cause of death after cardiovascular disease. The lung is a particularly exposed organ since broncho-pulmonary cancers rank second in terms of incidence, and the first rank in terms of mortality of all cancers listed in like reported in United States. Lung resection surgery is currently the recommended curative treatment for the early stages of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Despite this preferred indication, some patients can not be eligible for surgery because of their cardiovascular or respiratory comorbidities or their impaired functional capacity. Thus, the evaluation of aerobic capacity through cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) of patients estimated at risk of postoperative complication is now recommended to estimate the level of predictive risk associated. The American Thoracic Society and the European Respiratory Socitety agree on thresholds of <10 and> 20 ml/kg/min of maximum oxygen uptake (VO2peak) respectively determining a high or low postoperative risk, between these two thresholds risk is considered moderate. Aerobic capacity is traditionally expressed in terms of maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max or VO2peak) evaluated during an incremental CPET. In patients with significant respiratory impairment, these tests are often limited by ventilation and sub-maximally on the metabolic or cardiac parameters. However, the analysis of the VO2 kinetic during a constant-intensity test of moderate intensity is also a relevant way of measuring aerobic conditioning. Indeed, the time constant (τ) of phase II of VO2 kinetics (VO2τ) is a marker that closely reflects the adjustment of oxidative metabolism in skeletal muscle. Analysis of the kinetic parameters of the cardio-respiratory response to exercise has been shown to be reproducible and training-sensitive in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The value of VO2τ was also reported to be strongly correlated with markers of severity and prognosis in COPD patients. Previous work has shown that exercise training can improve the speed of the VO2 kinetic response in COPD patients as well as in healthy subjects. To date, no study to our knowledge has evaluated the kinetics of the cardiorespiratory response during moderate intensity constant-load test in patients with NSCLC. In this context, this work aims to evaluate the applicability of this measure as well as its evolution during a preoperative exercise training program in patients with NSCLC.

Comparison of Circulating Tumor DNA and Tumor Tissue DNA by Targeted Sequencing in Non-Small Cell...
CarcinomaNon-Small-Cell LungConduct a prospective study to compare gene detection by ctDNA with tumor tissue DNA via targeted DNA sequencing in surgical NSCLC patients.

EGFR Mutations on ctDNA in Patients With Advanced NSCLC
Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Stage IIINon-Small-Cell Lung Cancer MetastaticThe study aims to explore the prevalence of EGFR mutations assessed with ctDNA samples in advanced NSCLC, who had received ≤ 1 prior systemic chemotherapy regimens.

Micro RNA Genetic Signature in NSCLC Egyptian Patients
Non-small Cell Lung CancerThis study will be carried out on 40 subjects at Chest department Tanta university hospital The subjects will be classified into three groups: Group I: will include ten non smoker volunteers (control group I). GroupII: will include ten smoker volunteers (control groupII). Group III: will include twenty NSCLC patients confirmed by pathological examination of bronchoalveolar examination (BAL), brush and/or biopsy.

Expanded Treatment Protocol With LDK378 in ALK(+) NSCLC
Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)Novartis-sponsored, open-label, multi-center, interventional ETP to provide LDK378 to patients with ALK (+)NSCLC, who have been pre-treated with an ALK inhibitor; except in countries where ALK inhibitors are not approved or available. The protocol will further evaluate the safety of LDK378 in patients with ALK(+) NSCLC.

Evaluation of Symptoms Improvement in NSCLC Patients With First-Line Therapy of EGFR Tyrosine Kinase...
Non-Small-Cell Lung CancerThis is an open-label, non-interventional, single-arm, multicenter study in a real-world population to assess the clinically symptom improvement and quality of life (QoL) in patients with locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC and positive EGFR mutation who receive EGFR-TKIs as the first-line treatment. The Primary Objective is to estimate symptom improvement rates in patients with locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC and positive EGFR mutation who receive EGFR-TKIs as the first-line treatment. A clinically meaningful improvement is defined as an increase from baseline of 2 or more points for LCS (Lung Cancer Scales) at Week 4.

Evaluation of EGFR TKI Resistance Mechanism Using Plasma DNA Analysis
EGFR Mutation Positive Non-small Cell Lung CancerTo detect resistance gene from serially collected plasma DNA in non-small cell lung cancer harbouring EGFR activating mutation who are being treated with EGFR TKIs by using castPCR method.

T790M Mutation on ctDNA in Patients With NSCLC After EGFR-TKI Failure
Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Stage IIINon-Small-Cell Lung Cancer MetastaticThe purpose of this study is to compare the frequency and abundance of T790M mutation among the different Clinical modes of EGFR-TKI failure.