School-Based Intervention Program to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity
ObesityChildhood3 moreThe purpose of this research is to develop, apply, and evaluate a school-based intervention program in East Jerusalem schools, designed to increase knowledge and to improve the attitudes and healthy behavior of schoolchildren, their teachers and their mothers' with regard to healthy eating and physical activity habits. The study tested the hypothesis that the impact of the entire school intervention program on students' lifestyles is mediated by their teachers' engagement in health promotion and by their mothers' involvement in school activity.

Food FARMacia: Reducing Childhood Obesity in Households With Food Insecurity
NutritionHealthyThe goal of this clinical trial is to test whether the Food FARMacia intervention to reduce food insecurity is feasible and accepted among families with an infant age 6 to less than 18 months receiving pediatric primary care at Columbia / New York-Presbyterian Ambulatory Care Network. All participants will receive nutrition education and anticipatory guidance to support healthy meal preparation in addition to usual care.

Mechanisms for Dyspnea on Exertion in Children With Obesity and Asthma: Distinct Physiological Phenotypes...
Asthma in ChildrenDyspnea; Asthmatic2 moreThe overall objective of this study is to better understand the respiratory mechanisms provoking dyspnea on exertion in obese asthmatic children.

Evaluating the Metabolic Effects of Polylactose: A Novel Prebiotic
ObesityAdolescent2 moreThis study will evaluate the feasibility and obtain a preliminary estimate of efficacy of feeding 15 g/day of a new novel prebiotic dietary fiber, termed polylactose, in 40 children (8-12 years old) with obesity (body mass index [BMI]-percentile >/= 95th) who have magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-confirmed non-alcoholic fatty liver disease [NAFLD] (hepatic fat fraction >/= 5.5%), compared to a placebo of 15 g/d of cellulose, an inert dietary fiber.

Digital Intervention to Improve Physical Activity Behaviour In Overweight and Obese Adolescents...
Adolescent BehaviorAdolescent Obesity1 moreThis is a study protocol to test the feasibility of a digital intervention aiming to increase physical activity in overweight and obese adolescents. This study will be conducted in the state of Selangor, Malaysia. The intervention will be provided in two public schools. Another two public schools, which will be matched on the basis of similar socioeconomic background of attending students and curriculum structure, will act as control group. Additional schools may be recruited to fulfil required sample size. A digital behaviour change intervention (FIT-TEENS) will be delivered to overweight and obese adolescents (aged 13-18 years) using an online learning platform (EdApp) over 10 weeks to provide information on physical activity and the behaviour change aspects towards physical activity. The participants who received the intervention will be compared with the control group, where no intervention will be delivered, who will be requested to continue their usual physical activities. To determine the feasibility of the intervention, the researchers will obtain views and overall satisfaction from participants on the intervention and trial, and determine the proportion of participants who completed all intervention modules and outcome measures. In addition to feasibility measures, participants' physical activity behaviour, self-efficacy and social support, as well as body weight and composition will be compared between the two groups. This study will establish whether FIT-TEENS intervention is feasible and acceptable to overweight and obese adolescents in increasing their physical activity behaviour.

Family-centered Obesity Prevention: Communities for Healthy Living (CHL)
Pediatric ObesityObesityThe Communities for Healthy Living (CHL) program is a family-focused intervention to promote healthy lifestyle behaviors including diet and physical activity among children (age 3-to 5-years) and their families, enrolled in Head Start.

Evaluating the Feasibility of a Stepped-care Approach to Treating Adolescents With Binge and Loss...
Overweight and ObesityPediatric Obesity2 moreThere are limited evidence-based treatments for adolescents with binge eating and fewer specifically targeting adolescents with both binge eating and overweight/obesity. The existing research for adolescents with overweight/obesity and loss of control (LOC) eating supports a stepped-care model of treatment in which enhanced behavioral weight loss treatment is the first line of treatment followed by more intensive therapeutic treatment for individuals with remaining emotional eating difficulties. Thus, in this proposed study, the investigators will systematically develop a stepped-care protocol and manualized interventions for adolescents with LOC and binge eating behaviors. The investigators will then evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of the interventions in a pilot trial and gather preliminary outcome data to inform development of a subsequent randomized controlled trial.

An Exploratory Study to Determine the Potential Impact of Parental Attendance at WW on Weight and...
ObesityChildhoodThe purpose of the WWChild study is to determine the feasibility of assessing the potential impact of parents attendance at WW on their child's weight status and weight related behaviours. The feasibility study will randomly allocate 60 parent participants to either the WW programme (formally Weight Watchers) or to a control arm. Data will be collected from both parent and child at baseline and at three months to explore changes in weight status and weight related behaviours.

Southampton Women's Survey
Child DevelopmentChild Obesity5 moreThe Southampton Women's Survey was established to assess the influence of factors operating before conception and during pregnancy on the health and development of the offspring. 12,583 non-pregnant young women were recruited, and 3,158 were followed through pregnancy, with their offspring followed-up at 6 months and 1, 2, 3, 4, 6-7, 8-9 and 12-13 years. The 17-19 year follow-up has been piloted and is about to start.

Feeding My Baby - A National WIC Study
Breast FeedingInfant Nutrition4 moreThe goal of the study is to be a current examination of infant and toddler feeding practices among families receiving WIC services. It has been more than 10 years since the last study of such feeding practices, and in the interim important changes have taken place in the WIC program, in society, and in the science of nutrition. The study will include exploration of breastfeeding practices and support, more general feeding practices, nutritional intake of infants and toddlers, transitions in infant and toddler feeding practices, early precursors of obesity, and family factors that may influence all of these nutrition-related issues. It will also explore characteristics of the WIC program in selected sites, and how these relate to infant and toddler feeding decisions and practices. This study is important both to update knowledge about the WIC population, and to uncover possible new avenues of inquiry regarding early childhood obesity. Update on November 25, 2020: The WIC ITFPS-2 will now follow participants through child age 9 years. This unprecedented opportunity will provide FNS with a better understanding of the impact of WIC participation on health and nutrition outcomes in childhood.