The Affect of Hemostasis Technique During Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy on Future Fertility
Cyst OvaryPatients undergoing elective laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy will be recruited and randomly divided into 2 groups according to intervention technique-half will be allocated to the bipolar coagulation group and half to the SURGIFLO group. Patients will be assessed both pre-operatively and 6 months post-operatively by blood tests including follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), lutenizing hormone (LH), Estrogen (E2), Progesterone and anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) levels, and sonographic evaluation of ovarian volume and antral follicle count.

Effect of Fetal Ovarian Cyst Aspiration to Prevent Torsion
Ovarian CystUltrasonography PrenatalThe purpose of this study is to determine whether prenatal ovarian cyst aspiration is effective and safe to prevent perinatal ovarian torsion.

Ovarian Reserve After Ovarian Hemostasis by Floseal Matrix
Ovarian CystsLaparoscopy has become the gold standard for the surgical treatment of benign ovarian cysts and is usually performed by stripping the ovarian cyst wall, followed by bleeding control of the ovarian wound ground using bipolar coagulation. However, the hemostasis with bipolar coagulation could result in the damage of ovarian reserve and decrease the response of the ovaries to hormonal stimulation for assisted reproductive technologies. The possible mechanism may contribute to thermal destruction of ovarian follicles by excessive use of bipolar coagulation for hemostasis purposes. To avoid additional ovarian tissue damage by conventional bipolar coagulation being potentially important ovarian reproductive function, hemostasis using various topical hemostatic agents has introduced to control post-cystectomy ovarian wound bleeding. Among them, FloSeal (Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Deerfield, IL, USA) is a hemostatic matrix sealant composed of a gelatin-based matrix and thrombin solution. On coming into contact with blood after application at a bleeding site, the gelatin particles swell and tamponade bleeding. The bulk of the gelatin matrix-thrombin composite has the effect of slowing blood flow and providing exposure to a high thrombin concentration, thus hastening clot formation. Therefore, it may more suitable for use in post-cystectomy ovarian wound bleeding, where there is superficially pervasive focus of bleeding. Ovarian reserve is defined as the functional potential of the ovary, which reflects the number and quality of antral follicles left in the ovary, and is correlated with the response to ovarian stimulation using exogenous gonadotropin. Serum anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) has been accepted as the most reliable and easily measurable marker for postoperative assessment of ovarian reserve. The investigators conducted a multicenter, large-scale, randomized controlled trial to investigate whether hemostasis by Floseal was superior to that by bipolar coagulation in preserving ovarian reserve by assessing serial AMH levels in patients undergoing laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy for benign ovarian cysts.

A Random Clinical Trial (RCT) of the Impact of Electrocoagulation on Ovarian Reserve
Ovarian CystLaparoscopic ovarian cystectomy is widely used for the removal of benign ovarian cysts but damage to ovarian reserve caused by electrocoagulation has recently been questioned. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of bipolar and ultrasonic scalpel electrocoagulation on ovarian reserve after laparoscopic excision of ovarian cyst.

PReservation Study of Ovarian Function And Hemostasis, and Its Safety of Surgiguard@ During Laparoscopic...
Ovarian Cyst BenignThe purpose of this study is to compare hemostasis, ovarian function preservation effect, and safety about intraoperative bleeding with SurgiGuard@ in women who underwent laparoscopic unilateral ovarian cystectomy

The Effect of Laparoscopic Surgery on Ovarian Reserve According to Cyst Types
Ovarian CystsThe aim of our study is to compare the effect of laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy on ovarian reserve in terms of different cyst types.

PerClot Compared to Usual Care in Gynaecology Procedures
EndometriosisOvarian Cyst3 moreThis study is a post market, multi-centre, randomised study evaluating PerClot compared to usual care. PerClot is a CE marked device and is currently used as a haemostat in gynaecological surgery throughout Europe. The purpose of this study is to collect additional post market data on its use in this indication.

Laparoscopy-assisted Ovarian Cystectomy: NEW APPROCH
Ovarian CystsUnder general anaesthesia, the patient is placed in the modified dorsal lithotomy position a 10-mm umbilical trocar is inserted. A panoramic view of the pelvis was obtained together with full assessment of the ovarian mass(es). Aspiration of the cyst: Veress needle is inserted in the midline 2 cm above the symphysis pubis to aspirate the cyst under laparoscopic guidance (to guide the entry of the needle into the cyst wall & to confirm complete aspiration). Delivery of affected ovary outside the abdominal cavity: Classic ovarian cystectomy will be done using microsurgical techniques in which the cyst wall will be dissected gently and carefully from the healthy ovarian tissue followed by perfect haemostasis and re-fashioning of the remaining ovarian tissue using Vicryl (3-0) sutures. Re-introduction of the ovary to inside the abdominal cavity: The stitched ovary is pushed gently inside the abdominal cavity and the mini-laparotomy is re-covered by the rubber shield (to allow re-inflation of the abdominal cavity). The ovary is reassessed under laparoscopic guidance to ensure perfect haemostasis and normal position of the ovary. Pelvic irrigation is done if needed.

Single Versus Conventional Laparoscopy for Benign Adnexal Disease
Ovarian CystKeyhole surgery for adnexal disease has traditionally been performed using three or four small incisions. The last years a new operating method has been introduced. This method makes use of only one incision of 2 cm in the umbilicus. This method is less invasive, and it might benefit the patient through less postoperative pain and a higher satisfaction with the cosmetic result. So far, many studies have shown that this new method is feasible for adnexal disease, but its superiority compared to conventional laparoscopy is to be proven. This study aims to show this difference. The investigators aim to compare experienced postoperative pain and use of analgesics in patients undergoing single port laparoscopy for benign adnexal disease with conventional laparoscopy. The investigators hypothesize that the patients will experience less postoperative pain and use less analgesic in the single port laparoscopy group. Further, the investigators aim to compare the satisfaction with the cosmetic results in the two groups. In addition, blood loss, operating time, complications and conversion to conventional laparoscopy will be registered in the two groups.

Danazol Treatment in Endometriosis Women Before IVF
EndometriosisOvarian Cysts1 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine whether pre-treatment with danazol for at least 4 months before controlled ovarian hyperstimulation for IVF cycles improves pregnancy rate.