
Active clinical trials for "Ovarian Cysts"

Results 31-40 of 60

The Role of Estrogen in Luteinizing Hormone Surge and Ovulation

Ovulation DisorderOvarian Cysts

The purpose of the study is to establish that sustained estrogen levels are the driving force for the LH surge, and are thereby necessary for ovulation to occur. We predict that by reducing levels of circulating estrogen, letrozole, an aromatase inhibitor, will inhibit ovulation from occurring.

Completed10 enrollment criteria

Using INDOcyanine Green to Analyse Ovarian Vascularization After Ovarian Laparoscopic CYStectomy...

Ovarian CystsEndometriosis1 more

To evaluate the feasibility of using Indocyanine Green in the laparoscopic surgical treatment of benign organic ovarian cysts (dermoid, serous, mucinous and endometriotic) in patients with a short-term desire for pregnancy. The use of Indocyanine Green during this surgery could allow early evaluation of the absence of alteration of the underlying ovary by the cystectomy. To do so, the fluorescence scores (indocyanine green staining) need to be compared to the ovarian reserve of the patient, previously verified intraoperatively and postoperatively at M6 and M12, these scores being determined according to the vascularization visualized in laparoscopy and established both by a double visual notation (Likert scale) and by a computer software (METAMORPH) objective notation. This procedure would, in patients with fertility disorders or wishing for pregnancy in the short run, reassure them about their reproductive potential immediately after the intervention. In the event of poor staining, if correlated by a decrease in ovarian reserve, the concerned patients could be referred to a MPA treatment facility much earlier in the postoperative period or, if no desire for immediate pregnancy, towards fertility preservation methods.

Completed7 enrollment criteria

Effect of Intravenous Lignocaine Infusion on Intraoperative End Tidal Desflurane Concentration Requirements...

CholelithiasesAppendicitis1 more

Lignocaine is a local anaesthetic that is widely used in all medical and surgical fields. Many clinical studies have shown that intravenous (IV) lignocaine given in the perioperative period was safe, reduced airway complications, obtunds cough reflex, reduce sore throat, pain, opioid consumption, nausea, length of hospital stay. Multiple animal studies have shown that IV lignocaine was able to lower anaesthetic gas requirements. Desflurane is an anaesthetic gas that has a rapid onset and offset of action. This study aims to evaluate the effect of IV lignocaine infusion on desflurane requirements. Hypothesis of the study is that IV lignocaine infusion reduces desflurane requirements.

Completed12 enrollment criteria

Evaluation of Salivary RNAs in the Presence of an Adnexal Mass of Ovarian Origin

Ovarian CancerOvarian Cyst Benign1 more

OVAmiARN is a multicentre, prospective, longitudinal, non-interventional, observational study carried out in 8 obstetrics and gynecology departments in France; in order to describe the evolution of salivary miRNA expression between the pre-operative and post-therapy visits according to the type of mass. In time, the clinical application will be to significantly reduce the time to diagnosis and improve the care pathway for ovarian adnexal mass. The study population consists of patients with an ovarian adnexal mass diagnosed by clinical examination and imaging (pelvic ultrasound and/or MRI) and requiring surgical management in routine care. The patients concerned by the study will be managed without modification of the care pathway, nor modification of the therapeutic indications, nor modification of the diagnostic or follow-up examinations (imaging or biology) necessary according to the context, which are carried out according to the recommendations of the HAS, CNGOF. In this study, the management and follow-up of patients : Are not imposed by the study: the doctor remains free to make medical prescriptions (treatments and examinations) and to determine the interval between consultation visits, Are not modified in comparison with the usual follow-up, except for the performance of the Collection of saliva

Not yet recruiting10 enrollment criteria

Assessment of Ovarian Cysts Using Machine Learning

Ovarian Cyst

The study aims at creating a prediction model using machine learning algorithms that is capable of predicting malignant potential of ovarian cysts/masses based on patient characteristics, sonographic findings, and biochemical markers

Not yet recruiting2 enrollment criteria

Furocyst - Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome Study


Poly cystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age, affecting approximately 5%-10% of all females worldwide . PCOS is a hormonal disorder that involves multiple organ systems within the body. Its cardinal features are Hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovary (PCO) morphology. Women with PCOS may complains about irregular menstrual periods or heavy menstrual bleeding, infertility, excessive growth of coarse facial and body hair, obesity, oiliness of the skin, seborrhea, and cystic acne.

Completed19 enrollment criteria

The Effect of Different I:E Ratio on Gas Exchange of Patients Undergoing Gynecologic Laparoscopic...

Uterine MyomaOvarian Cyst1 more

In patients undergoing gynecologic laparoscopic surgery with trendelenburg position, the disturbance of pulmonary gas exchange frequently occurs due to high intra-abdominal pressure. The investigators tried to evaluate the effect of various inspiratory to expiratory ratio on pulmonary gas exchange by randomized controlled trial.

Completed6 enrollment criteria

Clinical Evaluation of Furocyst in Patients With Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome

Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome

Poly cystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a disease which is prevalent in women of reproductive age facing obesity along with increased risk of type-2 diabetes and high cholesterol levels. The genetically determined cause of the PCOS includes disturbed levels of insulin and androgens. Standardized fenugreek seed extract (Furocyst) contains compounds such as saponins & flavonoids which act on the insulin and indirectly helps to regulate the androgen levels in the body.

Completed13 enrollment criteria

The Impact of Electrocoagulation on Ovarian Reserve After Laparoscopic Excision of Ovarian Cyst...

Ovarian Cysts

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of electrocoagulation on ovarian reserve after laparoscopic excision of ovarian cyst and the possible mechanisms.

Completed9 enrollment criteria

GnRH Antagonist Pre-treatment in the Early Follicular Phase for Resolution of a Baseline Functional...

IVFOvarian Cysts

In this study we would like to examine the effect of GnRH antagonist administration at the beginning of the follicular phase in patient presenting with a simple ovarian cyst 25-50 mm. The aim of this intervention is to allow a spontaneous regression of the ovarian cyst (if in nature) while ensuring a pituitary downregulation to prevent the beginning of a leading follicle recruitment. As previous studies using GnRH antagonist pre-treatment prior to GT initiation for other purposes demonstrated positive results (including different patient population) , no deleterious effects are expected.

Unknown status4 enrollment criteria

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