Dose Escalation Using Hypoxia-adjusted Radiotherapy
Head and Neck Squamous Cell CarcinomaDE-HyART is a phase II clinical trial aimed at understanding the effects of escalating radiation doses to hypoxic sub-volumes inherent to squamous cell head and neck cancer. The study is aimed at assessing locoregional control, feasibility, and acceptable toxicity with such a strategy.

SBRT-based PArtial Tumor Irradiation of HYpoxic Segment
Bystander EffectAbscopal Effect2 moreThis study uses an unconventional radiotherapy schedule developed at our institute, consisting of a short course high-dose partial irradiation targeting exclusively the hypoxic segment of a bulky tumors, which in our preliminary study has shown to be capable of inducing abscopal and bystander effects. This approach is delivered by using a stereotactic radiotherapy technique so as to spare nearby organs at risk including the peritumoral immune microenvironment from irradiation as much as possible. Our approach consists of a single or up to 3 radiotherapy doses of at least 10 Gy per fraction prescribed to the 70% isodose line encompassing the hypoxic target volume. Radiotherapy will be administered at the precise timing determined specifically for each patient based on the serially mapped homeostatic immune fluctuations by monitoring the blood levels of the cytokines and inflammatory markers over the 2 weeks prior to irradiation. This is done in order to synchronize the radiation treatment with the favorable, most active anti-tumor immune system phase, so as to stimulate and increase anti-tumor immune system activity. This is a monocentric, prospective, two-arm, phase I proof of principle study in which the investigator will enroll subjects with oligometastatic and/or locally advanced (N+) cancers with at least one "bulky" lesion (maximum diameter of at least 6 cm or greater). Patients with life expectancy of at least 3 months, who are ineligible for systemic therapy or experience disease progression with systemic therapies will be included. Radiotherapy will be administered to arm 1 at an estimated "less favorable time-position in immune cycle", while the second arm will have it administered at the estimated "most favorable time-position in immune cycle". The primary endpoint will be the response rate of the non-targeted effects both bystander (local, at the level of the partially treated bulky tumor) and abscopal (distant, at the non-treated metastatic sites), defined as a tumor regression of at least 30%. Secondary endpoints will be safety, survival and analysis of the best timing for the administration of radiotherapy.

Hypoxia Imaging for Esophageal Cancer to Guide Personalized Radiation Therapy
Esophageal CancerThis is a Phase I trial evaluating the safety of personalized radiation therapy based on levels of hypoxia identified on FMISO-PET and MRI. All patients will receive a baseline FMISO PET and MRI to identify levels of hypoxia. Patients with tumor hypoxia will receive a higher dose of radiation therapy. Subjects who do not have hypoxic tumors will be treated with the standard-of-care radiation regimen. After fraction 10 of radiation therapy, an additional MRI will be performed. If this interim MRI demonstrates little or no response (as defined in Section 6), an optional boost radiation dose can be administered. Trial enrollment will be conducted in two parts. In Part 1, eight patients will be enrolled. After all eight patients have completed the 30 day DLT period, enrollment will be placed on hold and safety will be evaluated. During the interim analysis, one additional patient will be allowed to be enrolled in the trial. If the trial meets stopping rules as described in Section 11.3, the trial will be re-evaluated by the DSMC and the Principal Investigator. However, if the rate of DLTs remains below the unacceptable toxicity rate, enrollment will open to the enrollment of eight more patients.

Effect of Allopurinol for Hypoxic-ischemic Brain Injury on Neurocognitive Outcome
EncephalopathyHypoxic-Ischemic3 moreNeonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a major cause of death or long-term disability in infants born at term in the western world, affecting about 1-4 per 1.000 life births and consequently about 5-20.000 infants per year in Europe. Hypothermic treatment became the only established therapy to improve outcome after perinatal hypoxic-ischemic insults. Despite hypothermia and neonatal intensive care, 45-50% of affected children die or suffer from long-term neurodevelopmental impairment. Additional neuroprotective interventions, beside hypothermia, are warranted to further improve their outcome. Allopurinol is a xanthine oxidase inhibitor and reduces the production of oxygen radicals and brain damage in experimental, animal, and early human studies of ischemia and reperfusion. This project aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of allopurinol administered immediately after birth to near-term infants with HIE in addition to hypothermic treatment.

Mild Intermittent Hypoxia and Its Multipronged Effect on Sleep Apnea
Obstructive Sleep ApneaSpinal Cord InjuriesMild intermittent hypoxia (IH) initiates sustained increases in chest wall and upper airway muscle activity in humans. This sustained increase is a form of respiratory plasticity known as long-term facilitation (LTF). Repeated daily exposure to mild IH that leads to the initiation of LTF of upper airway muscle activity could lead to increased stability of the upper airway. In line with PI's laboratory's mandate to develop innovative therapies to treat sleep apnea, this increased stability could ultimately reduce the continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) required to treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and improve compliance with this gold standard treatment. Improved compliance could ultimately serve to mitigate those comorbidities linked to sleep apnea. Moreover, in addition to improving CPAP compliance numerous studies indicate that mild IH has many direct beneficial effects on cardiovascular, neurocognitive and metabolic function. Thus, mild IH could serve as a multipronged therapeutic approach to treat sleep apnea. In accordance with this postulation, our proposal will determine if repeated daily exposure to mild IH serves as an adjunct therapy coupled with CPAP to mitigate associated co-morbidities via its direct effects on a variety of cardiovascular, metabolic and neurocognitive measures and indirectly by improving CPAP compliance. Modifications in autonomic (i.e. sympathetic nervous system activity) and cardiovascular (i.e. blood pressure) function will be the primary outcome measures coupled to secondary measures of metabolic and neurocognitive outcomes.

Intermittent Hypoxia-initiated Plasticity in Humans: A Multi-pronged Therapeutic Approach to Treat...
Obstructive Sleep ApneaThe prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is high in the United States and is a major health concern. This disorder is linked to numerous heart, blood vessel and nervous system abnormalities, along with increased tiredness while performing exercise likely because of a reduced blood supply to skeletal muscles. The gold standard treatment of OSA with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in many cases does not lead to significant improvements in health outcomes because the recommended number of hours of treatment per night is often not achieved. Thus, development of novel treatments to eliminate apnea and lessen the occurrence of associated health conditions is important. The investigators will address this mandate by determining if repeated exposure to mild intermittent hypoxia (MIH) reduces heart and blood vessel dysfunction and tiredness/ fatigue experienced while exercise performance. The investigators propose that exposure to MIH has a multipart effect. MIH directly targets heart and blood vessel associated conditions, while simultaneously increasing upper airway stability and improving sleep quality. These modifications may serve to directly decrease breathing episodes and may also serve to improve usage of CPAP. Independent of its effect, MIH may serve as an adjunctive therapy which provides another path to reducing heart and blood vessel abnormalities that might ultimately result in improvements in exercise capacity and reverse performance fatigue in individuals with OSA.

Hypoxia During Gastroenterological Endoscope Procedures Sedated With Ciprofol In Overweight Or Obesity...
Gastric UlcerGastric Cancer1 moreCiprofol is a new general anesthetic, which combine with γ- Aminobutyric acid-a (GABAA) receptor. Ciprofol has shown equivalent anesthetic efficacy of propofol at 1/4 to 1/5 of the dosage. Ciprofol has the pharmacodynamic characteristics of rapid onset, stable and rapid recovery. Phase III clinical results showed that the incidence of injection pain and respiratory and circulatory depression of ciprofol was lower than that of propofol. Therefore, ciprofol has a good application prospect in the sedation for gastrointestinal endoscopy, especially for overweight and obese patients. We conduct a Multicenter, Randomized, Open-label, Propofol-controlled Study to Evaluate the incidence of hypoxia and severe hypoxia during Gastroenterological Endoscope sedated with CiProfol in Overweight or Obesity patients.

Rebreathing-induced Hypoxia and Glucose Levels
HypoxemiaThe aim of this research project is to determine the effect of repeated maximal voluntary apneas on glucose uptake during an oral glucose tolerance test in healthy individuals, individuals with prediabetes and patients with type 2 diabetes.

Intermittent Hypoxic Training (IHT) Versus Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) for Aerobic Performance...
Healthy Active AthletesComparing the effect of HBOT and IHT on aerobic performance of athletes.

Mild Intermittent Hypoxia: A Prophylactic for Autonomic Dysfunction in Individuals With Spinal Cord...
Spinal Cord InjuriesAutonomic DysreflexiaThe prevalence of autonomic dysfunction and sleep disordered breathing (SDB) is increased in individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI). The loss of autonomic control results in autonomic dysreflexia (AD) and orthostatic hypotension (OH) which explains the increase in cardiovascular related mortality in these Veterans. There is no effective prophylaxis for autonomic dysfunction. The lack of prophylactic treatment for autonomic dysfunction, and no best clinical practices for SDB in SCI, are significant health concerns for Veterans with SCI. Therefore, the investigators will investigate the effectiveness of mild intermittent hypoxia (MIH) as a prophylactic for autonomic dysfunction in patients with SCI. The investigators propose that MIH targets several mechanisms associated with autonomic control and the co-morbidities associated with SDB. Specifically, exposure to MIH will promote restoration of homeostatic BP control, which would be beneficial to participation in daily activities and independence in those with SCI.