Motivational, Movement and Self-Management Training for Adolescents in Pain
Chronic PainWith this randomized controlled trial, we have three aims. First of all, to investigate underlying mechanisms that might contribute to the success of a physical activity focused self-management program in paediatric chronic pain. Second of all, to determine the minimum intervention needed for improving physical activity amongst adolescents who live with chronic pain. For this we are comparing an in-person and a video-based motivational interviewing training combined with self-management techniques. Third of all, to investigate the mediating effect of autonomy in adolescents with chronic pain.

Insula Neuromodulation for Chronic Neuropathic Pain
Neuropathic PainChronic PainThis study will comprehensively investigate the insula as a brain target for neuromodulation to treat chronic neuropathic pain.

Effects of Adding Photobiomodulation to a Specific Therapeutic Exercise Program for the Treatment...
Neck PainChronic PainIn the current clinical and scientific reality, conservative treatment is the most coherent clinical management with a view to the proper rehabilitation of patients with chronic neck pain, with a trend towards the use of therapeutic exercise. However, some uncertainty about the effectiveness of therapeutic exercises still remains, requiring further studies with high methodological rigor, especially with regard to multimodal treatment, such as the combination of therapeutic exercises with photobiomodulation. Thus, the objective of this project is to evaluate the effects of adding photobiomodulation to a program of specific therapeutic exercises for the treatment of individuals with chronic non-specific neck pain. For this, 60 participants will be randomized into two groups: therapeutic exercise group + photobiomodulation (n = 30), and therapeutic exercise group (n = 30). There will be 10 treatment sessions and participants will be evaluated before, after the 10 sessions, and 4 weeks after the end of treatment using the Numerical Pain Scale, Neck Disability Index, Catastrophic Thoughts about Pain Scale, and Tampa Kinesiophobia Scale. In the statistical analysis, a linear mixed model will be applied, considering the interaction between the time and group factors. Finally, the addition of photobiomodulation to a therapeutic exercise program is expected to generate clinical improvements for patients with chronic neck pain.

The Effect of Subcutaneous Injection of Botulinum Toxin A on Chronic Wound Pain in Lower Extremities...
Chronic PainLower Extremity WoundThe aim of the study is to investigate the effect of subcutaneous administration of Botulinum toxin A on wound pain, wound healing and safety of treatment.

QLB and Laparoscopic Nephrectomy, Postoperative Pain and Recovery
Postoperative PainChronic Pain Post-Proceduraal2 moreThere are ca 900 new cases of kidney cancer in Finland/year. The curative therapy for kidney cancer is partial or total nephrectomy depending on the localization and the size of tumor. Main of these operations are laparoscopic. Epidural analgesia is considered as most effective for the treatment of postoperative pain after open nephrectomy, but after laparoscopic operation parenteral and enteral opioids combined with paracetamol (acetaminophen) usually offer adequate postoperative pain relief. However, the need for opioids postoperatively may be high and side effects, such as sedation and nausea, are common. On the other hand epidural analgesia has some contraindications and risks for serious complications. Nevertheless, inadequately treated acute postoperative pain is considered as one of the main risk factors for persistent postoperative pain. Recently quadratus lumborum block (QLB) has gained popularity in the treatment of postoperative pain after various surgeries in the area from hip to mamilla. It is more beneficial than other peripheral blocks, since it covers also the visceral nerves. A single shot QLB has reported to last up to 48 hours. Perineural dexamethasone added to local anesthetic has been reported to prolong the duration of analgesia of the perineural nerve block, but it's effect on the duration of QLB is not known. 90 kidney cancer patients with planned laparoscopic nephrectomy aging 18-85 will be recruited based on a power calculation. The primary outcome measure is the postoperative cumulative opioid consumption. Secondary outcomes are acute pain (NRS scale), nausea, vomiting, mobilisation and long term outcomes such as quality of life and persistent pain.

Treating Chronic Pain in Buprenorphine Patients in Primary Care Settings
Opioid-Related DisordersTreating Opioid Patients' Pain and Sadness (TOPPS) focuses on the relationship of pain, depression, opioid and other substance misuse, and functioning. It has a structured agenda, uses behavioral activation, involves explicit and ongoing psychoeducation, and includes a behavioral health specialist (BHS) trained extensively in the nature of pain and opioid misuse, including how to assess for red flags of opioid relapse. Devised specifically for primary care patients receiving buprenorphine, TOPPS is collaborative (PCP, BHS, and patient) and focuses on pain and physical symptoms in order to decrease the need to turn to substance misuse to avoid pain, and to foster patient's abilities to achieve their long-term life goals. In this study, TOPPS is compared to a health education contact-control condition among 250 persons with opioid use disorder recruited from two primary care based buprenorphine programs. The investigators will provide both interventions over 3 months, and follow the patients for a total of 12 months in order to observe both short-term and longer-term effects of TOPPS.

Enhancing Acupuncture Treatment Effect Through Non-invasive Neuromodulation
Chronic PainIn this study, investigators will examine the brain mechanism behind the synergistic effects of combining acupuncture and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) treatments. Specifically, chronic low back pain (cLBP) patients will be recruited and randomized to one of four groups (30 per group, one month of treatment): 1) verum acupuncture + real tDCS, 2) sham acupuncture + real tDCS, 3) verum acupuncture + sham tDCS, and 4) sham acupuncture + sham tDCS. Investigators will study 1) the longitudinal (one-month) effects of different treatments as indicated by changes in resting state functional connectivity (rsFC), cerebral blood flow (CBF), clinical outcomes of low back pain, and quantitative sensory test (QST) and 2) the association between these changes.

Cabergoline for the Treatment of Chronic Pain Due to Endometriosis
EndometriosisEndometriosis is dependent on angiogenesis (the sprouting of new blood vessels) for its growth and maintenance, but the side effects of currently approved angiogenesis inhibitors make these agents inappropriate for use in reproductive-age patients. This obstacle will be overcome by performing a randomized, double blind clinical trial aimed at repurposing an existing drug, cabergoline, as a safe, alternative angiogenesis inhibitor for adolescents and young women with endometriosis. This trial proposes a novel, non-hormonal, non-surgical therapeutic approach aimed at alleviating the pain and suffering associated with this common chronic disease that currently has limited treatment options.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy With and Without Enhanced Mindfulness Training for Chronic Pain...
Chronic PainAs non-pharmacological alternatives, psychosocial treatments have been recommended for chronic pain management. One such treatment is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). ACT is a cognitive behavior therapy based on Relational Frame Theory, a comprehensive theory about language and cognition. This treatment intends to help patients identify values ("what is truly meaningful to them") and to set goals and take action according to their values. ACT has research support in the treatment of several mental health problems. Moreover patients are taught mindfulness skills to increase acceptance of pain, thoughts and feelings so that these will have less impact on functioning and action. Among patients with chronic pain, several small clinical trials have shown that ACT is more effective than other treatments in terms of increasing function and improving mental health. ACT in combination with mindfulness training has not been tested so far. Further methodologically robust trials are required. This study will therefore examine whether ACT is more effective for chronic pain than an education program, and whether adding daily mindfulness training will improve the outcome, in a large sample of patients from four multidisciplinary pain centers.

Optimizing Psychotherapy for Older Veterans With Chronic Pain
Musculoskeletal PainThis study is being performed to compare the effects of two alternate types of psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy (EAET), for chronic musculoskeletal pain in older adults. In addition, the investigators will evaluate which patients respond better to each treatment and further investigate how each treatment works. CBT, which focuses on improving coping skills for pain, is the standard form of psychotherapy offered at VA. EAET instead focuses on understanding how life stress, relationships, and emotions may cause and perpetuate pain. The investigators are performing the study because pain is a large problem among Veterans. Studies show that chronic pain affects as many as 50% of male Veterans and 75% of female Veterans. The investigators are focusing on older adult Veterans because they have the highest rates of chronic pain at VA, perhaps as high as 80%. The investigators are looking at psychotherapy in this study because VA, the Department of Defense, and the CDC recently recommended psychosocial treatments, such as psychotherapy, as first treatments for chronic pain, along with medications other than opioids (e.g., oxycodone). However, only one form of psychotherapy, CBT, is currently available in clinical practice at VA, and this study may provide evidence for making EAET available to Veterans as well.