Pilot Study Comparing the Safety and Efficacy of Two Dosing Regimens of TP-03 for the Treatment...
Meibomian Gland DysfunctionBlepharitis1 moreThe purpose of this study is to compare the safety and efficacy of TP-03, 0.25%, an eyedrop, BID vs TID dosing regimens for the treatment of meibomian gland dysfunction in patients with Demodex lid infestation.

Treatment of Ocular Demodex Infestation With Topical Ivermectin Cream 1%
The Focus of the Study is to Assess the Effectiveness of Topical Ivermectin on Eliminating Eyelash SleevesPatients with Demodex infestation of the eyelids will have the sleeves from both eyes cleaned off with microblepharoexfoliation. Afterwards, one eye will be randomly selected for treatment with topical ivermectin 1% cream. The treatment will be repeated on that eye 2 weeks later. Afterwards, the patients will present monthly for photographs of the eyelashes. The photographs will be reviewed by an ophthalmologist outside of our institution who will be blind to which eye was treated and independently grade the amount of sleeves in each eye. The follow-up will be for 6 months after the second treatment.

Phase 1b MMV367 PK/PD and Safety in Healthy Adult Volunteers Experimentally Infected With Blood...
InfectionsVector Borne Diseases10 moreThis is an open-label, adaptive study using the P. falciparum induced blood stage malaria (IBSM) model to characterise the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) profile and safety of MMV367 (the IMP). Up to 18 participants will be enrolled in cohorts of up to 6 participants each. The study will proceed as follows for all participants: Screening period of up to 28 days to recruit healthy adult participants. Day 0: Intravenous inoculation with approximately 2,800 viable P. falciparum-infected red blood cells. Days 1-3: Daily follow up via phone call or text message. Days 4-7: Daily site visits for clinical evaluation and blood sampling to monitor malaria parasite numbers via quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Day 7 PM: Start of confinement within the clinical trial unit. Day 8: Administration of a single oral dose of the IMP (MMV367). Different doses of MMV367 will be administered across and within cohorts in order to effectively characterise the PK/PD relationship. Days 8-11: Regular clinical evaluation and blood sampling while confined to monitor malaria parasite numbers and measure MMV367 plasma concentration. Day 11 AM: End of confinement within clinical trial unit. Days 12-23: Outpatient follow-up for clinical evaluation and blood sampling. Day 24: Initiation of compulsory definitive antimalarial treatment with Riamet® (artemether/lumefantrine) and/or other registered antimalarials if required. Treatment will be initiated earlier than Day 24 in the event of: Insufficient parasite clearance following IMP dosing Parasite regrowth following IMP dosing Characterising the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic relationship of MMV367 Participant discontinuation/withdrawal, Investigator's discretion in the interest of participant safety. Day 27: End of study visit for final clinical evaluation and to ensure complete clearance of malaria parasites.

Comparative Study for the Evaluation of Two Medical Devices on the Treatment of Head Lice Infestation...
Head Lice InfestationPediculosis capitis or head lice infestation is a human medical condition caused by the infestation of the hair by the parasitic insect Pediculus humanus capitis (human head lice). The most common symptom of infestation is pruritus (itching) on the head which normally intensifies 3 to 4 weeks after the initial infestation. The test items have been developed with the ambition to offer a complete head lice treatment, whilst also offering ultimative convenience in use - making treatment of head lice infestation easy, and effective in few minutes. The main objective of this clinical study is to confirm the efficacy on head lice treatment of two Medical Devices, already in market.

A Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of a Leave-in Spray in Subjects With Head Lice Infestation...
Pediculosis CapitisLice Infestations1 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Vamousse Spray 'n' Go, compared to a 1% Permethrin control shampoo, in the treatment of head lice.

Effect of an Exploratory Vehicle on Meibomian Gland Dysfunction in Patients With Demodex
Meibomian Gland DysfunctionDemodex Infestation of Eyelid2 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate and compare the effect of two dosing regimens, BID versus TID dosing, of an Exploratory Vehicle (EV) on meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) in patients with Demodex lid infestation.

A Study to Assess the Safety and Effectiveness of Two Experimental Malaria Vaccines
MalariaMalaria,Falciparum3 moreMalaria is a major public health problem. There were around 240 million cases of malaria and 627,000 deaths worldwide in 2020. There is a great need for a safe, effective malaria vaccine and the team at University of Oxford is trying to make vaccine(s) which can prevent serious illness and death. This study is being done to assess an experimental malaria vaccine for its ability to prevent malaria illness. This is done using a 'blood-stage challenge model'. This is when volunteers are infected with malaria parasites using malaria-infected red blood cells. The vaccine we are testing in this part of the study is called "RH5.2-VLP". It is given with an adjuvant called "Matrix-M". This is a substance to improve the body's response to a vaccination. RH5.2-VLP is being tested for the first time in humans in this trial. The Matrix-M adjuvant has been given to tens of thousands of people, with no major concerns, such as illness. The aim is to use this vaccine and adjuvant to help the body make an immune response against parts of the malaria parasite. This study will assess: The safety of the vaccine in healthy participants. The response of the human immune system to the vaccine. The ability of the vaccine to prevent malaria illness (Group 2 only). We will do this by giving healthy adult participants (aged 18-45) three of the vaccines and/or expose participants to malaria infection at the Centre for Clinical Vaccinology and Tropical Medicine (CCVTM), Churchill Hospital in Oxford. We will then do blood tests and collect information about any symptoms that occur after vaccination. There will be 19 to 54 visits, lasting between 3 months to 2 years and 2 months.

HIV And Parasitic Infection (HAPI) Study
HIV CoinfectionThe overall goal of this study is to determine if periodic de-worming of persons living with HIV in intestinal parasite-endemic regions will lead to decreased morbidity and mortality associated with HIV by reducing immune activation and intestinal damage associated with these diseases. The hypothesis for this project is that intestinal parasitic infections contribute to a modifiable pro-inflammatory state in persons living with HIV (PLWH). Aim 1: Determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections in PLWH receiving care at an HIV-treatment center in Lilongwe, Malawi using a highly sensitive multi-parallel stool PCR test. Hypothesis: highly sensitive stool PCR testing will demonstrate that disease burden of parasitic infection in PLWH in Malawi is higher than historically reported based on stool microscopy. Aim 2: Determine the impact of parasitic infection on intestinal damage and immune activation by measuring sCD14, sCD163, and intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP) in PLWH. Hypothesis: plasma biomarkers reflecting intestinal damage and immune activation are elevated in those with HIV and parasitic co-infection compared with parasite-negative participants with HIV. Aim 3: Determine the impact of eradication of parasitic infection on intestinal damage and immune activation by measuring sCD14, sCD163, and intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP) in PLWH before and after treatment of parasitic co-infection. Hypothesis: plasma biomarkers reflecting intestinal damage and immune activation are elevated in those with HIV and parasitic co-infection, and these biomarkers decrease with anti-parasitic treatment.

Role of Parasitic Infection in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Parasite IBS IBDRole of parasitic infection in Inflammatory bowel disease and Irritable bowel The burden of the parasitic disease is in-direct relation with the health and nutritional status of the host, inducing not only parasite-specific immunity but also can modify the host's immune responses . Many parasites can imitate inflammatory bowel disorders and some studies showed that infection with parasites can improve disorders like IBD or moderate the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disorders . Even though, many studies have shown that gastrointestinal infection is an important risk factor for the development of IBS

Microbiome and Malnutrition in Pregnancy
Pregnancy RelatedPregnancy Loss11 moreThis study is being conducted to investigate how a mother's nutritional status and her gut microbiome during pregnancy contribute to the birth outcomes and health of her baby. The gut microbiome is the totality of microorganisms (e.g. bacteria, viruses, fungi) living in the gastrointestinal tract. This study will focus on pregnant women, 24 years and younger living in the Toronto and greater Toronto area. The focus is on younger women due to their vulnerability to undernutrition. Pregnant participants, and upon delivery, their newborns will be followed throughout pregnancy and for a year afterwards. Throughout this period, the investigators will collect stool samples, rectal swabs, blood samples, health assessments, nutritional and dietary assessments and birth/ labour details. The goal is to define the relationship between a mother's nutritional status and her microbiome dynamics during pregnancy and how they contribute to the birth outcomes and growth of her newborn. With the hypothesis that alterations of the microbiota in the maternal gut (dysbiosis) exacerbated by nutritional status or pathogen exposure during pregnancy, impacts weight gain because of impaired nutrient absorption, leading to corresponding negative birth outcomes.