Novel Wrist Sensor System to Promote Hemiparetic Arm Use in Home Daily Life of Chronic Stroke Survivors...
StrokeStroke Sequelae1 moreThe proposed study is a two-arm randomized clinical trial designed to assess the effects of the StrokeWear system on clinical outcomes over a period of 6-months in chronic stroke survivors. The Intervention group will use StrokeWear system in combination to a motor and behavioral home intervention whereas the Control group will follow usual care which consists of a home-exercise plan (HEP).

Bimanual Arm Training in Acute Stroke
StrokeAcute1 moreRecent studies have shown that completing bilateral simultaneous movements during upper extremity practice may result in facilitation of coactivation and interhemispheric activation of both the ipsilesional and contralesional brain areas, with one limb entraining the other and enabling the limbs to function as a unit. Other research has proposed that the use of virtual-reality (VR) activities during treatment sessions can improve upper extremity function following stroke as it is motivating, challenging, offers external feedback that may facilitate motor learning, and allows for the "high-intensity, repetitious practice necessary to drive recovery". Coupling bilateral simultaneous upper extremity movement and virtual-reality activities is the Bimanual Arm Trainer (BAT), a non-powered mechanical device by which the non-paretic upper extremity moves the paretic arm. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the Bimanual Arm Trainer (BAT) compared to traditional occupational therapy treatment sessions as these relate to upper extremity functional return following stroke, as measured by scores on the Action Research Arm Test (ARAT) and Upper Extremity Fugl-Meyer Assessment (UE-FMA) measures. The investigators plan to use retrospective data for a pre-implementation group, comparing this data to prospectively collected post-implementation data. ARAT scores are routinely collected and will be used for comparison between groups. UE-FMA measures are commonly used in this area of research, and will be taken to provide additional context for the post-implementation group.

Using the Masseteric Nerve for Facial Nerve Reanimation
Facial Nerve ParesisThe return of eyelid function and facial expression in Patients with facial nerve affection is very important for quality of life. Eyelid dysfunction leads to drying and ulceration of cornea which may lead to permanent vision loss. Facial paralysis is distinguished into two main groups according to the presence or absence of facial fibrillations at needle Electromyography. Recent paralysis, mainly lasting less than two years generally show these signs and are eligible for reactivation of facial nerve by anastomosing it to a donor one (early facial reanimation). The masseteric nerve (motor branch of trigeminal nerve ) is a reliable donor nerve on early facial reanimation So on this study we examine the advantages and disadvantages of using masseteric nerve to develop a protocol for use of facial reanimation and restoration of function on facial paresis.

Sensorimotor Arm Rehabilitation After Stroke
StrokeHemiparesisHemiparesis is a frequently observed symptom of stroke. There are various therapy options that are used in the rehabilitation of patients. Some studies have shown that, in addition to unilateral arm training, bilateral arm training can also lead to positive results in treatment and is a useful addition to therapy. The newly developed app requires the coordination of both arms in certain time sequences and intensities or rhythms and addresses different sensory modalities (visual, auditory and kinesthetic). The aim of the study is to examine whether tablet-based training improves bimanual coordination.

NuroSleeve Powered Brace & Stimulation System to Restore Arm Function
Neurologic DiseasesHemiparesis12 moreThe purpose of this study is to investigate if a person with weakness or paralysis in one or both arms, can use the NuroSleeve combined powered arm brace (orthosis) and muscle stimulation system to help restore movement in one arm sufficient to perform daily activities. This study could lead to the development of a product that could allow people with arm weakness or arm paralysis to use the NuroSleeve and similar devices to improve arm health and independent function.

C-Brace Prospective Registry
ParesesLower ExtremityTo gather prospective safety and effectiveness data for the C-Brace System following the standard of care.

Chronic Transcutaneous Stimulation to Promote Motor Function and Recovery in Individuals With Paralysis...
Healthy VolunteersSpinal Cord Injury4 moreThis is an early feasibility trial to determine whether transcutaneous neuromuscular electrical stimulation, with or without transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation, using an investigational neurostimulation device improves functional arm/hand movements in individuals with paralysis or paresis due to a spinal cord injury or stroke and improves functional arm/hand or leg/foot movements in individuals with paralysis or paresis due to other brain or nerve injuries. In this study, eligible individuals that agree to participate will be asked to attend up to 5 study sessions a week for 1 year (depending on participant availability), with each session lasting up to 4 hours. At the first study session, participants will have their demographic information collected, vital signs assessed, and have measurements performed of their limbs and torso, as appropriate. They will also undergo clinical evaluations and tests to assess their current functional movement and sensation capabilities. During subsequent study sessions, participants will undergo many tasks designed to improve functional movements in paralyzed limbs. Specifically, participants will receive neuromuscular electrical stimulation to the limb(s) and/or electrical stimulation to the spinal cord to evoke specified movements. The stimulation parameters and locations on the spinal column and/or limb(s) that evoke specific movements will be noted. The movements will be assessed with visual inspection, electromyography, and/or sensors. The clinical evaluations and tests to assess functional movement and sensation capabilities will be repeated throughout the study and at the last study session to assess for functional improvements compared to the first study session. Upon completion of these study sessions, the individual's participation in the study is considered complete.

Monitoring of the Safety and the Performance of the Endoscopic Cap Electrode (ECE50)
Vocal Fold ParesisLaryngeal DystoniaThe objective of this registry is to confirm the safety and the performance of the ECE50 in medical routine by collecting data.

Evaluation of Positioning Protocols on a Wheelchair in Hemiplegic Patients
Hemiplegia and/or Hemiparesis Following StrokeThe main purpose of this study is to assess the interest of using wheelchair positioning equipment on the decrease of postural disorders, compared to the standard use of a wheelchair

Efficacy of Split Gait in the Treatment of Dynamic Asymmetries in Subjects With Pathologic Claudication...
Multiple SclerosisPoststroke/CVA Hemiparesis3 moreWalking on a split-belt treadmill (each of the two belts running at a different speed) imposes an asymmetrical gait, mimicking limping that has been observed in various pathologic conditions. This walking modality has been proposed as an experimental paradigm to investigate the flexibility of the neural control of gait and as a form of therapeutic exercise for hemi-paretic patients. However, the scarcity of dynamic investigations both for segmental aspects and for the entire body system, represented by the centre of mass, challenges the validity of the available findings on split gait. Compared with overground gait in hemiplegia, split gait entails an opposite spatial and dynamic asymmetry. The faster leg mimics the paretic limb temporally, but the unimpaired limb from the spatial and dynamic point of view. These differences suggest that a partial shift in perspective may help to clarify the potential of the split gait as a rehabilitation tool. The aim of the present study is to investigate the dynamic asymmetries of lower limbs in adults with unilateral motor impairments (e.g. hemiplegia post-stroke, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, unilateral amputation, surgical orthopedic interventions) during adaptation to gait on a split-belt treadmill. The sagittal power provided by the ankle and the total mechanical energy of the centre of mass will be thoroughly studied. The time course of phenomena both during gait when the belts are running at different speed and when the belts are set back to the same speed (i.e. the after-effect) will be investigated. A greater dynamic symmetry between the lower limbs is expected after split gait. The question whether this symmetry will occur when the pathological limb is on the faster or the lower belt will be disclosed. Some alterations of the motion of the centre of mass during split gait are also expected.