Effect of Ozone Gel on Treatment of Chronic Periodontitis
Periodontal DiseasesTo evaluate the efficacy of locally delivered ozone gel as an adjunct to conventional periodontal therapy on selected clinical parameters as well as alveolar bone density (BD) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in patient with chronic periodontitis.

Full-mouth and Partial-mouth Scaling and Root Planing in Type 2 Diabetic Subjects
PeriodontitisDiabetesThe aim of this study will be to evaluate: 1- the effect of full-mouth (FM) scaling and root (SRP) planing in 24 hours associated with or without extensive application of chlorhexidine (CLX) on clinical, microbiological, glycemic and immunological parameters in diabetic subjects with chronic periodontitis at 3, 6 and 12 months post-therapy. The hypothesis is that FMSRP associated with CLX use will provide the best clinical, microbiological, glycemic and immunological outcomes for the treatment of diabetic subjects with periodontitis. Sixty diabetic subjects with chronic periodontitis will be divided in the following therapeutic groups (n=20 subjects per group): FMSRP+CLX group - FMSRP in a maximum of 24 hours, application and irrigation of chlorhexidine 2% gel, rinsing chlorhexidine 0.12% solution during 60 days; FMSRP + placebo group - FMSRP in a maximum of 24 hours, application and irrigation of placebo, rinsing placebo solution during 60 days; Partial-mouth (PM) SRP group: SRP in 4-6 sessions in a maximum of 2 weeks. The following clinical parameters will be evaluated at 3, 6 and 12 months post-therapy: plaque accumulation, gingival bleeding, probing depth, clinical attachment level, bleeding on probing and suppuration. At these same periods, glycated hemoglobin levels will be obtained from all subjects. In addition, six subgingival biofilm samples per subject will be analyzed by checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization for 40 bacterial species at baseline, 3, 6 and 12 post-therapy. Finally, gingival crevicular fluid samples from two shallow and two deep sites will be evaluated for the levels of cyto/chemokines by ELISA. Data will be submitted to appropriate statistical analysis.

Single Session Of Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy Using Indocyanine Green
PeriodontitisIn recent years, there has been a growing interest in the use of dental lasers for treatment of periodontal diseases. Commercially available photodynamic therapy for periodontal diseases utilizes methylene blue as a photosensitizer. In this study, the effects of a novel photosensitizer dye, indocyanine green (ICG), as an adjunct to nonsurgical treatment of chronic periodontitis will be evaluated.

Role of Herbal Immunomodulators in the Treatment of Chronic Periodontitis
Chronic PeriodontitisAddition of systemic herbal immunomodulators with scaling & root planing (SRP) may enhance the therapeutic result of Chronic Periodontitis owing to host modulation & anti-inflammatory properties. If proven, herbal immunomodulators can be used as an adjunct to SRP.

Effect of Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy Verses Oral Hygiene Instructions on Patients With Chronic...
Chronic PeriodontitisPeriodontitis, a bacterial dental biofilm based infectious disease, is a chronic inflammatory disease of the periodontium which results in irreversible destruction of supporting structures of the teeth such as periodontal ligaments, connective tissues, cementum and alveolar bone. More than 700 species of bacteria are estimated to be found in the sub-gingival dental biofilm in which periodontopathogens are found to be responsible in initiating periodontal disease. Chronic periodontitis, although termed as 'chronic', starts as an acute inflammation. Low levels of bacteremia and endotoxins provides a stimulus for the systemic inflammatory response. In periodontitis, the interaction of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from gram-negative bacteria with host cells initiates the secretion of cytokines and the expression of cell adhesion molecules in gingival tissue which leads to loss of alveolar bone and connective tissues supporting the teeth. In the management of chronic periodontitis, non surgical periodontal therapy (NSPT) which includes oral hygiene instruction (OHI), scaling and root planing, is administered to improve clinical parameters as well as controlling the bacterial count responsible in initiating the disease and the resultant inflammatory response. Success of the treatment can be analyzed when the clinical parameters, counts of the microbes is reduced and inflammatory response is controlled. Studies which have evaluated the microbiological and immunological response following NSPT clearly demonstrates an improvement in clinical parameters, reduction in inflammatory mediators present as well as a decrease in microbial count. OHI which includes tooth brushing and inter-dental cleaning is found beneficial in removing microbial plaque, thus, preventing periodontal diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis. Studies have evaluated the role of OHI on clinical and immunological parameters and microbiological profiles of periodontal maintenance subjects, while none of them evaluated its role alone in the management of chronic periodontitis subjects. Therefore, the purpose of the following investigation was to compare the changes in the clinical parameters, inflammatory mediators as well as level and frequency of detection of periodontopathogens that take place after 3-months of NSPT versus OHI and to evaluate if clinical parameters have an effect on these inflammatory mediators and microbiological changes.

Treatment of Periodontitis by Conventional 4 Weekly Sections or Within 24 Hours
PeriodontitisPeriodontitis is a form of gum disease that affects many people in the world. Its traditional protocol of treatment includes oral hygiene instruction and dental scaling to remove debris, dental plaque and tartar in 4 weekly sections. There is an additional time-reduced option also usually cheaper. In this last one, all above described procedures are performed within 24 hours. However, up to now comparative effectiveness between these both types of treatment is not well understood. For, example it is not clear if patients treated in the shorter-time experienced more pain. Therefore, the present study used several parameters to clarify whether beneficial differences between these therapeutic protocols exist or not. In addition, aspects that could help clinicians' and patient's decisions such as experience of pain and anxiety related to dental treatment were also investigated. After receiving verbal and written explanations and signed the informed consent form 150 individuals (n=15/group) having the most common type of periodontitis in adults were randomly allocated to be treated in 4 weekly sections or within 24 hours. Oral hygiene instructions and dental debridement were performed alone or in conjunction with antimicrobial agents: a mouth rinse containing chlorhexidine or systemic azithromycin antibiotic tablets. The parameters measured at baseline, 3, 6 and 9 months after treatment were: indicators of inflammation, amount of oral debris and malodor; quantification of bacteria in plaque samples collected with paper points from teeth and tongue; amount of produced saliva and self-reported questionnaires to collect information about oral condition, daily activities, pain and anxiety related to dental treatment.

Evaluation of Techniques for Scaling and Root Planing and One Stage Full Mouth Disinfection
Periodontal DiseaseChronic PeriodontitisEvaluate and compare the effectiveness in a clinical and microbial perspective one stage full-mouth disinfection technique in relation to scaling and root planing per quadrant associated with chlorhexidine or azithromycin.

Effect of Non-surgical Periodontal Treatment on HbA1c in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Chronic PeriodontitisType 2 Diabetes MellitusThe main objective is to evaluate the effect of nonsurgical periodontal treatment on serum levels of HbA1c in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). This study is a 6-month, single-masked, randomized clinical trial.A total of 90 patients with diabetes and chronic generalized periodontal disease will be randomly divided into 2 groups: Treatment Group, Control Group.

Effect of a Locally Delivered Probiotic in Periodontitis
Chronic PeriodontitisSaccharomyces boulardii is commonly employed as a live non-pathogenic probiotic microbial feed or food supplement. S. boulardii reduces the secretion of key pro inflammatory cytokines and promotes the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-10, which is pertinent in the context of pathogenic mechanisms in periodontitis.

Effect of Smoking Cessation on Clinical and Microbiological Outcomes of the Non-surgical Periodontal...
PeriodontitisThe aim of this prospective interventional study is to verify the efficacy of smoking cessation on clinical and microbiological outcomes of non-surgical periodontal therapy of chronic periodontitis patients. Smokers willing to quit received periodontal treatment and concurrent smoking cessation therapy. Periodontal maintenance was performed every 3 months. A single calibrated examiner, blinded to smoking status, assessed periodontal clinical outcomes and applied a structured questionnaire in order to collect demographic and behavioural information. Further, expired carbon monoxide concentration were measured with a monoximeter. A pooled subgingival plaque sample was collected from the deepest periodontal pocket from each participant. The presence and quantification of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia and Treponema denticola were determined using (RT-PCR).