Chinese Medicine for Treating Chronic Pharyngolaryngitis
Chronic Pharyngolaryngitis (Disorder)A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial using a Chinese Medicine formula in treating Chronic pharyngolaryngitis. Subjects will be randomized into a treatment group or placebo group for 8 weeks, and then followed by an 8-week post-treatment visit.

Preoperative Aspirin and Benzydamine Hydrochloride Gargles on Severity and Duration of Post-Operative...
Sore ThroatPost-operative sore throat (POST) following General Anesthesia with endotracheal is a common symptom and drains resources. The researchers will compare preoperative gargling of Asprine and Benzydamine HCL to study comparative effects on intensity and duration of POST. Data collected as such will be analyzed to reach at a conclusion.

Effect of Oropharyngeal Pack Soaked in Ketamine or Magnesium Sulphate on Post Operative Sore Throat...
Sore-throatNasopharyngeal Pack3 moreThe aim of this study is to compare the effect of ketamine or magnesium sulphate soaked throat pack on the incidence and severity of post operative sore throat as a primary outcome, post operative nausea and vomiting as a secondary outcome following elective nasal surgery under general anesthesia.

Rapid POC GAS Diagnostics in the Paediatric ED
Streptococcal PharyngitisRandomized trial evaluating effectiveness of rapid point-of-care molecular GAS diagnostics as compared to standard culture-based techniques for the management of children aged 3-18 years of age presenting with sore throat to McMaster Children's Hospital Emergency Department.

Effect of Different Head Positions During Endotracheal Intubation on Postoperative Sore Throat
Endotracheal IntubationGeneral AnesthesiaThe goal of this [ randomized clinical trial] is to [effect of different head positions on the incidence of postoperative sore throat ] in [patients with endotracheal intubation ]. The main question it aims to answer is: the rate of postoperative sore throat will be reduced or not with the patients' head position changed during intubation.

Efficacy of K-Y Jelly in Prevention of Postoperative Sore Throat After Nasal Surgery
Postoperative Sore ThroatPostoperative sore throat (POST) is a fairly common side effect of general anesthesia which is caused by the mucosal injury and nerve compression associated with tracheal intubation or laryngeal mask airway device insertion. In this randomized study, the authors evaluate the effect of K-Y jelly-soaked nasopharyngeal packs on POST and postoperative nausea and vomiting in patients subjected to nasal surgery.

A Postoperative Sore Throat After Lumbar Spine Surgery in the Prone Position
Post Operative Sore ThroatThis study was performed to compare the effect of dexmedetomidine and remifentanil on the incidence and severity of postoperative sore throat in patients undergoing spinal surgery in the prone position who are at risk of developing postoperative sore throat.

Effect of Tramadol on Postoperative Sore Throat After General Anesthesia
Post-operative Sore ThroatIntubation Intratracheal1 morePost operative sore throat after general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation is a common problem causing dissatisfaction and discomfort to the patients. The investigators want to study the effect of tramadol on postoperative sore throat in general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation.

Effect of Colding of Endotracheal Tubes on Sore Throat
Postoperative Sore ThroatPostoperative sore throat (POST) is a common and undesirable postoperative symptom that causes patient dissatisfaction. Cold application is a non-invasive, non-pharmacological, cost-effective and effort-effective therapy for pain management. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether colding of ETT can reduce sore throat, dysphagia and dysphonia after endotracheal intubation.

Ultrasound-Guided Internal Superior Laryngeal Nerve Block for Double-Lumen Bronchial Tube
Postoperative Sore Throatinvestigate the effectiveness and safety of ultrasound-guided bilateral internal branch of the SLN (iSLN) block for alleviating POST immediately after the operation.