Topical Adrenaline Versus Warm Saline Solution for Minimizing Intraperitoneal Bleeding During Caesarian...
Placenta AccretaPlacenta PreviaPlacenta accreta spectrum (PAS), encompassing the terms placenta accreta, increta, and percreta; abnormally invasive placenta; morbidly adherent placenta; and invasive placentation, is a leading cause of life-threatening obstetric haemorrage . Currently, more than 90% of women diagnosed with PAS also have a placenta praevia , and the combination of both conditions leads to high maternal morbidity and mortality due to massive haemorrhage at the time of birth . Maternal mortality of placenta praevia with percreta has been reported to be as high as 7% of cases . Adrenaline has also been demonstrated to be a reasonable hemostatic agent because of its low cost, low risk, powerful vasoconstrictor, and platelet aggregation. Topical use of adrenaline is an effective and reasonable hemostatic agent in tonsillectomy.

Efficacy of Hydrogen Peroxide ( H2O2) in Controlling Placental Site Bleeding in Caesarian Delivery...
Placenta AccretaPlacenta accreta spectrum (PAS), encompassing the terms placenta accreta, increta, and percreta; abnormally invasive placenta; morbidly adherent placenta; and invasive placentation, is a leading cause of life-threatening obstetric haemorrage (1) . Currently, more than 90% of women diagnosed with PAS also have a placenta praevia (2), and the combination of both conditions leads to high maternal morbidity and mortality due to massive haemorrhage at the time of birth . Maternal mortality of placenta praevia with percreta has been reported to be as high as 7% of cases . Hydrogen peroxide is well-known for its antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. It is used to clean surgical cuts for better localization of bleeding focus in surgery and orthopedics and burn excisions to induce hemostasis . Topical application of hydrogen peroxide was proven to induce hemostasis and reduce operative time in both tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy .

TRAnexamic Acid for Preventing Blood Loss Following a Cesarean Delivery in Women With Placenta pREVIA...
Postpartum HemorrhageSeveral randomized, controlled trials, mostly involving women undergoing cesarean delivery, have shown that the prophylactic intravenous administration of 1 g of tranexamic acid after childbirth reduced blood loss. Most were small, single-centre trials with considerable methodologic limitations. It is important to emphasize that none of these RCTs has included women at increased risk of PPH such as placenta previa, a context in which the prevalence of moderate and severe blood loss is significantly higher and where the magnitude of the effect of TXA may highly differ compared to low risk women

Tranexamic Acid as an Intervention in Placenta Previa
Interventional Drug in Placenta PreviaAntepartum hemorrhage (APH) due to placenta previa is an important cause of worldwide perinatal mortality and maternal morbidity in pregnant women

Tranexamic Acid for the Prevention of Postpartum Hemorrhage in Pregnant Women With Placenta Previa...
HemorrhagePostpartum1 moreMany RCT(randomized controlled trial) studies reported that tranexamic acid reduced blood loss in women who had elective cesareans. However, most of these elective cesareans are without high-risk factors of postpartum hemorrhage, such as placenta previa. The prophylactic use of tranexamic acid in the placenta previa is not clear. studies had poor quality and lacked adequate power to assess severe adverse events.

Cervical Internal os Plasty in Management of Placenta Previa and Focal Accreta
Cervical IO Plasty in Management of Placenta PreviaAim of the work: Better management & reducing hemorrhage and complication in patients placenta previa and focal accreta .

Sonographic Parameters and Risk of Antepartum Hemorrhage in Asymptomatic Women With Placenta Previa:...
Placenta PreviaThe aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of ultrasonographic parameters (cervical length, placental thickness and distance placental edge from internal os of the cervix) in predicting the risk of antepartum hemorrhage and emergency cesarean delivery in asymptomatic women with placenta previa.

Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms in Placenta Previa / Accreta
Anxiety DepressionPlacenta Previaplacenta previa is an obstetric complication which is associated with depression and anxiety. As little is known about the emotional reaction to the diagnosis of placenta previa/accrete, a study is badly needed to estimate the magnitude of this problem and its effects on the mother

Vaginal Pessary Versus Expectant Management for Placenta Previa
Placenta PreviaThe purpose of this study is to perform a large multi-center randomized trial comparing the role of vaginal pessary versus expectant management in women with placenta previa between 22w0d and 32w0d of gestation in prolonging gestation until ≥36 weeks. Secondary outcomes will assess duration of antepartum admission, total blood loss, gestational age at delivery, type of cesarean delivery, and a composite neonatal outcome. The hypothesis is that the use of a vaginal pessary in patients presenting with placenta previa between 22-32 weeks will decrease delivery prior to 36 weeks as compared to expectantly managing these patients.

The Foley's Catheter Balloon to the Bleeding From Placenta Previa
Postpartum HemorrhagePost-partum haemorrhage due to placenta previa is usually from the placental bed at the lower uterine segment and it occurs after the placenta separation. Although, nowadays the obstetrician can diagnose placenta previa before delivery, it is still one of the important causes of maternal mortality . Hysterectomy can be the only effective action to take, although it carries many morbidities for the women especially those with low parity. Uterine packing considers as a line of treatment before performing surgical procedures in postpartum hemorrhage resulting from placental site bleeding. It can save life, avoid laparotomy and save uterus. Nowadays, the use of intrauterine balloons have been developed and become effective for the control of placental site bleeding not responding to medical treatment. The 2-way Foley's Cather has many advantages over the gauze packing; First, it allows drainage of blood so no occult bleeding could be accumulated inside the uterus as in uterine gauze, second the removal of the Foley's Cather balloon is easy and not a painful, third, the removal of 2-way Foley's Cather could be gradually as a test of its effectiveness before complete removal .