
Active clinical trials for "Paralysis"

Results 71-80 of 672

Locomotor Learning in Infants at High Risk for Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy

The objective of this project is to characterize the evolution of locomotor learning over the first 18 months of life in infants at high risk for cerebral palsy (CP). To characterize how locomotor skill is learned (or not learned) during this critical period, the investigators will combine established protocols using robust, unbiased robotic and sensor technology to longitudinally study infant movement across three consecutive stages during the development of impaired human motor control - early spontaneous movement, prone locomotion (crawling), and upright locomotion (walking).

Recruiting5 enrollment criteria

Non-phonatory Exercises in Patients With Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis Post-thyroidectomy

Unilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis

Thyroidectomy is the most common iatrogenic cause of vocal fold paralysis. Patients complain of hoarseness caused by incomplete glottic closure and have effort to raise vocal intensity with consequent elevation of the larynx and/or involvement of supraglottic structures in phonation. These compensation mechanisms result in a shift of the fundamental frequency towards more serious tones or falsetto voice emissions. The first choice treatment is speech therapy which aims to obtain better glottic closure, preventing ankylosis of the crico-arytenoid joint. In order to promote better glottic closure without risking the onset or increase of dysfunctional compensation, the idea behind this project is to propose non-phonatory adduction exercises in the first post-operative week. The primary objective of the study is to compare patients who will perform non-phonatory exercises in parallel with medical therapy for one week and patients who will perform standard medical therapy only during the first week.

Recruiting10 enrollment criteria

Kabat Rehabilitation Versus Mime Therapy on Facial Disability and Synkinesis in Patients of Bell's...

Bell Palsy

Bell's palsy, also called idiopathic facial paralysis, is a common cause of unilateral facial paralysis. It is one of the most common neurological disorders of the cranial nerves.

Recruiting11 enrollment criteria

Telerehabilitation-Based Action Observation Treatment in Children With Hemiparetic Cerebral Palsy...

Hemiparetic Cerebral Palsy

The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of action observation therapy applied using two different telerehabilitation techniques (synchronous and asynchronous) to children with hemiparetic cerebral palsy.

Enrolling by invitation10 enrollment criteria

Effectiveness of the Mirror Therapy for Improving Bimanual Performance, Somatosensory Function of...

Hemiplegic Cerebral PalsyMirror Movement Therapy

Background: Unilateral Spastic Cerebral Palsy (USPC) is caused by an injury in one brain hemisphere in the immature brain, and affects the contralateral side of the body, especially on the upper limb. It induces motor and somatosensory damages, that are closely related to the hand function. Evidence posits mirror therapy to be a therapy with potential effects on bimanual performance and somatosensory function, that may influence on quality of life. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the effectiveness of a motor program with mirror therapy in children with USCP in the improvement of the bimanual performance, the somatosensory function and quality of life compared with the same program without mirror. Methods: This study is a Randomised Clinical Trial. The participants are children with USCP aged between 8 and 12 years old classified in levels I and II in Manual Ability Classification System, recruited from Fundació Aspace Catalunya. The eligibility criteria are a) to not have had surgical interventions, botulinum toxin or shock waves 3 months before the study; b) to not be receiving intensive therapies on the upper limb; c) to not have attentional or behavioural difficulties; d) to not have moderate to high intellectual disability; e) to not have non-treated epilepsy; and f) to not have non-corrected visual problems. A total of 22 participants will be recruited for this study, and will be randomised in two groups: control and experimental, through the opaque envelope technique. The experimental group will perform a 5-week motor program consisting of 4 bimanual exercises with mirror therapy, to be done at home 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, while the control group will perform the same program without the mirror. The assessments will be done by a blinded evaluator and will include bimanual performance (Children's Hand-use Experience Questionnaire), somatosensory function and quality of life (PedsQL™), and will be performed at the beginning, at the end of the intervention and 1-month follow-up. Discussion: Favourably results in this study may imply the implementation of a low-cost therapy, suitable to be done at home, and with no contraindications for children with USCP. Moreover, the suitability to be adapted and performed at home could increase the family implication and empowerment, increasing its confidence in the disability process.

Enrolling by invitation8 enrollment criteria

Stem Cell Spinal Cord Injury Exoskeleton and Virtual Reality Treatment Study

Spinal Cord InjuriesSpinal Cord Compression9 more

The SciExVR study will evaluate the potential benefit of autologous bone marrow derived stem cells (BMSC) in the treatment of spinal cord injury with evidence of impaired motor or sensory function. The treatment consists of bilateral paraspinal injections of the BMSC at the level of the injury as well as superior and inferior to that spinal segment followed by an intravenous injection and intranasal placement. Patients undergoing BMSC treatment may also be assigned to use of exoskeletal movement (or equivalent) or virtual reality visualization (or equivalent) to augment upper motor neuron firing and/or receptivity of the sensory neurons.

Enrolling by invitation11 enrollment criteria

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Self-rehabilitation in the Treatment of Facial...

Peripheral Facial PalsyRehabilitation1 more

Peripheral facial palsy affects 15 to 40 people per 100,000 inhabitants and induces important functional and social repercussions. Synkinesis is a frequent after-effect of facial palsy recovery, consisting of involuntary facial spasms that disturb the gestural harmony and can go as far as a painful hypertonic spasm. More than 55% of patients recovering from facial palsy will develop transient or permanent synkinesis. These facial hypertonias have two main causes: imperfect axonal regeneration, which is all the more important as the damage is proximal, and hyperexcitability of the facial nerve nucleus due to a lack of central control. Management is therefore essential for the functional restoration of the face, especially since synkinesis do not evolve spontaneously. The main treatments are currently botulinum toxin injection, acting on the motor plate, and functional rehabilitation, consisting on local muscle relaxation and central motor control work. In recent years, therapies based on biofeedback and acting on central motor control have shown interesting results, and technological advances in virtual reality have made it possible to deepen this treatment in patients suffering from stroke, limb trauma or Parkinson's disease. In this project, the investigators evaluate the contribution of virtual reality to the management of facial palsy, and hypothesize that self-rehabilitation using this technology will improve motor control of the skin muscles and reduce complications related to their hypertonia such as synkinesis.

Recruiting13 enrollment criteria

Transformation of Paralysis to Stepping

Spinal Cord Injuries

The main goal of the project is to develop multiple noninvasive neuromodulatory strategies to facilitate full weight bearing stepping overground in people with paralysis. We will determine the effectiveness of combining noninvasive spinal cord stimulation and the administration of buspirone (a monoaminergic agonist) in facilitating locomotor activity in a gravity-neutral apparatus, during body weight supported stepping on a treadmill, when stepping overground in an assistive robotic exoskeleton, or during full weight bearing stepping overground in a rolling walker. Our objective is to identify the experimental variables that define the efficacy of these novel neuromodulatory techniques over a 5 year period in 15 participants with severe spinal cord injury who are at least one year post-injury.

Recruiting32 enrollment criteria

Awareness Detection and Communication in Disorders of Consciousness

Disorder of ConsciousnessParalysis3 more

STUDY OVERVIEW Brain injury can result in a loss of consciousness or awareness, to varying degrees. Some injuries are mild and cause relatively minor changes in consciousness. However, in severe cases a person can be left in a state where they are "awake" but unaware, which is called unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (UWS, previously known as a vegetative state). Up to 43% of patients with a UWS diagnosis, regain some conscious awareness, and are then reclassified as minimally conscious after further assessment by clinical experts. Many of those in the minimally conscious state (MCS) and all with unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (UWS) are incapable of providing any, or consistent, overt motor responses and therefore, in some cases, existing measures of consciousness are not able to provide an accurate assessment. Furthermore, patients with locked-in syndrome (LIS), which is not a disorder of consciousness as patients are wholly aware, also, struggle to produce overt motor responses due to paralysis and anarthria, leading to long delays in accurate diagnoses using current measures to determine levels of consciousness and awareness. There is evidence that LIS patients, and a subset of patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness (DoC), can imagine movement (such as imagining lifting a heavy weight with their right arm) when given instructions presented either auditorily or visually - and the pattern of brain activity that they produce when imagining these movements, can be recorded using a method known as electroencephalography (or EEG). With these findings, the investigators have gathered evidence that EEG-based bedside detection of conscious awareness is possible using Brain- Computer Interface (BCI) technology - whereby a computer programme translates information from the users EEG-recorded patterns of activity, to computer commands that allow the user to interact via a user interface. The BCI system for the current study employs three possible imagined movement combinations for a two-class movement classification; left- vs right-arm, right-arm vs feet, and left-arm vs feet. Participants are trained, using real-time feedback on their performance, to use one of these combinations of imagined movement to respond to 'yes' or 'no' answer questions in the Q&A sessions, by imagining one movement for 'yes' and the other for 'no'. A single combination of movements is chosen for each participant at the outset, and this participant-specific combination is used throughout their sessions. The study comprises three phases. The assessment Phase I (sessions 1-2) is to determine if the patient can imagine movements and produce detectable modulation in sensorimotor rhythms and thus is responding to instructions. Phase II (sessions 3-6) involves motor-imagery (MI) -BCI training with neurofeedback to facilitate learning of brain activity modulation; Phase III (sessions 7-10) assesses patients' MI-BCI response to closed questions, categorized to assess biographical, numerical, logical, and situational awareness. The present study augments the evidence of the efficacy for EEG-based BCI technology as an objective movement-independent diagnostic tool for the assessment of, and distinction between, PDoC and LIS patients.

Recruiting10 enrollment criteria

COMMAND Early Feasibility Study: Implantable BCI to Control a Digital Device for People With Paralysis...

Neurologic DisorderParalysis11 more

The Synchron motor neuroprosthesis (MNP) is intended to be used in subjects with severe motor impairment, unresponsive to medical or rehabilitative therapy and a persistent functioning motor cortex. The purpose of this research is to evaluate safety and feasibility. The MNP is a type of implantable brain computer interface which bypasses dysfunctional motor neurons. The device is designed to restore the transmission of neural signal from the cerebral cortex utilized for neuromuscular control of digital devices, resulting in a successful execution of non-mechanical digital commands.

Recruiting15 enrollment criteria

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