Role of TAP and RS Block in Reduction of Postoperative Pain for Gynecological Surgical Laparoscopic...
TAP and RS BlockThe present study aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of loco-regional wall anesthesia of the transversus abdominis plane block (TAP block) and the rectus sheath block (RS block), compared to intravenous analgesia, in terms of pain reduction, postoperative analgesic drugs consumption, patient satisfaction and decrease of LOS (length of stay), in patients undergoing benign gynecological laparoscopic surgical procedures.

Comparing Analgesia for Postoperative Pain Relief in Spine Surgery
Low Back PainThe study will involve adult patients undergoing elective thoracolumbar-sacral spine surgery involving 1-5 spine levels, at the Brigham and Women's hospital that have an anticipated post surgical hospital stay of one to three days. These patients will be randomly assigned by the BWH Investigational Drug Service to one of three different groups, each consisting of 33 patients: • Group 1 will be patients that will receive epidural hydromorphone 0. 5mg and bupivicaine 6.25 mg for a total volume of 10 ml. Group 2 patients will receive hydromorphone 0.5 mg in preservative free saline for a total volume of 10ml. Group 3 patients will receive 10 ml of preservative free saline and this will serve as the control group.

Preemptive Analgesia for Post Tonsillectomy Pain With IV Morphine in Children
Preoperative SedationPostoperative PainIn this double blind study, after taking an informed consent, 60 children aged between 7 and 12 years old assigned for tonsillectomy with or without adenoidectomy will be randomly divided into three groups. The first group 30 children will receive 0.025 mg/kg midazolam IV followed by 0.1 mg/kg morphine as a premedication 20 to 30 min before surgical incision. In the second group30 children who will receive the same dose of midazolam followed by saline premedication. All groups will be compared for pain score using visual analog scale (VAS) after recovery and hourly for 8 hours and during first drinking. Heart rate (HR), blood pressure and peripheral oxygen saturation (SPO2) will be recorded before premedication, every 10 min after premedication then every 5 min during and after anesthesia. 6 point sedation score and 4 points behavioral score will be monitored every 5 min after sedation. Four-point wake-up score will be recorded every 5 min. Time of first analgesic requirement and total morphine consumption during the first post-operative 8 hours will be recorded.

Ultrasound Guided Repositioning of a New Suture-Method Catheter for Adductor Canal Block
AnesthesiaPain4 moreThis is a randomized clinical trial in healthy volunteers. 12 volunteers will have suture-method catheters placed in the adductor canal of each leg using the long-axis plane and short-axis plane technique. The investigators will inject LA in both catheters to confirm correct position. Following return of cold sensation the catheter is then displaced intentionally. The orifice is identified by injection of isotonic saline to ensure a proper displacement (spread outside of the adductor canal) and the distance from the delivery orifice of the catheter to the adductor canal is noted. A second investigator will assess distance from the LA delivery orifice of the catheter to the adductor canal using hydrodissection with isotonic saline to pinpoint the delivery orifice and subsequently reposition the catheter to obtain LA spread within the adductor canal. Successful repositioning is defined as a combination of LA spread within the adductor canal and loss of cold sensation on the medial part of the lower leg.

Does Preoperative Pain Levels by Venipuncture Predict Late Postoperative Pain Levels?
PainPostoperativeThis study wishes to investigate if pain by peripheral venous cannulation (PVC) preoperatively, will predict pain levels after 24 h postoperatively. Furthermore, to investigate moderate/severe pain at the postoperatively at the post-anaesthesia care unit (PACU) is associated with increased late (24h) pain. Additionally, if the PACU nurse is able to predict if the patient will be a high pain responder, by using a clinical judgement. Finally to evaluate the patient's pain-levels at home after discharge and investigate for associations between postoperative pain and post-discharge pain.

Does Midazolam Affect Postoperative Pain?
PainPostoperativeTo investigate whether midazolam has any effect on postoperative pain in outpatient surgery, the investigators will assess the impact of different midazolam doses on pain scores 24h, 7 days and 3 months after open inguinal hernia repair. The investigators hypothesize that patients being administered higher midazolam doses will refer more pain.

Satisfaction Following Cesarean Section
PainPostoperative3 morePresently, the standard of care at the investigators' practice is that the discharging physician decides the type and amount of opioid medication to prescribe a patient following a cesarean section. After informed consent has been obtained, patients will be enrolled in this randomized-controlled equivalence study. The experimental group will be prescribed 20 oxycodone-acetaminophen and the control group will be prescribed 28 oxycodone-acetaminophen at the time of discharge. Both groups will also be provided with a handout on non-opioid analgesia. The groups will be assigned randomly in blocks. The investigators will recruit patients either in the clinic, if participants are to have a scheduled cesarean section, or at some time during the hospital admission for delivery. The satisfaction survey and pain scale will be administered at the postoperative check by the clinic staff and providers. These surveys will be stored in a secure location at the clinic. If the patient does not show up for their postoperative visit, 3 attempts total will be made by an investigator to reach the patient and administer both surveys by phone within 2 weeks of discharge. A preliminary analysis of the data will be done once half the study patients have been recruited. The investigators do not foresee any threats to the external or internal validity of the study. The investigators are taking many measures to limit study bias. First, block randomization will help limit discrepancies between groups. Also, strict adherence to the inclusion and exclusion criteria will also help limit confounders that may make data difficult to interpret, such as non-opioid naïve patients and complications that may potentially increase pain and opioid requirements. Lastly, blinding of patients to the number of pills participants receive will help mitigate patient bias.

DNA Methylation and Perioperative Pain Treatment
HyperalgesiaPain1 moreIn the last few years much attention has been paid to hyperalgesia induced by opioids, which represents a clinically significant condition following acute and chronic exposure to opioids. It has been suggested that the increase in gene expression of μ-opioid receptors and the development of hyperalgesia could be linked to epigenetic mechanisms. In particular the use of opioids seems to be related to an increase of the degree of DNA methylation. In the literature are not currently available data about the degree of DNA methylation in surgical patients, opioid-naive prior to surgery, receiving acute opioids treatment in the perioperative period. The primary objective of this study is to assess the degree of perioperative DNA methylation (extracted from whole blood) in patients undergoing major surgery exposed to opioids according to current clinical practice compared to preoperative baseline levels. The timing (preoperative vs intraoperative vs postoperative) in which the possible increase of the degree of DNA methylation will happen wil be assessed. 20 consecutive patients undergoing major surgery performed under general anesthesia that have expressed their consent to participate to the study will be enrolled. This sample is adequate to allow the observation of a possible increase of DNA methylation in opioid-naive patients exposed to anesthesia/analgesia based on opiates according to current clinical practice.

Characterization of PostOp Pain in Shoulder and Knee Arthroscopy
Post Surgical PainThe purpose of this study is to describe the chronology of post operative pain in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty and total hip arthroplasty. Further, within this population the predictive validity of the Defense and Veterans Pain Rating Scale will be assessed for persistent post surgical pain.

Sevoflurane Versus Propofol; Neuro Endocrine Response in Patients of Oociyt Pick up
AnesthesiaInfertility4 morePatients in the study will be grouped as 1st group Propofol, 2nd Group Sevofluran.Preoperative blood will be taken from the patients and cortisol, acth, glucagon, aldosterone, PGE2, CRH will be studied. During the operation, the patient's systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation will be followed. Analgesia will be provided according to the body movements of the patient and VAS measurement will be performed. The patient's pain will be assessed by the VAS (Visuel Analogue Scale) scoring system and during the first hour postoperatively after the patient's consciousness is complete . Hormones such as cortisol, acth, glucagon, aldosterone, PGE2, CRH will be studied biochemically in the follicular fluid and blood of the patient postoperatively. The aim of in the study is to compare the effect of propofol and sevoflurane routinely applied in IVF centers on postoperative pain scores and stress hormones in blood and follicular fluid in a painful and stressful application of egg collection