Effect of Hilotherm Therapy on Post-operative Pain and Swelling Following Surgical Wisdom Tooth...
MolarThird1 moreThis study evaluates the efficacy of Hilotherm therapy on the incidence of swelling and pain following the surgical removal of lower wisdom teeth. All participants will have two lower wisdom teeth removed, with the Hilotherm cooling face mask only applied to one side of the patients' face for 60 minutes post-operatively, thus the patient being their own control.

Comparison of Postoperative Pain and Neuropathy at Cesarean Sectio With Blunt or Sharp Fascia Incision...
Postoperative PainThe purpose of this study is to compare sharp and blunt fascial entry during caesarean section.

Quality of Postoperative Pain Management Following Thoracic Surgery
Postoperative PainThe purpose of this study is to assess the quality of postoperative pain management in a Canadian teaching hospital following thoracic surgery. Hypothesis: Postoperative pain management following thoracotomy or thoracoscopy is still suboptimal despite the evidence that adequate pain relief improves outcome.

Effects of Pre-emptive Scalp Infiltration With Low-dose Ketorolac and Ropivacaine for Postoperative...
PainSupratentorial Brain TumorThe PAINLESS study is a single-center, prospective, randomized, open-label, blinded-endpoint (PROBE) controlled clinical pilot study to compare the efficacy and safety of pre-emptive scalp infiltration with ropivacaine plus ketorolac and ropivacaine alone for postoperative pain relief in adults undergoing elective supratentorial craniotomies.

Paravertebral Block Versus Erector Spinae Plane Block for Modified Radical Mastectomy in Womens....
PainPostoperative2 morepostoperative pain following Modified radical mastectomy is severe specially after dissection of tissues .paravertebral plane block provides an excellent postoperative analgesia for women's,but it carry the risk of pneumothorax which it reported in some cases.Erector spinae plane block is a recent block has been mentioned in many case reports as a safe,quick and can be used in outpatient setting. we use a comparative study to compare the postoperative analgesia between both blocks and the affection of postoperative pain following both blocks if any on pulmonary functions.

Erector Spinae Plane Block for Postoperative Pain in Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Patients: a Retrospective...
Percutaneous NephrolithotomyTo evaluate the ability of Erector spina Plane block decrease postoperative pain and analgesia requirements in patients undergoing Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy.

Comparison of Ultrasonography Guided Serratus Anterior Plane Block and Thoracic Paravertebral Block...
Postoperative PainThe aim of this study is comparison of the effectiveness of ultrasound guided serratus anterior plane block and thoracic paravertebral block as a preventive analgesia method after VATS. Our secondary aim is to investigate patient and surgeon satisfaction, duration of block application, postoperative complications and hospital lenght of stay.

Optimizing Acute Post-Operative Dental Pain Management Using New Health Information Technology
PainPostoperative2 moreThe investigators seek to implement a dental patient reported outcomes system using mobile phone and text messaging to target the over-reliance on pre-emptively prescribed opioids by dental providers. If successful, this project will help dentists actively track and manage their patients' pain after hours and enhance the overall care experience.

Evaluation of the Neural Therapy Effect on Long Term Postoperative Discomforts in Patients Who Undergo...
PainPostoperative5 moreThe aim of this study was to explore the effect of neural therapy on postoperative pain and discomfort such as abdominal swelling; and gynecologic symptoms such as dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, amount of menstrual bleeding and vaginitis. It also aimed to find out any possible links between the clinical changes and pathophysiologic mechanisms. One hundred and thirteen patients were randomly divided into two groups (neural therapy and control). Postoperative first day, neural therapy was applied to the T10 to S4 dermatomes and utero-vaginal ganglion in random with local anesthetic agent. All patients were recalled one year after the treatment. The visual analog scale (VAS) were noted in both groups, also discomfort and gynecologic symptoms are recorded.

Gradual Withdrawal of Remifentanil Infusion Reduced Postoperative Pain and Opioid Requirement During...
PainPostoperativeAlthough remifentanil provides profound analgesia during operation, postoperative occurrence of hyperalgesia and tolerance after remifentanil administration could be a challenge to the postoperative pain control. Evaluation of analgesia and anti-nociception during anesthesia is still a challenging issue. Surgical Pleth Index (SPI) is a non-invasive and simple access tool used to monitor autonomous nervous system during anesthesia. This technique is based on photoplethysmographic wave and heart beat analysis. SPI values range between 0 (no stress) and 100 (high stress level). The purpose of this study was to determine the appropriate use of Remifentanil for pain control in patients with SPI.