Public Health Nurse-Delivered 1-Day CBT Workshops for PPD
Postpartum DepressionPublic Health Nurses (PHN) received training to deliver a day-long Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)-based workshop for treating postpartum depression (PPD). Participants in the study are randomly assigned to the treatment group (1-day CBT workshop) or control group (usual postnatal care). Data will be collected from all participants at baseline, 3 and 6 months. The study will aim to determine if online day-long CBT-based workshops delivered by public health nurses can be added to treatment as usual to improve postpartum depression more than treatment as usual alone, iif the workshops are cost-effective, and if the workshops can stably improve depression, its common comorbidities and reduce adverse effects on the family. Hypotheses: Online 1-Day CBT-Based Workshops delivered by PHNs will be an effective (and cost-effective) way to stably improve PPD, its comorbidities, and reduce its adverse effects on the family.

A Study of BRII-296 in Adults With Severe Postpartum Depression (PPD)
Severe Postpartum DepressionThe primary purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and tolerability of BRII-296 administered by 2 intramuscular injections, administered with Depo Medrol as assessed by the incidence of adverse events, changes from baseline in vital signs, pulse oximetry, clinical laboratory evaluations, electrocardiograms (ECGs), Stanford Sleepiness Scale (SSS), Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) in conjunction with clinical assessment, and suicidal ideation using the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS).

Phase 2 Clinical Trial of GH001 in Postpartum Depression
Postpartum DepressionThis study is a multicenter, open-label, single-arm Phase 2 clinical trial. Approximately 15 female participants with clinically diagnosed postpartum depression (PPD) will be included in this study. The participants will receive an individualized dosing regimen (IDR) with at least one and up to three doses of GH001 administered within a single day.

A Study of BRII-297 in Healthy Adult Subjects
Postpartum DepressionThe goal of this clinical trial is to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of BRII-297 in healthy adult subjects. The main aim of the study is to evaluate the safety and tolerability after single dose intramuscular administration of BRII-297. The study also aims at characterizing the PK profiles of BRII-297 and brexanolone after single dose intramuscular administration. Participants will be enrolled in 6 cohorts (3 planned and 3 optional) with 6 participants per cohort [(4 active: 2 placebo) - Cohorts 1 & 2] and 10 participants per cohort [(8 active: 2 placebo) - Cohorts 3 to 6]. Randomization for each cohort will be a two-step process. Sentinel subjects for each cohort will include 2 female subjects randomized 1:1 to BRII-297 or placebo who will be observed for at least 24 hours to ensure no significant safety events before administering study drug to the remaining non-sentinel subjects. The estimated total duration for each subject is up to 43 days, including screening period (28 days), dosing period (1 day), and post-dose follow-up period (14 days). IM injections will be administered in the gluteal muscle. Each participant in all cohorts will begin their inpatient stay at the clinical investigational site on Day -1 and remain as an inpatient at the site for sample collection and assessments for 15 days post dose (Day 15). Participants will be released at the end of the inpatient period.

Online LTP+CaCBT for Treating Depression in British Mothers of African/Caribbean Heritage
Postnatal DepressionThe pilot trial aims to test the feasibility, acceptability and cultural appropriateness of online LTP+CaCBT for treating postnatal depression and to improve the mental health and wellbeing of mothers and their children in the UK.

bBeAMom: Effectiveness of a Cognitive-Behavioral Blended Intervention for Postpartum Depression...
Postpartum DepressionBe a mom program (a web-based cognitive-behavioral intervention) is being tested in another clinical trial as a preventive intervention for postpartum depression (NCT03024645). However, given its effectiveness in reducing depressive symptoms among women presenting early-onset postpartum depressive symptoms, Be a Mom can also have potential as a postpartum depression complement treatment tool. The main goal of this research is to apply and evaluate the acceptability and effectiveness of a blended cognitive-behavioral intervention for the treatment of postpartum depression (Be a Mom Coping with Depression) by integrating face-to-face sessions with the web-based program Be a Mom. The RCT will be a two-arm trial. Women who have had a child during the prior 12 months will be enrolled in the study. A minimum number of 110 women will be enrolled in the study. After agreeing to participate in the study, women will be screened and evaluated for the presence of clinically significant depressive symptoms (according to DSM-5) by a researcher (licensed psychologist). Participants who meet the eligibility criteria will be randomly assigned to one of the conditions: the blended intervention (Be a Mom Coping with Depression) or the control condition (online intervention - Be a Mom). The sample will be recruited online. Participation in this study will last 6 months. The blended intervention will last about 3 months. Participants in both conditions will be invited by the researchers via email to complete baseline, post-intervention and follow-up (3-months post-intervention) assessments. Assessments will include self-report questionnaires to assess several indicators (e.g., depressive and anxiety symptoms, quality of life, marital satisfaction, mother-child bonding, and maternal self-efficacy), mechanisms that may be involved in the treatment response (e.g., psychological flexibility, emotional regulation, and self-compassion) and user's acceptability and satisfaction.

Community Singing Interventions for Postnatal Depression: a Hybrid Type II Effectiveness-implementation...
Postnatal DepressionPostnatal depression (PND) affects over 13% of new mothers but there is still not an ideal treatment for all cases. Pharmaceutical and psychotherapy have offered solutions but there are challenges in treatment uptake and adherence and long waiting-lists for psychotherapy. Many mothers attend group activities with their babies, some including music and singing. Community group singing has shown improvement in mental health and singing to babies has shown improvement in mother-infant interaction and reduced infant distress. In this realm, Melodies for Mums (M4M) is a programme based in Lambeth and Southwark providing 10-week singing and music sessions for mothers with postnatal depression (PND) and their babies in community Children's Centres or online, according to government social distancing guidelines. Studies have demonstrated its effectiveness in reducing symptoms of PND faster than usual care or social groups, and preliminary process evaluations have suggested its suitability. It has also been identified as a strong way of engaging mothers from minority backgrounds who are less likely to seek professional support for their mental health. However, the programme is reliant on short-term grants and has not been implemented in clinical care. Therefore, there is a clear need to invest more research into this programme to help it achieve its potential. The investigators aim to conduct M4M in a clinical trial aimed at women experiencing symptoms of postnatal depression in the boroughs of Southwark, Lambeth and Lewisham. The investigators will collect data on the wellbeing of the women through a series of interviews and questionnaires and the investigators will also collect biological samples for stress and immunity markers from mothers and babies. In the long term the investigators intend to establish defined clinical referral pathways for patients from primary (GPs, community, among others) and secondary care (specialist doctor, hospital clinic) settings. In addition, the investigators will collect further evidence of the clinical, implementation and economic effectiveness of the intervention.

Treatment of Post-partum Depression Using an Behavioral Intervention Called ROSE (Reach Out, Stay...
Post-partum DepressionA randomized trial of pregnant people at risk for postpartum depression comparing the InBloom app (n = 76) to ROSE (n = 76; weekly scheduled group), and two control groups. We will assess Depression at baseline and 1, 2 and 3 months, ROI at 3 months, Satisfaction at 1 and 3 months and Perceived Access at 1 and 3 months. Subject participation will last up to 8 months (minimum 17 weeks pregnant through 3 months postpartum).

Social Media-Based Parenting Program for Women With Postpartum Depressive Symptoms: Impact on Child...
Postpartum DepressionParenting2 moreThe long-term goal is to develop effective parenting strategies to facilitate optimal child development for mothers suffering with PPD symptoms. The overall objective for this application is to study whether this program combined with online depression treatment leads to more responsive parenting (target) and signals improved child language, socioemotional and cognitive development (outcomes) compared to depression treatment alone. Findings from this application can be used to inform a future study to test the effectiveness and implementation of this social media-based parenting program.

Thinking Healthy Program-Technology Assisted (THP-TA)
Perinatal DepressionDepression1 moreBackground The Thinking Healthy Program (THP) is an evidence based task-shifted low intensity psychosocial intervention, recommended by the World Health Organization for the treatment of perinatal depression. The investigators developed a technology-assisted version of Thinking Healthy Program (THP-TA) which allows peers to deliver the THP, while ensuring minimal resources for training of delivery agents and ensuring adequate fidelity. Method This is a non-inferiority, pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial designed to test the primary hypothesis that technology assisted delivery of THP is not worse than THP intervention delivered by community health workers, in increasing perinatal depression remission rates at 3 months postnatal. In addition, this study will also test the effectiveness of the THP-TA in improving recovery from perinatal depression at 6 months postpartum, quality of life and social support. This study also aims to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the THP-TA.