
Active clinical trials for "Presbycusis"

Results 11-20 of 43

Cost-effective Hearing Aid Delivery Models


One of the most commonly reported reasons for people not seeking hearing aids (HAs) intervention is the high cost of HAs and the associated audiological fitting services. Because HAs fitted using the audiologist-based service-delivery model (AUD model) are unaffordable, more and more Americans purchase amplification devices via over-the-counter service-delivery models (OTC models) to compensate for their impaired hearing. Although OTC amplification devices are gaining popularity and are regarded as an important option for promoting accessible and affordable hearing healthcare, it is unclear if they are viable solutions for age-related hearing loss as OTC models exclude professional services. Further, if there are outcome differences between AUD and OTC models, it is unknown if the clinical improvement in outcomes will be offset by the improved value (outcome relative to cost), or if it is possible to identify appropriate candidacy for each model to ensure optimal patient care for all. Finally, no prior research has investigated if "hybrid" service-delivery models, in which professionals provide streamlined services to fit OTC amplification devices, offer affordable and quality amplification interventions as has been recently advocated. The overall goal of this project is to characterize the differential effect of service-delivery models on provision of amplification so that accessible and affordable hearing healthcare can be facilitated. This project proposes to conduct research that would provide new knowledge about the outcome, value, and candidacy of OTC, hybrid, and AUD models and the effect of professional evaluation/selection services, patient-centered services, and device-centered services on outcome and value. The proposed study will acquire this knowledge through a two-site, double-blinded, randomized controlled field trial. The results obtained will inform patients and hearing healthcare providers about what can be achieved with different service-delivery models, and will help us develop guidelines to facilitate the selection of the most appropriate and cost-effective intervention for a particular patient. The significance of the proposed project from the public health point of view is that it will facilitate not only accessible and affordable, but also quality, hearing healthcare.

Recruiting3 enrollment criteria

Hearing for Communication and Resident Engagement

Hearing LossAge-Related

Amplification is a well-established, evidence-based front-line treatment for those with impaired communication secondary to Age Related Hearing Loss (ARHL). ARHL is the most prevalent cause of communication impairment among older adults. The challenge in treating ARHL is identifying a care model that effectively promotes adherence to individualized-treatment recommendations allowing the end-user to self-manage hearing loss with appropriate support. This proposal compares the two most common models of care for ARHL provided to adults in assisted living/personal care communities. The Consult Model (i.e., usual care) is an acute care strategy, relying on a monthly Audiologist visit to the facility. The Engage Model is a chronic care approach to support hearing loss self-management of ARHL. Engage includes (a) hearing screening for all residents, (b) an individualized communication plan for those with an identified hearing loss (e.g., one-to-one, group, telephone, television plans, hearing aid trouble shooting, communication strategies, etc.), (c) provision of simple, non-custom amplifiers, (d) referral to audiology if needed, and (e) ongoing support provided by trained personnel (Communication Facilitator) under the supervision of the audiologist.

Recruiting4 enrollment criteria

Evaluation of a Digital Therapy of Auditory Training

Hearing LossAge-Related

The aim of the study is to evaluate the efficiency of the medical device AUDISSEE in improving the perception in noise ability of presbycusis patients with hearing-aids.

Not yet recruiting12 enrollment criteria

Hearing Aids Use in Elderly: Efficacy in Speech Perception and in Health-related Quality of Life...

Hearing LossAge-Related

Background: Prevalence of hearing loss increases over age; its estimated prevalence is 40-50% in people older than 75 years. Recent studies agree that modification in the hearing threshold contributes to deterioration in sociality, sensitivity, cognition, and quality of life of the elderly subjects. Our study objective is to verify if rehabilitation with first time applied Hearing Aids (HA) in a cohort of old people with hearing impairment improves over time speech perception in a noisy environment and the overall health-related quality of life. Methods: The monocentric, prospective, repeated measures, single-subject, clinical observational study will accrue 100 elderly, first-time HA recipients (≥ 65 years). The evaluation protocol is designed to analyze changes on specific measurement tools a year after the first HA fitting in comparison to the evaluation before HA usage. Evaluations will consist of multiparametric details collected through self-report questionnaires completed by the recipients and a series of commonly used audiometric measures and geriatric assessment tools. The primary indicator of changes in speech perception in noise will be the OLSA test whereas the indicator of changes in overall quality of life will be the AQoL and HHEI questionnaires. Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) will help us to verify the cognitive state of the subjects. This questionnaire will allow us to exclude a reduction of the cognitive abilities over time. Discussion: The protocol is designed to make use of measurement tools that have already been applied to the hearing-impaired population in order to compare the effects of HA rehabilitation in the elderly immediately before their first HA usage (Pre) and after gaining 1 year of experience (Post). The broad approach will lead to a greater understanding of how useful hearing influences the quality of life in elderly individuals, and thus improves potentials for healthy aging. Outcomes will be described and analyzed in detail.

Recruiting13 enrollment criteria

Evaluation of the Impact of Cochlear Implants on Cognition in Older Adults

DementiaHearing Loss1 more

The subjects will be age 65 years and older, with no upper limit of age range with hearing loss that are candidates for standard-of-care cochlear implant. Cognitive tests will be administered preoperative, and postoperative at 6 and 12 month intervals.

Enrolling by invitation2 enrollment criteria

Hearing Loss and Communication Needs in a Group Care Setting for Older Adults

Age-related Hearing Loss

The purpose of this study is to develop and test a multicomponent hearing care intervention for the PACE staff members in order to learn more about communication and engagement.

Active2 enrollment criteria

PET-CT-based Study of Central Mechanisms of Cortical Metabolism in 18F-FDG and 18F-AV1451 Age-related...

Age-related Hearing LossPET-CT

The participants were recruited from elderly subjects in the age range of 60-85 years and audiological assessments, cognitive function assessments, non-invasive brain imaging, behavioral assessments were collected from the normal control group, the elderly deaf non-hearing group and the elderly deaf hearing group according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The project aims to investigate the differences in auditory speech and cognitive function in age-related deafness at the behavioural level, and to investigate the central cortical metabolic mechanisms in age-related deafness at the brain imaging level.

Recruiting7 enrollment criteria

Mitochondrial Genetics of Presbycusis

PresbycusisAge Related Hearing Loss

The main goal of this study is to identify mitochondrial mutations associated with presbycusis. Patients affected by severe presbycusis and normal hearing controls (according to ISO7029 norm) will be enrolled if satisfying inclusion criteria (aged from 40 to 80 years old) in existing biocollections in the University Hospital of Angers. After DNA extraction, the mitochondrial genome will be sequenced and data in silico analysed.

Recruiting3 enrollment criteria

Postural Modification and Hearing Aids in Presbycusis

Age-Related Hearing LossPostural; Defect1 more

Presbycusis could be associated to increased risk to fall. There is little about the impact on postural balance of hearing aids. In this study, the investigators describe the postural balance evolution before and after hearing aid fitting in presbycusis-affected adults (55-80years old) consulting Angers University Hospital ENT department and ENT Medical Doctor of Le Mans .

Not yet recruiting10 enrollment criteria

Hearing Healthcare Assessment in Rural Communities

Hearing LossAdult-Onset2 more

Adult hearing loss in is the third most common chronic health condition in the United States. Adults living in rural areas face a higher risk of experiencing hearing loss, and more difficulty receiving testing and treatment than adults in urban settings. The goal of this clinical trial is to develop and test a community-based hearing healthcare patient navigation program in rural Kentucky. The main question this study aims to answer is: -Can the number of rural adults receiving diagnostic hearing tests be increased?

Not yet recruiting3 enrollment criteria

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