Effects of Pre-Session Supplemental Hydromorphone on Drug Seeking Behavior in Opioid Dependent Individuals...
Heroin DependenceOpioid-Related DisordersThe purpose of this study is to determine whether the opportunity to take free supplemental hydromorphone (HYD) influences drug seeking behavior in heroin dependent individuals.

A Prospective Assessment of Opioid Utilization Post-operatively in Sports Orthopaedic Surgeries...
Narcotic UsePostoperative Pain7 moreThere was a study titled "A prospective evaluation of opioid utilization after upper extremity surgical procedures: Identifying consumption patterns and determining prescribing guidelines" by Dr. Matzon and team from Thomas Jefferson University that came up with a simple set of opioid guidelines post-surgically. These guidelines are helping to guide surgeon's prescribing patterns and ideally limit the number of prescribed pain medicines. We plan to identify typical narcotic analgesic usage post sports orthopaedic surgery. We hope to identify the number of narcotic pain pills to prescribe to patients undergoing orthopaedic sports surgery in the future.

Feasibility and Validation of a Standard Phenotyping Assessment Battery
Opioid-use DisorderCocaine Use Disorder2 moreThe overall goal of this project is to collect preliminary data on psychosocial measures and behavioral performance comparing individuals with Opioid Use Disorder, Cocaine Use Disorder, dual diagnosis of Opioid and Cocaine Use Disorder, and Healthy Controls in an effort to determine overall feasibility of a phenotypic "fingerprint" for cohorts of individuals with addictions for use during clinical trials.

Harnessing Digital Health to Understand Clinical Trajectories of Opioid Use Disorder
Opioid-use DisorderThe main objective of the study is to evaluate the feasibility of utilizing digital health technology with opioid use disorder (OUD) patients as measured by a 12-week period of continuous assessment using smartphone surveys and digital sensing. In addition, we will examine the utility of 3 types of digital data (Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA); Digital sensing; and social media data) in predicting OUD treatment retention and buprenorphine medication adherence.

French Version of POMI Scale
Chronic PainOpioid MisuseFrench translation and validation of the Prescription Opioid Misuse Index scale (POMI), a brief questionnaire to assess opioid prescription misuse. In view of the increase in the prescription of opioid analgesics for chronic non-cancer pain (CNCP), this tool is particularly interesting to use during medical consultations to screen misuse in opioids user patients. We conducted an observational, prospective and multicenter psychometric study with a cross-cultural validation in 154 CNCP patients treated by opioid at least from 3 months, in two pain clinics.

Study to Eval Relation Btw Doctor/Pharmacy Shopping & Outcomes of Misuse, Diversion, Abuse, Addiction...
Opioid-Related DisordersOpiate Addiction2 moreTo assess whether the percentage of patients with behaviors suggestive of misuse, diversion, abuse and/or addiction described in the medical record increases across pre-defined categories of increasing doctor/pharmacy shopping behavior.

Neuropsychoanalytic Treatment of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome-Opioid Dependence
PainOpioid Dependent Patients who have failed back surgery syndrome are detoxified and treated with a neuropsychoanalytic paradigm.

Effects of Post-Session Supplemental Hydromorphone on Drug Seeking Behavior in Opioid Dependent...
Heroin DependenceOpioid-Related DisordersThe purpose of this study is to determine whether knowledge of post-session hydromorphone (HYD) availability reduces drug seeking behavior in heroin dependent individuals.

Utilizing Helpline for Opioid Dependence Treatment
Opioid DependenceThe investigator propose to develop an opioid telephone helpline, where trained counselors and educators provide referral, educational and targeted interventions and support to individuals interested in addressing their addiction or needing help with managing their pain. The proposed application builds on "tobacco quit line" efforts, a nationally-adopted telephone-based service, providing education materials, access to cessation medication and counseling against tobacco use. Similar to tobacco quit line; the proposed telephone based services will remove barriers to treatment as they help individuals at the exact time of need. The helpline will also educate individuals with new onset pain about pain expectations, relaxation techniques, use of pharmacology and psychotherapy for treatment in addition to providing support for coping and reducing dependency on prescription opioids. It will be a low cost, easily accessible and utilizable technology to augment the clinical outcome of medication assisted treatment of opioid use disorder and pain management.

Comparing a Patient Self-Assessment Software to Treatment as Usual in Opioid Prescriber and Patient...
Opioid-use DisorderOpioid Misuse2 moreThe Care Continuity Program (CCP), a product of Sure Med Compliance, is a novel, online patient self-assessment used by prescribers of opioids to better identify patient risk factors and therapy benefit. This tool is completed by the patient, outside of the office, using an internet enabled device and follows a compliance driven protocol developed by analyzing case law against physicians in mis-prescribing opioid cases. Results, in the form of a date and time stamped legal report, are instantly transmitted to the prescriber's electronic health records, mitigating the prescriber's civil and criminal risk. A brief of findings is displayed within the software through a dashboard and on the summary page of the report. This software offering includes a mobile and standard web-based application. The objective of the proposed research is to validate the protocols and delivery system of the CCP by measuring patient outcomes, prescriber confidence, and completeness of documentation in the patient chart in primary care and pain management settings, pre and post implementation of the CCP.