Neuroplasticity in Maternal Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)
Opioid Use DisorderOpioid use disorder (OUD) remains a major public health problem particularly for mothers in the perinatal period, for whom stress, relapse rates, and risk for overdose are elevated. The perinatal period is characterized by significant neural reorganization that determines outcomes for mothers and infants. OUD is also associated with neural reorganization, specifically neural circuitry implicated in stress regulation and reward processes. Interventions should therefore take advantage of this changing perinatal biology to enhance treatment response by targeting the aberrant neural circuitry compromised by maternal OUD. The investigators have developed and refined an evidence-based intervention for mothers with OUD designed to target these neural mechanisms and enhance the reward of caregiving; however, this has yet to be formally tested. Therefore, the investigators will examine maternal neuroplasticity using high-dense array electroencephalography (EEG) in mothers with OUD in response to our intervention. There will be 1 laboratory visit at pre-treatment, followed by 12 sessions of the evidence-based parenting intervention, and 1 laboratory visit at post-treatment. This study will attempt to validate the importance of taking advantage of the neuroplasticity in the perinatal period to optimize outcomes for mothers with OUD.

Evaluating Buspirone to Treat Opioid Withdrawal
Opioid Use DisorderOpioid Withdrawal2 moreThe investigators propose a rigorous, Phase II, three-group, placebo-controlled double-blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) to evaluate the efficacy of buspirone for both withdrawal and craving among individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD) undergoing a standardized stepwise taper. During this 10 to 12-day residential study, participants with OUD will be enrolled, stabilized on a short-acting opioid, undergo an opioid stepwise taper, and complete a post-taper observation period where participants will have the opportunity to initiate long-term buprenorphine or extended-release naltrexone.

Adjunctive Bright Light Therapy for Opioid Use Disorder
Opioid Use DisorderSleep DisturbanceInvestigators propose to conduct a pilot single-blind, parallel arm, randomized placebo-controlled trial evaluating the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of bright light therapy on reward system functioning among patients undergoing medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder.

Treatment of Pain in Persons With Opioid Use Disorder
Opioid Use DisorderChronic Pain1 moreThis study will evaluate whether once versus twice daily dosing of methadone will be an effective method for managing comorbid pain and opioid use disorder.

Healing Opioid Misuse and Pain Through Engagement (HOPE) Trial
Opioid Use DisorderChronic PainThis study is a multisite randomized clinical trial of a treatment designed to reduce pain interference while simultaneously addressing relapse prevention among individuals who have co-occurring chronic pain and Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). This study will recruit approximately 160 individuals who are currently being treated in clinics specializing in the physician management of OUD. To increase generalizability of study findings and increase internal validity of the physician management component of treatment, all participants will be stabilized on buprenorphine for OUD as part of their usual clinical care. Individuals will be randomized to either: (1) enhanced usual care or (2) the integrated ACT + MBRP treatment. The investigators hypothesize that: (1) the combination of ACT + MBRP in buprenorphine-prescribed patients with chronic pain will be more efficacious across primary and secondary outcome measures in comparison to Enhanced Usual Care and (2) examination of treatment mechanism data will indicate treatment-related changes that are consistent with the theoretical models of ACT+MBRP.

Superficial Parasternal Intercostal Plane Block in Cardiac Surgery Trial
Post-operative PainPost-operative Delirium5 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to assess whether the use of intermittent superficial parasternal intercostal plane blocks reduces opioid usage in patients undergoing cardiac surgery with median sternotomy. Participants randomized to the intervention group will receive the blocks with 0.2% ropivacaine administered via catheters placed in the superficial parasternal intercostal plane bilaterally under ultrasound guidance. Researchers will compare this group with a control group given 0.9% saline through similarly placed catheters. The primary outcome will be cumulative postoperative opioid use (measured as Milligram Morphine Equivalent (MME)) up to 72 hours following catheter insertion.

Suvorexant as an Adjunct to Buprenorphine in Persons Who Use Fentanyl
SuvorexantPlacebo1 moreThis is a 4-week, randomized-controlled trial of suvorexant vs placebo in persons with opioid use disorder who have recent fentanyl exposure. Participants will first undergo a 5-day residential phase wherein participants are stabilized on sublingual buprenorphine/naloxone, followed by a 3-week outpatient phase wherein participants are maintained on sublingual buprenorphine/naloxone and transitioned to extended-release buprenorphine).

Efficacy of Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Patients With Opioid Use Disorder
Opioid Use DisorderDeep TMS to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex intervention to reduce craving and recurrent opioid use among patients with opioid use disorder who are abstinent for at least one week.

Examining the Role of the Orexin System in Sleep and Stress in Persons With Opioid Use Disorder...
Sleep DisturbanceOpioid-use DisorderThis study is designed to elucidate the role of the orexin neurotransmitter system in sleep disturbance and circadian rhythms of stress that might in turn influence relapse behaviors in persons on medication-assisted treatments (MAT) who are in early recovery from opioid use disorder (OUD). Briefly, the study will enroll recently abstinent OUD patients (N=200) maintained on either extended-release naltrexone (XR-NTX), buprenorphine, or methadone. Within each MAT group, participants will be randomized to either suvorexant or placebo. The study is expected to have a 20% treatment attrition rate which will result in N=160 completers in the entire study. Patients will be recruited from and treated at Ashley Addiction Treatment, Addiction Treatment Services at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Man Alive, or community providers.

Medication Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in Expectant Mothers: Infant Neurodevelopmental Outcomes...
Opioid-Related DisordersDrug Addiction6 moreThis is a sub-study of NIDA CTN Protocol 0080: Medication Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in Expectant Mothers (MOMs; Unique protocol ID: 2019-0429-1). Caretakers of the infants delivered by MOMs participants will be offered the opportunity to enroll in this sub-study, which is designed to evaluate the impact of extended-release buprenorphine (BUP-XR), relative to sublingual buprenorphine (BUP-SL), on infant neurodevelopment. The additional data collected in this sub-study will be combined with data from the main MOMs trial.