Phase Ib/2a Drug-drug Interaction Study of a Combination of 45mg Dextromethorphan With 105 mg Bupropion...
AddictionOpioid Use2 moreThe overall goal of this project is to collect initial human data on the effects of novel compounds on safety (interactions with an opioid drug, e.g., buprenorphine) and early efficacy signals (subjective effects on negative affect, craving, and opioid withdrawal) in OUD subjects currently in MOUD treatment with buprenorphine.

Prolonged Exposure Therapy for PTSD and Opioid Use Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress DisorderOpioid-use DisorderAmong patients with opioid use disorder (OUD), 90% report lifetime trauma exposure and 33% meet criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The co-occurrence of OUD and PTSD is associated with worse mental health and opioid agonist treatment (OAT) outcomes relative to either diagnosis alone. Prolonged exposure therapy (PET) is an efficacious cognitive-behavioral treatment for reducing PTSD severity. Although preliminary findings indicate that PET may reduce PTSD symptom severity among patients receiving treatment for concomitant OUD, it is unclear to what extent improvements were a function of PET versus the effects of OAT itself. Therefore, the question of whether OAT alone may attenuate PTSD symptoms in the absence of intensive cognitive-behavioral therapy remains unanswered. In this 12-week trial, we aim to investigate the contribution of PET above and beyond OAT alone for reducing PTSD symptoms among adults with concurrent PTSD and OUD. Participants will be randomized to one of three conditions: (a) OAT as usual, (b) OAT + PET, or (c) OAT + Enhanced PET (OAT+PET+). Those randomized to OAT as usual will continue to receive standard buprenorphine or methadone treatment from their current treatment provider and complete assessments of PTSD symptom severity, psychosocial functioning and drug use at intake and Study Weeks 4, 8, and 12. In addition to receiving OAT and completing monthly assessments, OAT+PET participants will receive PET consisting of 12 weekly, individual sessions with a trained therapist. Finally, OAT+PET+ participants will receive the procedures noted above for the OAT+PET group plus monetary incentives delivered contingent upon completion of PET sessions. Given the poor PET adherence rates reported among patients with substance use disorders, the use of incentives will ensure that we evaluate PET effects among patients who receive a sufficient dose of therapy. The proposed study design will permit us to disentangle the effects of PET from the effects of OAT alone while also including experimental conditions that reflect real-world practice. Taken together, this project will produce important new scientific and clinically-relevant information related to the mechanisms through which OAT and PET promote reductions in PTSD symptomatology in a highly vulnerable clinical population.

Use of a GLP-1R Agonist to Treat Opioid Use Disorder
Opiate Substitution TreatmentOpioid-Related DisordersThis research is being done to find out if liraglutide (brand name is Saxenda®) can safely and effectively reduce craving for opioids in patients with opioid use disorder, a primary factor contributing to early relapse.

Exablate for LIFU Neuromodulation in Patients With Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)
Opioid-use DisorderThe purpose of this clinical trial is to investigate Low Intensity Focused Ultrasound (LIFU) using the Exablate® Model 4000 Type 2.0/2.1 as an adjunctive neuromodulatory treatment for OUD (Opioid Use Disorder) by assessing its safety and tolerability in subjects with OUD.

Comparing Rapid Micro-Induction and Standard Induction of Buprenorphine/Naloxone for Treatment of...
Opioid Use DisorderThe current first-line treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD) in Canada is buprenorphine/naloxone (bup/nx). The standard induction method of bup/nx requires patients to be abstinent from opioids and thereby experience withdrawal symptoms prior to induction, which can be a major barrier in starting treatment. Rapid micro-induction (also known as micro-dosing, low-dose induction) involves the administration of small, frequent does of bup/nx and removes the need for a period of withdrawal prior to the start of treatment. This study aims to compare the effectiveness and safety of rapid micro-induction versus standard induction of bup/nx in patients with OUD.

Treatment of Pregnant Women With OUD
Opioid-use DisorderThe investigators are testing two models of support for pregnant women with an opioid use disorder (OUD)

Lofexidine Combined With Buprenorphine for Reducing Symptoms of PTSD and OU Relapse in Veterans...
Post Traumatic Stress DisorderOpioid-use DisorderThe overall objective of the proposed study is to determine if lofexidine (LFX) as an adjunct to buprenorphine (BUP) treatment improves symptoms of both opioid use disorder (OUD) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Other study objectives are to compare the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of BUP treatment alone, to BUP treatment with adjunct LFX, on measures of OUD and PTSD symptoms in Veterans with both prognosis .

The PATH Home Trial: A Comparative Effectiveness Study of Peripartum Opioid Use Disorder in Rural...
Neonatal Abstinence SyndromePerinatal opioid use disorder (OUD) is a major health concern in the U.S. with significant impact on mothers, infants, and communities. Investigators at the University of Kentucky/UK HealthCare (UK) have developed a comprehensive clinical care model for perinatal OUD (known as UK-PATHways) that has demonstrated success in maternal and neonatal outcomes. The overreaching goals of the proposed project are to: 1) expand the reach of this successful clinical program, 2) to reduce the impact of perinatal OUD in underserved rural areas of our state, and 3) to compare the relative effectiveness methods of delivery active elements of the PATHways program for rural implementation (local group-support vs. UK nurse/counselor telemedicine)

Rural New England Health Study (Phase 2)
Hepatitis COpioid Use Disorder1 moreThis study will integrate mobile hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing and treatment with expanded syringe access in order to improve uptake of HCV testing and treatment, and reduce syringe sharing behavior in rural northern New England. The intervention aims to reach rural opioid injectors with HCV and to fill service gaps identified around access to syringe services and HCV testing and treatment, while limiting the burden on local partners. If effective, this mobile model of HCV telehealth integrated with syringe services will provide a promising approach for local public health authorities seeking to curb opioid injection, syringe sharing and HCV rates in rural America, and reduce the risk environment for HIV outbreaks in those communities.

Long-Term Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder
Drug AddictionEmploymentPoverty and opioid addiction are interrelated and chronic problems which have not been addressed adequately. The Therapeutic Workplace could treat the many adults with opioid use disorder who are unemployed and live in poverty. The Therapeutic Workplace pays participants to work. To promote drug abstinence, the Therapeutic Workplace arranges employment-based abstinence reinforcement in which participants are required to provide drug-free urine samples to maintain maximum wages. Many studies have shown that employment-based abstinence reinforcement in the Therapeutic Workplace can promote and maintain drug abstinence. Recently, the investigators showed that abstinence-contingent wage supplements in the Therapeutic Workplace could promote drug abstinence and employment and reduce poverty. However, the investigators have not demonstrated the real-world impacts of the Therapeutic Workplace. The Therapeutic Workplace requires two modifications to produce real world impacts. The investigators must develop a real-world version of the Therapeutic Workplace that community treatment programs can implement. The investigators must reduce the costs of maintaining employment-based abstinence reinforcement. This application seeks to develop and evaluate a low-cost Therapeutic Workplace that community treatment programs can implement and that addresses the persistent nature of opioid addiction and poverty. The investigators propose to conduct a Stage III study in which a community clinic (REACH Health Services) adapts and implements the Therapeutic Workplace intervention. To improve the feasibility of this intervention, the investigators will use low-cost abstinence-contingent wage supplements to maintain abstinence. The investigators propose to conduct a randomized controlled study to evaluate the effectiveness of the low-cost abstinence-contingent wage supplements in a community Therapeutic Workplace to maintain long-term drug abstinence and employment, and to reduce poverty in adults with opioid use disorder. All participants will be invited to attend a 4-week induction period and 76 weeks of support by an employment specialist. At the end of a 4-week induction period, REACH unemployed methadone or buprenorphine patients with opioid use disorder who meet the Induction Period inclusion criteria (N=225) will be randomly assigned to a "Usual Care Control," an "Initiation Only," or an "Initiation and Maintenance" group. All groups will be offered methadone or buprenorphine treatment and an employment specialist for 76 weeks. "Initiation Only" and "Initiation and Maintenance" participants will earn high magnitude abstinence-contingent wage supplements during a 24-week Initiation period (weeks 1-24). "Initiation and Maintenance" participants will also earn low-magnitude abstinence-contingent wage supplements during a 52-week Maintenance period (weeks 25-76). The investigators will base the primary outcome measures on assessments conducted every four weeks of the Maintenance period. If low-cost abstinence-contingent wage supplements in the community Therapeutic Workplace maintain drug abstinence and employment and decrease poverty, community drug abuse treatment clinics could apply this intervention widely as a long-term maintenance treatment for unemployed adults with opioid use disorder.