Effectiveness of Regenerative Endodontics Therapy for Single-rooted Mature Permanent Tooth With...
Pulp NecrosisThis study is to evaluate the effectiveness of regenerative endodontics therapy in single-rooted permanent teeth with pulp necrosis,and compare the clinical efficacy of platelet rich fibrin (PRF) and blood clot (BC) as scaffolds.

Regenerative Treatment of Traumatized Immature Permanent Incisors With Pulp Necrosis
Regenerative Endodontics in Traumatized Immature TeethEndodontic management of traumatized immature permanent teeth with pulp necrosis is both a clinical challenge for the dental practitioners and a public health care problem. Even though there are feasible treatment procedures (such as apexification with calcium hydroxide and with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA), the long-term survival of these teeth is questionable because none of these techniques can provide continuation of root formation and thickening of the dentin walls. As a result, the immature tooth is weak and prone to fracture. Recently, regenerative endodontic procedures have gained much attention as biologically based treatment alternative to the techniques described above, but the scientific evidence is insufficient. These procedures aim to remove necrotic and damaged tissues and replace those with healthy functioning pulp-dentin complex. We plan to invite 120 patients to participate in this study. The inclusion criteria will be children between the ages of 7-19 years with traumatized permanent incisors with immature roots and open apices and pulp necrosis. Patients will be recruited from specialist clinics in Stockholm, Västerbotten and Norrbotten. The patients will be treated by specialists in endodontics and pediatric dentistry with regenerative endodontics. During a 5-year follow-up period the most important outcomes are continuous root development and healing of pulp necrosis. Severe traumatic dental injuries leading to severe complication that could result in early tooth loss can have a severe impact on oral health related quality of life. Therefore, regenerative endodontics can have beneficial effect treating these teeth.

Efficacy of Regenerative Endodontic Treatment With PRF as a Secondary Treatment of Mature Necrotic...
Dental Pulp NecrosesEvalaution of clinical success of secondary treatment for total 40 permanent incisors with failed root canal treatment with apical radiolucency. Twenty of of these permanent incisors will be treated with regenerative endodontic treatment(RET) with platelets rich fibrin PRF as intervention group vs. 20 incisors control group secondary treated with (RET) with induced blood clot (BC).

Assessment of Postoperative Pain After Using Two Formulations of Calcium Hydroxide Intracanal Medication...
Necrotic Pulp With Symptomatic Apical PeriodontitisCalcium hydroxide is advocated as an intracanal medication for various purposes, including prevention of post-treatment symptoms. Calcium hydroxide has a pain-controlling effect at different times when compared to non-intracanal medication . Aim: The aim of the study to compare between postoperative pain after using two formulations of calcium hydroxide intracanal medication with and without iodoform .

One vs Two Visits Root Canal Treatments in Infected Teeth
Apical PeriodontitisPain2 moreThe primary aim of the study is to compare the outcome of one vs two visits endodontics (root canal treatments) performed in general dental practice of infected (necrotic) teeth, one and four years after treatment. Secondary aims are to compare the root filling quality and the frequency of complications for both treatment modalities. A pilot study will identify the shortcomings of the protocol, which will be revised accordingly. A multi-center study in several clinics from five counties throughout Sweden is planned. Consecutive eligible patients (see inclusion and exclusion criteria) with one tooth each will be included. The study sample size calculation was based on a judgement that a minimal worthwhile effect of less than 10% was not clinically relevant. The presumption was that successful outcomes would be of 75% and 65% for the different treatment arms, respectively. Three hundred and fifty six patients per group are thus needed to detect that difference as statistical significant with a power of 80% and an alfa-error of 5%. To compensate for around 30% drop-outs a number of 1000 patients will be recruited. Patients will be randomly enrolled in two arms: one in which the endodontic treatment (root canal treatment) is performed in one visit, and in the other arm in two visits. The allocation sequences for one vs multiple visit endodontics will be computer generated followed by a dark colored envelope concealed allocation. The patients will be contacted by telephone 5-7 days post-operatively, and a control visit at the clinic will be scheduled one month post-operatively to assess complications related to the treatment. A clinical control will be performed at the clinic one and four years after treatment. Intra-oral radiographs will be taken. The radiographs will be examined by two blinded and independent observers. A successful outcome is defined by clinical and radiographic normalcy. The statistical methods selected to analyse the primary outcome will be the Chi square test of 2x2 tables, or Fisher´s exact test when proportions are small and the expected value <5. The calculations will be two-tailed. Results will be considered statistically significant at p<0.05.

Effects of Intracanal Cryotherapy on Endodontic Postoperative Pain
Dental Pulp NecrosesApical Periodontitis1 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to evaluate the effect of cold saline (2.5 degrees Celsius) irrigation on postoperative pain in patients who require root canal treatment in molar teeth because of dead dental pulp and infection around the apex of the root of the involved teeth. This cold saline irrigation will be done after standard irrigation of the canal using a 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution. The main questions it aims to answer are: Is there any difference in postoperative pain when final irrigation is performed using a cold saline solution compared to the irrigation using the saline solution at room temperature in patients who require dental root canal treatment of molar teeth? Because of cold saline irrigation, what type of adverse event/s may result? Participants will be asked to fill out a questionnaire before the start of the root canal treatment and record the preoperative pain using the visual analog scale (VAS). Root canal treatment will be completed in one visit. The standard procedure of root canal treatment will be followed, including irrigation of the canal using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite. As a final irrigation, either cold saline solution or a normal saline solution at room temperature will be used. The participants will be asked to fill out another questionnaire and record the presence, duration, and intensity of postoperative pain, and if painkiller medicine was taken immediately after completion of root canal treatment and at 6 hours, 12 hours, 72 hours, and 1-week intervals. The researcher will compare the effect of the final irrigation of a cold saline solution with that of a normal saline solution at room temperature on postoperative pain.

Treated Dentine Matrix and Platelet Rich Fibrin in Induction of Root Formation of Non-Vital Immature...
Regenerative Endodontic ProceduresNecrotic PulpThis study will be conducted to clinically evaluate the efficacy of human treated dentine matrix paste and Platelet rich fibrin (PRF) in induction of root formation of non-vital immature permanent teeth.

Lasers as an Alternative to Formocresol and Sodium Hypochlorite Medicaments in Pulpotomy Techniques...
Pulp DiseaseDental1 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to evaluate the dental lasers as an alternative of chemical medicaments used in the pulpotomy procedures. The main question it aims to answer is: • Lasers pulpotomies are a viable alternative to the standard Formocresol and Sodium Hypochlorite medicaments. All participants groups (Formocresol, Sodium Hypochlorite, Diode and Er:Cr;YSGG lasers) for pulpotomy procedure will follow the same clinical protocol, except for the techniques that will be used for hemostasis of the pulpotomies which either will be achieved by Formocresol or Sodium Hypochlorite solutions or by Diode or Erbium lasers.

Non-instrumentation Root Canal Treatment of Primary Molars
Dental Pulp DiseasesDental Pulp NecrosisThis randomized clinical trial intended to evaluate the efficacy of a technique of root canal treatment of deciduous molars with non-instrumentation of root canals and use of a paste containing antibiotics (chloramphenicol and tetracycline) and zinc oxide and eugenol (CTZ group). The hypothesis is that the efficacy of non-instrumentation treatment is non-inferior than the standard treatment involving manual instrumentation of root canals and filling with zinc oxide and eugenol paste (ZOE group) after 24 months of follow-up. Children will be randomly allocated to one of the two groups: CTZ group or ZOE group. In the CTZ group, after the location of root canals entrance, an initial irrigation will be conducted using 1% sodium hypochlorite. Then, CTZ paste will be placed in the pulp chamber floor, over the root canal entrances. The instrumentation of the root canals will not be performed for children allocated to this group. For the ZOE group, manual instrumentation with endodontic K files will be performed, aided by irrigation with 1% sodium hypochlorite. After the end of the instrumentation, root canals will be filled with ZOE paste. All teeth will be restored with bulk-fil resin composite. Children will be followed-up for 6, 12, 18 and 24 months after the treatment. The primary endpoint will be the success of endodontic treatment evaluated by clinical and radiographic methods after 24 months. Based on a non-inferiority limit of 15% in the success rate, it was estimated an anticipated sample size of 218 (109 per group), divided among the centers. Other secondary endpoints will be clinical time spent with the treatments, children's behavior during the treatment, discomfort immediately after the end of the treatment reported by the children, post-operative pain, improvement in the negative impact of Oral Health-Related Quality of Life, costs and cost-efficacy.

Selective Caries Removal (SCR) Versus Pulpotomy in Preventing Pulp Necrosis and Apical Periodontitis...
Dental CariesThe study design is a randomized controlled trial and up to 120 teeth, 50 in each of the 2 groups, will be enrolled from the patients at the National University Centre for Oral Health Singapore (NUCOHS) Endodontic unit. The primary aim of this study is to compare the efficacy of selective caries removal (SCR) and pulpotomy in preventing pulp necrosis and apical periodontitis in teeth with deep dental caries radiographically extending at least 2/3 into the width of dentine, over a review period of 6 months, 1, 3, and 5 years. The secondary aim of this study is to compare the costs (tangible i.e. restorative treatment costs, and intangible i.e. number of treatment visits and time spent at clinic to complete treatment) and tooth survival in the oral cavity, between teeth treated with SCR and pulpotomy.