Hyaluronic Acid in Overuse Knee Pain
Overuse InjurySports activity represents part of day living people, a knee pain originated by high demand joint activity could represent a limitation to continue sports. The aim of this clinical trial is demonstrate the effects of hyaluronic acid in sportsmen with knee pain.

Prevention and Treatment of Injuries and Urinary Incontinence Among Norwegian Rhythmic Gymnasts...
Overuse InjuryUrinary IncontinenceOveruse injuries are common among competitive Norwegian rhythmic gymnasts with a mean weekly prevalence of 37% [95% CI: 36 - 39%] and incidence of 4.2 new overuse injuries [95% CI: 3.6 - 4.9] per gymnast per year (Gram, M., Clarsen, B., & Bø, K., 2021). The knees, lower back and hip/groin were the most common injury locations. It has been postulated that reduced physical capacity (e.g strength, flexibility, stability) in the knees, lower back and hip/groin can increase the risk of injuries in rhythmic gymnastics. In addition, more than 30% of the Norwegian rhythmic gymnasts experience urinary incontinence (UI), and 70% reported that UI negatively affected sports performance (Gram, M., & Bø, K., 2020). Few of the rhythmic gymnasts had any knowledge about the pelvic floor. Hence, this assessor blinded cluster randomized controlled trial aims to find out whether the implementation of exercises targeting reduced physical capacity and pelvic floor muscle function can prevent/reduce the prevalence of overuse injuries and UI.

Risk Factors for Lower Extremity Overuse Injuries in Jump-landing Athletes
Landing BiomechanicsFatigueIn this prospective study, male jump-landing athletes (volleyball and basketball) will be screened pre-season and followed for one consecutive season. Pre-season screening consists of 3D biomechanical analysis of standardized (such as drop vertical jump) and sports-specific jumps (such as stop-jump) before and after a high-intensity, intermittent exercise protocol and clinical field tests (such as force measurements).

Effects of Ai Chi on Scapular Muscle Activation in Overhead Athletes With Scapular Dyskinesis
Scapular DyskinesisAthletic Injuries2 moreScapular dyskinesis (SD) is common in overhead athletes and negatively influence the athletes' performance, increasing the risk of shoulder injury. The kinetic chain (KC) exercises for SD rehabilitation that emphasize importance of core strength and scapula stability during skillful performance. Ai Chi, the aquatic exercises performed in functional positions, which are adequate for power transfer of KC. This study will investigate the effect of KC-based water exercises, Ai Chi, on scapular muscles in overhead athletes with SD.

How is Calf Muscle Endurance Related to Ankle Injuries in TeamGym Athletes?
Ankle InjuriesFoot Injury2 moreThe specific aims of this study are to: describe how many heel raises and side hops TG athletes of various ages can perform and how far they can jump, one leg at a time. examine how calf muscle endurance and hop performance are related to the risk of new injuries in the foot, ankle, and lower leg in TG athletes. The investigators hypothesise that atletes with superior performance in the tests for muscular endurance and hop performance will report fewer injuries during the follow up period.

Sham Device, Pill Placebo or Treatment For Arm Pain
Cumulative Trauma DisordersRepetitive Strain Injury2 moreThis study investigates the role of two active interventions and their placebo effects in randomized control trials. The study conducts two parallel trials of treatments for upper extremity pain secondary to repetitive stress disorder, including carpal tunnel syndrome. The active interventions are amitriptyline and acupuncture. The placebo are sham acupuncture device and placebo pill.

Manual Therapy for the Treatment of Shoulder Pain for Overuse Syndrome Wheelchair Dependent Persons...
Spinal Cord InjuriesPain1 moreShoulder pain is a common, debilitating problem for persons with Spinal cord injuries (SCI). Shoulder pain affects approximately 40-50% of the total population of persons with paraplegia (those with SCI with full use of their upper extremities and no or limited use of their lower extremities). Among the etiologies of shoulder pain in persons with paraplegia, overuse syndrome is the most common. Shoulder overuse syndrome in a person with paraplegia is the result of high activity demands and high mechanical load on the upper extremity during activities such as wheelchair propulsion, transferring with the arms, and performing activities of daily living from a wheelchair height, resulting in increased overhead activity. The pain as a result of overuse syndrome can limit the patient's participation in occupational and physical therapy as well as limit performance of activities of daily living and participation in usual life activities. An alternative treatment for shoulder pain with evidence to support efficacy in the able bodied population is Manual Therapy (MT). Unfortunately, there have been no prior research studies published examining the therapeutic efficacy of MT for overuse injuries of the shoulder in patients with paraplegia. This study will determine if MT, is efficacious to reduce pain in this population. A total of 20 patients with paraplegia identified in the outpatient clinic at Craig Hospital with overuse syndrome of the shoulder will be enrolled in the study.

Efficacy and Safety of Hymovis ONE® (32mg/4ml) Intrarticular Injection in Active Patients With Knee...
Knee OsteoarthritisThe aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Hymovis® ONE (32 mg/4 ml) single intra-articular injection, in the management of pain caused by knee osteochondral lesions.

Measuring the Feasibility and the Effects of Chair Massage on Pain and Discomfort in the Cardiac...
Overuse InjuryRepetitive Strain InjuryThe purpose of this study is to determine whether the effects of chair massage and/or chair massage with stretching may reduce musculoskeletal pain and discomfort related symptoms associated with the job duties of a cardiac sonographer.

Protective Brace to Prevent Hand and Arm Injuries
Cumulative Trauma DisordersCarpal Tunnel SyndromeWhen people use hand-held power tools, their hands and arms vibrate along with the tool they are holding. People who frequently use hand-held power tools may develop injuries related to this vibration. This study will evaluate a protective brace designed to prevent vibration-related hand and arms injuries.