Effects of Exercise Training on Exercise Capacity and Sleep Quality in Patients With Obesity Hypoventilation...
Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome (OHS)Hypoventilation3 moreObesity Hypoventilation Syndrome is defined as a combination of obesity (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) and daytime hypercapnia in arterial blood gas analysis (PaCO2 > 45 mmHg) without other pathologies that cause hypoventilation. Symptoms seen in individuals diagnosed with OHS are stated as a feeling of suffocation due to apnea, loud snoring, morning headache and excessive daytime sleepiness. Respiratory mechanics, respiratory muscle performance, pulmonary gas exchange, lung functions and exercise capacity parameters are adversely affected in patients. Early treatment is important so that these negative changes do not lead to worse outcomes. Weight control, bariatric surgery, pharmacological treatment and non-invasive mechanical ventilation (NIMV) are included in the treatment program of OHS patients. The effects of exercise on the treatment program of OHS patients are unknown. Considering all the studies in the literature, the primary purpose of this study is to evaluate aerobic and strength training on exercise capacity and sleep quality in patients with hypoventilation syndrome. The secondary aim is to examine the effect of this exercise training on peripheral muscle strength, emotional state, body composition and quality of life parameters. In addition, the researchers believe that this study will form the basis for further scientific studies on OHS and exercise and will make an important contribution to the literature.

The Study for Evaluating the Clinical Effectiveness and Safety of Respiratory Rehabilitation Software...
Respiratory System DiseaseChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease8 moreThe purpose of the study is to prove the clinical superiority of respiratory rehabilitation software "Redpill Breath" and evaluate the clinical improvement effect by 6-minute walk test of the software, compared to the manual rehabilitation management for those who need respiratory rehabilitation(COPD, Asthma, Lung Cancer, etc.)

Post COVID-19 REspiratory Mechanisms and the Efficacy of a Breathing Exercise Intervention for DYsregulated...
COVID-19Respiratory DiseaseA pilot Study To investigate the efficacy of a breathing intervention for improving persistent breathlessness due to dysregulated breathing following COVID-19 when compared to usual care.

Covid19Coronavirus Disease 20191 moreThe SOLIDARITY PLUS Finland Long-COVID trial aims to assess the long-term effects of imatinib and infliximab, used during acute hospitalization due to COVID-19-infection, on long-COVID symptoms and quality of life (QoL) using questionnaires at six months, one and two years post-discharge. The primary research questions are whether imatinib or infliximab lower the risk of long-COVID symptoms and leads to better QoL in the long term. Objectives include: i) Long-COVID symptoms To investigate the effect of imatinib (vs. usual care only) and infliximab (vs. usual care only) on the occurrence of symptoms that have been associated with the long-COVID syndrome. The questionnaires will take place at six months, one and two years after the hospital admission. The questionnaire will be the same that has been used in the SOLIDARITY Finland Long-COVID trial on remdesivir. The questionnaire was developed by our multidisciplinary team of physicians, including the representation of multiple specialties such as general practice, lung diseases, neurology, internal medicine, rheumatology, genetics, and clinical epidemiology, and two patient partners. The symptom questionnaire - that will be completed by patients at one and two years - measures basic patient information (age, height, weight, smoking status, major comorbidity, and working status) and a wide variety of potential long-COVID-symptoms and their bother (1. Fatigue; 2. Attention deficits; 3. Memory problems; 4. Sleeping difficulties; 5. Depressive mood; 6. Anxiety; 7. Dizziness; 8. Headache; 9. Tinnitus; 10. Paresthesias; 11. Changes in taste/smell perceptions; 12. Postexertional malaise; 13. Palpitations; 14. Chest discomfort; 15. Nausea; 16. Skin rash; 17. Joint aches; 18. Muscle pains; 19. Continuous cough; 20. Respiratory tract mucous discharges). ii) Quality of life The EQ-5D-5L questionnaire will be used to compare patients' quality of life in imatinib, infliximab, and usual care arms. EQ-5D-5L questionnaire assesses the following domains: 1. Mobility; 2. Self-care; 3. Usual activities; 4. Pain and discomfort; 5. Anxiety and depression; 6. The visual analog scale of subjective perception of overall health. Additionally (at 1 or 2 years; depending on future funding and ethical approval decisions): The Finnish healthcare registries (such as Statistics Finland Mortality Database, the HILMO Care Register for Health Care, and/or Digital and Population Data Services Agency (Finnish Digital Agency)) will be used to estimate long-term mortality and incidence of major comorbidity in treatment arms. Lung function will be assessed using spirometry and diffusing capacity, as well as the six-minute walk test (6 mwt) in treatment arms. Whole-genome genotyping will be performed for a genome-wide association study to investigate genetic correlates of long-COVID-19 -symptoms in treatment arms.

Supportive Treatment and Antibiotics for Mild Pediatric Pneumonia
PneumoniaPediatric Respiratory Diseases2 moreNational guidelines make two recommendations for treatment of young children with mild pneumonia - one to avoid routine antibiotics and another to use narrow-spectrum antibiotics. No studies have compared the effectiveness of these two approaches. This pilot study will evaluate study processes and feasibility of a future clinical trial that proposes to test whether low-risk children managed as outpatients with mild community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) treated with supportive treatment without antibiotics will have a similar clinical response, with fewer adverse effects, compared with those treated with a supportive treatment plan that includes antibiotics.

Evaluate the Efficacy of RespireAidTM in Patient With Externally Contracted Seasonal Epidemic (外感時疫)...
Respiration DisordersThe goal of this clinical trial is to learn about in the main objective of this study is to evaluate the clinical efficacy of the RespireAidTM (Tai-wan-Qing-Guan-Yi-Hao) to ease the symptoms of fever, sore throat, and cough, and the safety after treatment. Participants will Take 1 sachet(5g) 4 times daily. There is a comparison group: Researchers will compare placebo to see if RespireAidTM.

Nasal Suction in Infants With Bronchiolitis Using a NoseFrida vs. Bulb Syringe
BronchiolitisRespiratory DiseaseThis research study will evaluate the difference in effectiveness of nasal suction between two different suction devices (NoseFrida and bulb syringe) in infants that have bronchiolitis. Bronchiolitis (a virus infection that goes into the lungs, which subsequently causes difficulty breathing, difficulty sleeping, and difficulty eating and drinking in children) is a common infection in young children. The caregiver-participants will be supplied with two suction devices (NoseFrida and bulb syringe suction). The devices should be used to clear nasal secretions as needed following discharge from the Emergency Center. The participants will be asked to use either a NoseFrida device or a bulb syringe first, and then to alternate thereafter. Caregivers will monitor how well their baby is breathing, eating/drinking, sleeping and how many times the baby has been seen by a medical provider in the 5 days post discharge from the Emergency Center. Post discharge, caregivers will complete a REDCAP survey asking questions about how their baby has been doing over the first 5 days following hospital discharge. This completes study involvement.

CENTR(AR): Lungs Moving
Chronic Respiratory DiseaseLung Diseases3 moreChronic Respiratory Diseases (CRDs) are associated with substantial morbidity and mortality, ranking as the third leading cause of death worldwide. Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is a fundamental evidence-based intervention for the management of a variety of CRDs, such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Interstitial Lung Diseases (ILDs). However, the benefits of PR tend to decline over time and there is currently no strong evidence that patients translate those benefits into a more active lifestyle. There is an urgent need for evidence-based interventions to promote physical activity (PA) participation, whilst maintaining PR positive effects in the long-term. Community-based PA interventions adjusted to the local context, as well as patients' needs and preferences, might be a key strategy to meet this target. CENTR(AR) will be a sustainable response to support healthy lifestyles and enhance long-term PR benefits, by providing access to PR within Primary Healthcare Centres (PHC), followed by the inclusion in a community-based PA program, which embraces urban facilities and available resources.

Effect of Celecoxib on Postoperative Analgesia and Disease Severity in AERD Patients With CRS
Chronic Rhinosinusitis With Nasal PolypsAspirin-exacerbated Respiratory DiseaseThis is a proposed randomized prospective study to evaluate both the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of a COX-2 inhibitor, celecoxib, in patients with aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease and Chronic rhinosinusitis following endoscopic sinus surgery. The investigators hypothesize that supplementation with celecoxib can potentially improve surgical outcomes and reduce the postoperative usage of opioid analgesics without an increased risk of bleeding or asthma exacerbation

Portable Continuous Positive Airways Pressure (CPAP) in Excessive Central Airway Collapse (ECAC)...
Excessive Central Airways CollapseRespiratory Disease2 moreThis study will investigate the role of a portable Continues Positive Airway Pressure device (pCPAP) in management of patients with symptomatic Excessive Central Airway Collapse (ECAC). ECAC is characterised by complete or partial collapse of central airways on exhalation. In some cases, this can cause persistent breathlessness and severely limited exercise capacity. Current treatment options for ECAC are very limited. Standard assistive breathing devices such as CPAP machines are sometimes used to relieve symptoms at night or at rest. This does not address breathlessness during activity which drives accumulation of disability over time. The main aims of this project are to assess the effect of a portable CPAP (pCPAP) device on exercise capacity and symptoms and evaluate the feasibility of wearing pCPAP at home during routine activities. Lightweight battery-powered portable CPAP devices have been recently developed to facilitate travel to remote areas by people with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA). Patients with ECAC can wear them during physical activity to prevent airway collapse but their potential benefits have not been evaluated in clinical trials. For this study, the investigators will recruit 20 patients with ECAC who will attend for two study visits 4-6 weeks apart in a single centre (The Royal Papworth Hospital). The primary outcome measure will be a shuttle walk test performed repeatedly with and without pCPAP in a randomised order. Secondary outcomes will include assessment of activity level, breathlessness, quality of life ,pCPAP usage and its acceptability. The study will evaluate a pragmatic way of CPAP titration and application. Previously acquired diagnostic baseline computed tomography (CT) scans will be analysed with a novel Functional Respiratory Imaging (FRI) tool. This software tool will enable retrospective reflections on the changes occurring within the lungs for patients with ECAC. This may help identify predictive features of potential pCPAP responders and inform future use.