Pulmonary Function Using Non-invasive Forced Oscillometry
InfantPremature9 moreThe purpose of this observational study is to measure pulmonary function in term and preterm infants with and without pulmonary disease including respiratory distress syndrome, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, transient tachypnea of the newborn, meconium aspiration syndrome, and response to treatments given to newborn infants with lung diseases using a non-invasive airway oscillometry system.

DEXamethasone EARLY Administration in Hospitalized Patients With Covid-19 Pneumonia
COVID-19Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome2 moreThe aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of dexamethasone in hospitalized adults with COVID-19 pneumonia who do not require supplementary oxygen on admission, but have high risk of developing acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). This is a prospective, multicenter, phase 4, parallel-group, randomized and controlled trial that is open-label to investigators, participants and clinical outcome assessors. Eligible participants include adults (age 18 years or older), diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection, evidence of infiltrates on chest radiography or computerized tomography, peripheral capillary oxygen saturation ≥94% and 22 breaths per minute breathing room air, and high risk of developing ARDS defined by a lactate dehydrogenase higher than 245 U/L, C-Reactive Protein higher than 100 mg/L, and absolute lymphocytes lower than 800 cells/µL. Eligible participants will meet two of the three before analytical criteria associated with severe COVID-19. Patients will provide written informed consent. Exclusion criteria include patients with a history of allergy to dexamethasone, pregnant or lactating women, oral or inhaled corticosteroids treatment within 15 days before randomization, immunosuppressive agent or cytotoxic drug therapy within 30 days before randomization, neutropenia <1000 cells/µL, human immunodeficiency virus infection with CD4 cell counts <500 cells within 90 days after randomization, dementia, chronic liver disease defined by ALT or AST ≥5 times the upper limit of normal, chronic kidney injury defined by a glomerular filtration rate ≤30 ml/min, hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis, uncontrolled infection, and patients who are already enrolled in another clinical trial. Study participants will be randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive dexamethasone base 6 mg once daily for seven days or standard of care. The primary endpoint is to prevent of development of moderate ARDS. Based on the Berlin criteria, moderate ARDS is defined by a PaO2/FiO2 ratio >100 mmHg and ≤200 mmHg. Study participants will be randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive dexamethasone versus standard of care using a randomization platform. Included participants will be hospitalized at the time of randomization. The study will be undertaken at Infanta Leonor-Virgen de la Torre University Hospital, Enfermera Isabel Zendal Emergency Hospital, and Infanta Cristina Hospital, Madrid, Spain.

30% or 60% Oxygen at Birth to Improve Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Very Low Birthweight Infants...
Premature InfantRespiratory Distress Syndrome in Premature Infant1 morePreterm birth, or birth before 37 weeks' gestation, is increasingly common, occurring in 8 percent of pregnancies in Canada. Preterm birth is associated with many health complications, particularly when the birth happens before 29 weeks' gestation. At this gestational age, the lungs are not fully developed and it is not uncommon for infants to have problems breathing at the time of birth. One complication that can arise is when an infant stops breathing and needs to be resuscitated. When preterm babies need to be resuscitated doctors must take special care because of the small infant size and the immaturity of the brain and lungs. Oxygen is used to resuscitate babies who need it, but unfortunately there is disagreement about the best oxygen concentration to use. Oxygen concentration is important because both too much and too little oxygen can cause brain injury. This research aims to fill this knowledge gap by participating in an international clinical trial to compare the effects of resuscitating babies less than 29 weeks' gestational age with either a low oxygen concentration or a high oxygen concentration. The oxygen concentrations have been selected using the best available knowledge. This will be a cluster randomized trial where each participating hospital will be randomized to either 30 or 60 percent oxygen for the recruitment of 30 infants, and afterwards randomized to the other group for the recruitment of another 30 infants. After the trial, the investigator will determine whether the babies resuscitated with low oxygen or those resuscitated with high oxygen have better survival and long-term health outcomes. This research fills a critical knowledge gap in the care of extremely preterm babies and will impact their survival both here in Canada and internationally.

Transbronchial Lung Cryobiopsy in Undiagnosed Acute Respiratory Failure
Acute Respiratory FailureAcute Respiratory Distress SyndromeIn patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure whose diagnosis is not established after initial evaluation, obtaining a histopathological diagnosis may improve the patients' prognosis. In our previous retrospective-controlled study, transbronchial lung cryobiopsy (TBLC) can lead to an increased chance of establishing a diagnosis compared with transbronchial lung biopsy (TBLB), with an acceptable safety profile. Therefore, further prospective randomized controlled studies exploring whether TBLC leads to improved prognosis for such patients are warranted.

Trans Thoracic Manipulation of Ventilation/Perfusion: the V/Q System
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeCOVID-19The purpose of this pilot study is to measure the impact of non-invasive pneumatic manipulation of transthoracic pressure on oxygenation in patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID 19) who are on mechanical ventilator support. This will be achieved by a pneumatic Vest placed around the chest wall of consenting patients who meet inclusion criteria. The Vest is essentially a non-invasive segmental device placed upon the anterior and posterior right and left aspects of the chest wall. The researchers have the ability to inflate and deflate the chambers of the Vest to achieve preset pressures as determined by the protocol and observe the patient's physiological response. Participants will have up to four hours of intervention with the study intervention, followed by 1 hour of post-intervention observation.

PROSpect: Prone and Oscillation Pediatric Clinical Trial
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in ChildrenSevere pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome (PARDS) is a life-threatening and frequent problem experienced by thousands of children each year. Little evidence supports current supportive practices during their critical illness. The overall objective of this study is to identify the best positional and/or ventilation practice that leads to improved patient outcomes in these critically ill children. We hypothesize that children with high moderate-severe PARDS treated with either prone positioning or high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) will demonstrate more days off the ventilator when compared to children treated with supine positioning or conventional mechanical ventilation (CMV).

Cerebral Autoregulation and COVID-19
COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeCOVID-19 PneumoniaThis study aims to assess cerebral autoregulation by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in patients with severe coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19). Results on COVID-19 participants will be compared with prior results of patients with septic shock and cardiac arrest, who participated in NCT03649633 and NCT02790788, respectively.

Transpulmonary Pressure in Right Ventricle Protection of ARDS
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeAcute Cor PulmonaleTo compare the effect between mechanical ventilation strategy guided by transpulmonary pressure and tranditional lung protective ventilation strategy in acute respiratory distress syndrome for right ventricle protection.

Spinal Cord Stimulation to Shorten Ventilator Dependence in ARDS Patients
Respiratory Distress SyndromeThis is an early phase, proof-of-concept clinical trial assessing the safety and feasibility of non-invasive spinal cord stimulation to prevent respiratory muscle atrophy in mechanically ventilated ARDS patients. The investigators will recruit 10 elective surgery patients (surgery cohort) and 10 ARDS patients (ARDS cohort) for this study. A non-invasive, alpha-prototype Restore Technology stimulator using hydrogel surface electrodes will be used to stimulate the spinal cord at the cervical or thoracic level.

Potential for Inhaled Nitric Oxide and Ventilation-Perfusion Mismatch by Electrical Impedance Tomography...
Nitric OxideAcute Respiratory Distress SyndromeIn the recent years, the treatment of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome has been proved that lung recruitment re-opens the non-ventilated alveolar to improve ventilation, and inhaled Nitric Oxide dilates non-perfused pulmonary vascular to improve perfusion. Both of these could improve ventilation-perfusion mismatch to enhance oxygenation. However, Ventilation-Perfusion mismatch is devided into ventilated nonperfused lung units(dead space) or perfused nonventilated units(shunt). No published study has evaluated the availability of lung recruitment combined with inhaled Nitric oxide in patients with ARDS. The aims of our study are to measure dead space or shunt fraction before and after inhaled Nitric Oxide in moderate to severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome patients indicated Nitric oxide in FEMH MICU on 2021/01-2022/12, injected a bolus of 10mL of 3% NaCl solution via the central venous catheter with two-step recruitment maneuver by Electrical Impedance Tomography, which monitors ventilation-perfusion mismatch to evaluate whether the patient has potential to improve V/Q mismatch by Nitric oxide.