PGE1 as Additive Anticoagulant in ECMO-Therapy
Respiratory Distress SyndromeAdult1 moreBleeding complications and thromboembolic complications are frequent during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Retrospective data suggest that platelet inhibition using prostaglandins, in this case PGE1, may reduce thromboembolic complications without increasing the bleeding risk. This randomized, double-blind trial aims to investigate the effects of PGE1 on bleeding risk, thromboembolic complications and the function of the ECMO.

Prediction of Duration of Mechanical Ventilation in ARDS
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeThe investigators are planning to perform a secondary analysis of an academic dataset of 1,303 patients with moderate-to-severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) included in several published cohorts (NCT00736892, NCT022288949, NCT02836444, NCT03145974), aimed to characterize the best early scenario during the first three days of diagnosis to predict duration of mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit (ICU) using supervised machine learning (ML) approaches.

Mesenchymal Stromal CellsRemestemcel-L2 moreThe mortality rate in SARS-CoV-2-related severe ARDS is high despite treatment with antivirals, glucocorticoids, immunoglobulins, and ventilation. Preclinical and clinical evidence indicate that MSCs migrate to the lung and respond to the pro-inflammatory lung environment by releasing anti-inflammatory factors reducing the proliferation of pro-inflammatory cytokines while modulating regulatory T cells and macrophages to promote resolution of inflammation. Therefore, MSCs may have the potential to increase survival in management of COVID-19 induced ARDS. The primary objective of this phase 3 trial is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the addition of the mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC) remestemcel-L plus standard of care compared to placebo plus standard of care in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) due to SARS-CoV-2. The secondary objective is to assess the impact of MSCs on inflammatory biomarkers.

Prazosin to Prevent COVID-19 (PREVENT-COVID Trial)
COVID-19The purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy and safety of prazosin to prevent cytokine storm syndrome and severe complications in hospitalized patients with Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Study to Find the Highest Safe Dose of Soluble Guanylate Cyclase (sGC) Activator, BAY 1211163 Administered...
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeWith this study researchers want to find the highest safe dose of the soluble Guanylate Cyclase (sGC) Activator, BAY 1211163 and how safe and well the study drug works. Furthermore researchers want to gather information on the way the body absorbs, distributes and gets rid of the study drug given as increasing multiple doses by inhalation to patients who cannot breathe by their own and suffer from a type of lung failure that causes fluid to build up in the lungs making breathing difficult (ARDS)

Biomarkers, Genomics, Physiology in Critically Ill and ECMO Patients
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeCardiac Failure5 morePatients in end-stage cardiac failure and/or respiratory failure may be started on a rescue therapy known as Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO). One of the major clinical questions is how to manage the ventilator when patients are on ECMO therapy. Ventilator Induced Lung Injury (VILI) can result from aggressive ventilation of the lung during critical illness. VILI and lung injury such as Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) can further increase the total body inflammation and stress, this is known as biotrauma. Biotrauma is one of the mechanisms that causes multi-organ failure in critically ill patients. One advantage of ECMO is the ability to greatly reduce the use of the ventilator and thus VILI by taking control of the patient's oxygenation and acid-base status. By minimizing VILI during ECMO we can reduce biotrauma and thus multi-organ failure. Since the optimal ventilator settings for ECMO patients are not known, we plan to study the impact of different ventilator settings during ECMO on patient's physiology and biomarkers of inflammation and injury.

Pulmonary Fibrosis During Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome1 moreThe COVID-19 pandemic is caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS CoV-2), an emerging coronavirus, which has already infected 192 million people with a case fatality rate close to 2%. About 5% of patients infected with SARS CoV-2 have a critical form with organ failure. Among critical patients admitted to intensive care, about 70% of them will require ventilatory assistance by invasive mechanical ventilation (MV) with a mortality rate of 35% and a median MV duration of 12 days. The most severe lung damage resulting from SARS CoV-2 infection is the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The virus infects alveolar epithelial cells and capillary endothelial cells leading to an activation of endothelium, hypercoagulability and thrombosis of pulmonary capillaries. This results in abnormal ventilation / perfusion ratios and profound hypoxemia. To date, the therapeutic management of severe SARS CoV-2 pneumonia lay on the early use of corticosteroids and Interleukin-6 (IL-6) receptor antagonist, which both reduce the need of MV and mortality. The risk factors of death in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) are: advanced age, severe obesity, coronary heart disease, active cancer, severe hypoxemia, and hepatic and renal failure on admission. Among MV patients, the death rate is doubled in those with both reduced thoracopulmonary compliance and elevated D-dimer levels. Patients with severe alveolar damage are at risk of progressing towards irreversible pulmonary fibrosis, the incidence of which still remain unknown. The diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis is based on histology but there are some non-invasive alternative methods (serum or bronchoalveolar biomarkers, chest CT scan). We aim to assess the incidence of pulmonary fibrosis in patients with severe SARS CoV-2 related pneumonia. We will investigate the prognostic impact of fibrosis on mortality and the number of days alive free from MV at Day 90. Finally, we aim to identify risk factors of fibrosis.

Efficacy and Safety of aerosolizedDornase Alfa Administration in Patients With COVID19 Induced ARDS...
COVID-19Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeThis study plans to learn more about the effects of Dornase Alfa in COVID19 (coronavirus disease of 2019) patients, the medical condition caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Dornase Alfa is a FDA-approved drug for the treatment of cystic fibrosis, which facilitates mucus clearance by cutting apart neutrophil-derived extracellular double-stranded DNA. This study intends to define the impact of aerosolized intra-tracheal Dornase Alfa administration on the severity and progression of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in COVID-19 patients. This drug might make lung mucus thinner and looser, promoting improved clearance of secretions and reduce extracellular double-stranded DNA-induced hyperinflammation in alveoli, preventing further damage to the lungs. The study will recruit mechanically ventilated patients hospitalized in ICU who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and meet ARDS criteria. It is a prospective, randomized, controlled, multicentric, open-label clinical trial. The goal is to recruit 100 patients.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Ventilation Using a Novel Full-Face Mask Versus Conventional...
Respiratory InsufficiencyRespiratory Distress Syndrome3 moreThe aim of this study is to compare two methods of delivery of noninvasive mechanical ventilation (NIV). Since patient compliance and mechanical characteristics of the delivery devices are two fundamental variables in the success of NIV during acute respiratory failure, our hypothesis is that an improved patient-ventilator interface may improve the efficacy of therapy.

Drug Study of Albuterol to Treat Acute Lung Injury
Respiratory Distress SyndromeAdultAcute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and a lesser condition that occurs prior to ARDS, Acute Lung Injury (ALI), are medical conditions that occur when there is severe inflammation and increased fluids (edema) in both lungs, making it hard for the lungs to function properly. Patients with these conditions require treatment that includes the use of a breathing machine (ventilator). The purpose of this study is to find out whether giving albuterol (a drug commonly used in asthmatics) or not giving albuterol to patients with ALI or ARDS makes a difference in how long it takes for a patient to be able to breath without the ventilator.