Evaluation of the Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetics of PLN-74809 in Participants With Acute...
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeSARS-CoV-2Evaluation of the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of PLN-74809 in participants with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) associated with at least severe COVID-19

Study of Biomarkers in Patients of Sepsis Complicated With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)...
SepsisAcute Respiratory Distress SyndromeTitle: Study of Biomarkers in Blood and Alveolar Lavage Fluid Samples of Sepsis Patients Complicated With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Research center: Single-center study. Design of the research: A prospective and cohort study. Object of the research: Patients(age≥18 years)those who meet the diagnostic criteria of sepsis complicated with ARDS and grouped into ARDS group and non-ARDS adults receiving mechanical ventilation as control. Sample size of the research: Not less than 30 patients in each group. Research approach: After admission to ICU, patients who meet the criteria are divided into mild group and moderate/severe group according to the severity of ARDS. In addition, blood and alveolar lavage fluid were collected within 24 hours for metabonomics analysis, and differential metabolites were screened out to prove the differentiation ability of differential metabolites between mild and moderate/severe ARDS patients. Then, MSEA and STITCH analysis were performed, and the relationship between different metabolites, HO-1 protein, oxidative stress and inflammatory markers in serum and alveolar lavage fluid were determined. And whether differential metabolites are associated with 28-day mortality in patients with moderate/severe ARDS. Aim of the research: The metabolomics techniques were used to compare the differences between sepsis patients with mild ARDS and moderate/severe ARDS. And determine the relationship between different metabolites, HO-1 protein, oxidative stress and inflammatory markers, as well as the predictive effect of metabolites on 28-day mortality in patients. Statistical analysis: Analytical study. The estimated duration of the study:1-2 years.

A Safety and Efficacy Study of Lucinactant for Inhalation in Preterm Neonates 26 to 32 Weeks Gestational...
Respiratory Distress SyndromeNewbornThis study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of lucinactant for inhalation in conjunction with nCPAP, in comparison to nCPAP alone, in preterm neonates with RDS, as assessed by the incidence of and time to respiratory failure and/or death due to RDS in the first 72 hours and 28 days of life. Half of the subjects will receive lucinactant for inhalation and half will receive standard of care (nCPAP alone).

A Phase 2/3, Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo Controlled, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Efficacy...
Severe to Critical COVID 19 With Associated ARDSThis is a Phase 2/3, randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, multicenter study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of FP-025 in adult patients with severe to critical COVID 19 with associated ARDS.

Trial of an Alternate Mode of Providing Artificial Breaths to Children With Very Severe Pneumonia...
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)This study attempts to study a new ventilation mode in children with Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Despite decades of research, no intervention has brought about a significant decrease in ARDS mortality. Moreover, most of the studies are adult-based and have been extrapolated to children. Airway pressure release ventilation (APRV) mode is hypothesized to be superior in terms of lower need for sedation, shorter duration of mechanical ventilation, etc. It is unique and the first worldwide randomized controlled trial on APRV mode in children. We plan to recruit a minimum of 50 children aged (1 month-12 years) in each group. The study is to be conducted at the Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh between March 2014 to March 2016. This trial would recruit children with respiratory failure and early ARDS and, randomize them to receive either conventional ventilation or the APRV mode. Rest of the supportive care has also been protocolized so that both groups receive treatment as per the existing best practices in every aspect. The primary outcome being studied is the number of ventilator-free days. The secondary outcomes include length of PICU stay, hospital stay, organ-failure free days, 28 day & 3 month survival, biomarkers of lung injury (IL-6, IL-8, Angiopoeitin-2, soluble-ICAM-1, etc), functional status, Pulmonary function tests, etc. Funding request would be sent to the Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi, India. Assessing lung biomarkers like Interleukin-6 would assess the role of different modes of ventilation in acting as triggers for multi-organ dysfunction as well as for worsening lung injury. This pathbreaking research is likely to open up new avenues upon completion.

Ultra-protective Pulmonary Ventilation Supported by Low Flow ECCO2R for Severe ARDS
Respiratory Distress SyndromeAdultThis study evaluates the use of ultra-protective ventilation, where very low ventilation volumes are used, in patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) meeting criteria to nurse in the prone position. Half the patients will receive ultra-protective ventilation support by extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal, while the other half will receive conventional lung protective ventilation.

KL₄Surfactant Treatment in Patients With ARDS
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeLung wash with KL₄Surfactant of individual lung segments using a bronchoscope compared to usual care alone consisting primarily of assisted (mechanical) ventilation in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS).

Neotech RAM Cannula Versus Conventional Binasal Prong Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)...
Respiratory Distress SyndromeNewborn2 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine if the RAM cannula is as effective as conventional binasal prongs to deliver CPAP to low birth weight infants with respiratory distress.

Study of GSK2862277 in Subjects Undergoing Oesophagectomy Surgery
Lung InjuryAcute and Respiratory Distress Syndrome1 moreLung injury in patients undergoing oesophagectomy may occur during surgery (peri-operatively) as a result of One Lung Ventilation (OLV) and/or during the immediate post-operative period when patients receive intensive care. This is reinforced by the observation that physiological markers of lung injury are most elevated immediately after completion of surgery, and the development of clinical Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)occurs immediately post-operatively (within 72 hours of surgery), with the majority of cases reported 24-48 hours after completion of surgery. This study is designed to investigate the impact of pre-operative administration of GSK2862277 on biological and physiological markers of lung injury in patients undergoing surgical resection of oesophageal cancer in order to achieve optimal exposure at the site of injury following OLV and lung deflation. This study is a randomized placebo controlled, double-blind, multi-centre, single dose parallel group, design. There will be two treatment groups comprising one active and one placebo arm with approximately 40 patients per group. Patients enrolled in the study will be scheduled to undergo planned/elective trans-thoracic surgery for oesophagectomy. The primary endpoint for this study is the change in pulmonary vascular permeability index (PVPI) from pre-surgical levels to the end of surgery. GSK2862277 will be administered as an orally inhaled aerosol (single nebulized dose) over approximately 3 to 5 minutes (min) 1-3 hours prior to surgery. Subject will be monitored daily until discharge and followed up till day 28.

Efficacy and Safety of FP-1201-lyo (Interferon Beta-1a) in Patients Having Acute Respiratory Distress...
Respiratory Distress SyndromeAdultIn this study effectiveness and safety of a new drug FP-1201-lyo (recombinant human interferon beta-1a) is compared to placebo. Investigation is conducted with patients who have acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The new drug is expected to reduce the time which a patient need to be on the ventilator and improve patient's chances of survival. Currently there are no approved drugs for treating moderate or severe ARDS patients.