Continued Access Protocol: ExAblate Transcranial MR Guided Focused Ultrasound for the Treatment...
Essential TremorThe objective of this prospective, multi site, single-arm study is to capture the efficacy of treatment using the ExAblate Transcranial System and to further demonstrate safety in medication-refractory tremor in patients with essential tremor (ET).

A Clinical Trial of 2 Doses of PRAX-944 in Participants With Essential Tremor
Essential TremorThis multi-center, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, dose-range-finding clinical trial (with an optional Extension comprised of an Extension Double-blind (DB) Lead in Period followed by an Extension Open-label (OL) Period) that will assess the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of PRAX 944 in participants aged 18 years or older who have a diagnosis of Essential Tremor (ET) and have had symptoms for at least 3 years.

Transcranial Ultrasound Therapy of Essential Tremor
Essential TremorContext. Essential tremor (ET) is a common disease, disabling in severe forms and resistant to drug treatment. In patients with severe ET, invasive neurosurgical technique such as deep brain stimulation of the Ventral Intermediate (VIM) nucleus of the thalamus is used. Focused ultrasound therapy, creating a small lesion of VIM represents an effective therapeutic alternative of low morbidity with the advantage of not requiring the opening of the skull and penetration into the brain. This therapy is performed under stereotactic guidance. Validation of the target before lesioning is done by testing the clinical effect by a gradual increase in temperature, resulting in tremor reduction. However, the gradual temperature increase in the targeting phase is suboptimal because it can decrease the efficiency of the lesioning procedure. The aim of this research project is to test an innovation of fundamental physics developed by the Langevin Institute, which would allow the reversible modulation of nerve tissue by ultrasonic waves without heating, to predict the effectiveness of treatment of the chosen target within the VIM before creating an irreversible lesion. Methodology: Fifteen patients with severe and resistant essential tremor will be included in the study. A multimodal MRI will be performed for target calculation using several targeting methods for VIM developed during step 1. For each target, the application of neuro-modulation by ultrasound will allow determine the effect obtained on the tremor (quantified with adequate clinical scales - as Tremor rating scale (CRST), and the recording of electromyographic activity of the upper limbs) and the absence of side effects. A definitive millimetric lesion will be performed at the level of the most relevant target in order to maintain the clinical effect obtained. The procedure will be controlled by thermal MRI sequences. Post-therapy clinical and MRI multimodal follow-up will take place on D1, D7, M1, M2, M3, M6, M12 and M24. Perspectives and Innovation: This project will test clinically the low intensity ultrasound neuromodulation jointly developed by the Langevin Institute and the Brain and Spine Institute ( ICM) in order to refine the targeting procedure of high intensity transcranial focused ultrasound therapy. In perspective, reversible neuromodulation performed in vivo in humans represents a considerable advance in the exploration and future treatment of neurological and psychiatric diseases such as depression. The translational collaboration between the physicists of the Langevin Institute, the ICM and the medical services of the Pitié-Salpêtrière guarantees the feasibility and quality of this first joint therapeutic trial.

A Study to Investigate the Efficacy and Safety of NT 201 (Botulinum Toxin) Compared With Placebo...
Essential Tremor of the Upper LimbThe purpose of this study is to determine whether a single treatment with administration of NT 201 (botulinum toxin) is superior to placebo (no medicine) for one-sided treatment of essential tremor in the arm (Unilateral Period). Participants will be assigned to the treatment groups by chance and neither the participants nor the research staff who interact with them will know the allocation. The following treatment cycle will investigate the safety and tolerability of two-sided treatment with NT 201 (botulinum toxin) (Open Label Bliaterial Period). All participants will receive NT 201 treatment.

Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Treatment of Essential Tremor
Essential TremorThe purpose of this study is to examine effects (good and bad) of gamma knife radiosurgery for essential tremor. The gamma knife places a small lesion in the brain to suppress tremors.

[18F] LBT-999 PET Compared to [123I]-FP/CIT SPECT to Distinguish Between Parkinson's Diseases and...
Parkinson DiseaseEssential TremorClinical study to demonstrate an at least equivalent performance of a new PET molecular Imaging radiopharmaceutical named [18F] LBT-999 in brain imaging compared to the SPECT reference method named [123I]-FP-CIT to establish the differential diagnosis between Parkinson's Disease and Essential Tremor.

Effects of Stimulation Patterns of Deep Brain Stimulation
Parkinson DiseaseEssential Tremor1 moreThe purpose of this study is to measure the effects of non-regular temporal patterns of deep brain stimulation (DBS) on motor symptoms and neural activity in persons with Parkinson's disease (PD), essential tremor (ET) or multiple sclerosis (MS). These data will guide the design of novel stimulation patterns that may lead to more effective and reliable treatment with DBS. These data will also enable evaluation of current hypotheses on the mechanisms of action of DBS. Improving our understanding of the mechanisms of action of DBS may lead to full development of DBS as a treatment for Parkinson's disease and may lead to future applications of DBS.

Study to Evaluate Safety and Efficacy of Peroneal Transcutaneous NeuroModulation in Subjects With...
Parkinson's DiseaseEssential TremorThis is a 6-week exploratory clinical study, designed to test whether treatment with peroneal electrical trans-cutaneous stimulation can have a beneficial effects on symptoms associated with Parkinson's diseases and essential tremor.

Effectiveness of Noninvasive Vagus Stimulation for Upper Extremity in Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson DiseaseUpper Extremity Dysfunction1 moreVagus nerve stimulation in the treatment of PD is a non-pharmacological intervention with the potential to improve gait, cognition, fatigue, and autonomic functions, but more evidence is needed for VSS in the treatment of PD. The potential mechanisms of VSS in the improvement seen in PD are explained by increased cholinergic transmission, decreased neuroinflammation, and enhanced NE release. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effects of non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation to be applied to patients with Parkinson's disease on tremor and vagus nerve activity in patients. The tremor and autonomic activations of the participants will be evaluated at pre and post treatment.

Bridging Gaps in the Neuroimaging Puzzle: New Ways to Image Brain Anatomy and Function in Health...
HealthyEpilepsy2 moreThe human brain presents outstanding challenges to science and medicine. Brain function and structure span broad spatial scales (from single neurons to brain-wide networks) as well as temporal scales (from milliseconds to years). Currently, none of the tools available for studying the brain can fully capture its structure and function across these diverse scales - "the neuroimaging puzzle". This poses crucial limitations to understanding how the brain works, and how it is affected by numerous diseases. The central goal of this project is to expand currently available tools for non-invasive human brain imaging, to bridge critical gaps in the neuroimaging puzzle. New methodologies will be developed, focused on ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging (UHF MRI) and its combination with electroencephalography (EEG). New contrast mechanisms and technological advances enabled by UHF MRI and EEG will be explored to allow unprecedented views into the microstructure of brain regions like the thalamus, and to capture the activity of large-scale neuronal networks in the brain with high sensitivity, temporal and spatial specificity. These advances will be directly applied to address open questions in the diagnosis and treatment of essential tremor, and psychosis. In general, improved brain imaging techniques are critical for a deeper understanding of how the brain works, and to detect and characterize diseases more effectively, thereby improving clinical management and leading to a healthier population. The non-invasive characterization and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases like tremor is particularly relevant to aging modern societies.